Leap Slam

Lwe1389 wrote:
Leap slams QOL could be improved a ton by doing something simple:

Rather than having the character walk towards the nearest point from which he can leap slam to the player's cursor, have leap slam cast at it's max range in the direction of the cursor, if that cursor happens to be outside of the leap range.

For instance:

Pretend this is a view from the side, and the curved line represents the height and trajectory of the leap

I should be able to cast leap slam or any movement skill (Flame Dash, lightning warp) at the very edge of my screen and still have it cast immediately even though my cursor is out of it's range.

I could be wrong, but isn't this the same as just holding shift while casting the ability (attack-in-place)?
Last edited by Avarus#6913 on Mar 17, 2017, 1:11:17 PM
@Lwe: the reason it works as it does is so you can actually target it where you want, instead of getting a "close enough" approximation if you happen to click outside Leap range.
Skills execute at the targeted location. If you don't want that, well...

@Avarus: Yep, that's what attack-in-place will accomplish :) It's why that function exists in the first place, even.

(technicality nitpick: Leap Slam is an attack, it doesn't have a "cast" point :P )
Yeah you're right Vipermagi - Leap Slam is an attack, have edited my post.
Last edited by Avarus#6913 on Mar 17, 2017, 2:26:34 PM
New player here, I was wondering why leap slam does not path around objects ? I might be doing something wrong, but atleast for me it is quite disruptive to the game flow. Scenario: I am merrily jumping around Jungle Valley killing mobs. Suddenly, a tree. I keep holding leap slam, but because there is a tree in front of me, I can't move. I have to manually walk the character around the tree, and then I can keep leaping. This behaviour is quite baffling for me, as I feel that expected outcome should be that my character walks past the obstacle, and then slams. If I was trying to slam out of the map or into untraversable terrain I would understand the stop and do nothing behaviour, but as it is I really can't.
Please don't make Flame Dash and Leap Slam target the point at maximum range when targeted out of range, as asked in this reddit thread. Keep it as-is, so the player walks forward and then jumps to the targeted point.

I mostly use Flame Dash and Leap Slam to jump to specific points. If I cast out of range, I don't want to jump to the next-best point; I want to jump to that exact point, even if I have to walk a bit to do it.

The functionality asked for in that reddit thread already exists; the player can do it by holding shift, currently giving Flame Dash and Leap Slam two functions (warp to exact point, and warp to furthest point in range). Making them work that way all the time will reduce them to having one function, removing the one that I mainly use them for.

Posting this in the feedback for both skills because it applies to both of them.
Commoble wrote:
Please don't make Flame Dash and Leap Slam target the point at maximum range when targeted out of range, as asked in this reddit thread. Keep it as-is, so the player walks forward and then jumps to the targeted point.

I mostly use Flame Dash and Leap Slam to jump to specific points. If I cast out of range, I don't want to jump to the next-best point; I want to jump to that exact point, even if I have to walk a bit to do it.

The functionality asked for in that reddit thread already exists; the player can do it by holding shift, currently giving Flame Dash and Leap Slam two functions (warp to exact point, and warp to furthest point in range). Making them work that way all the time will reduce them to having one function, removing the one that I mainly use them for.
We're well aware that we have a subset of players who want the standard, non-shift behaviour, as well as subset of players who want to always have the shift attack behaviour but don't want to use the key. I'm hopeful that we can eventually have a solution that satisfies both groups, without removing basic, useful functionality from such skills.
TheAnuhart wrote:
This is a workaround that didn't work in PoE for a long time but does now.

The reason it didn't work is that while having 'attack in place' toggled to on, you couldn't interact with objects/masters/WPs etc. At some point between now and a couple of years ago, this was changed.


Go to your options page.

Input tab.

Go to 'Attack in Place' (shift default) and reasign it to a Num Pad key. An easy example would be 0 on Num Pad.


Your Attack in Place is now bound to Num Pad 0

Hold down Num Pad 0, with it held down now press Num Lock. With both held down now release Num Pad 0 first then release Num Lock.

This should have toggled your attack in place to on.

You might need to try it a couple of times as your key may have been toggled to the secondary function.

Note, if you have special mouse keys assigned you might just need to press Num Lock alone afterwards to return them from, say arrow up to N3 if your actions changed their function.

The on toggle will remain through alt-tabs, zone changes, character changes and even log in screen. It is only reset if you actually close the game or manually reset it with the same actions that set it.

It would be so much easier if GGG would add in a separate setting option to always attack in place so your attack in place bind would then become a 'don't attack in place' if you used it. Basically reversing the function if you wish.

Casually casual.

Last edited by TheAnuhart#4741 on Aug 31, 2017, 11:43:41 PM
I'd love to have this configurable - in both directions. Take a look at the way League of Legends does this, for instance. There's toggles per skill to change between quick cast (cast immediately on button press) and standard cast (cast on release of button). There's also a key to hold to switch between the two modes. Something like this would be *ideal* for movement skills like these since you could easily access both modes and set your default to whichever one you use most.

Expressing this as two sets of keybindings would also work nicely. Then I could, say, bind 'q' to normal move and 'Q' to in-place to get the current behavior, or 'q' and 'a' to have a completely separate button.
So why is this the only movement skill where it's possible to take damage at your original location even when you are no longer there?
DerHuhnTeufel wrote:
So why is this the only movement skill where it's possible to take damage at your original location even when you are no longer there?

This doesn't happen. You're taking damage mid-air.

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