Leap Slam

Shase wrote:
It would also better diversify the spells so that AoE skills like cleave would be a far better choice in a close up situation. Like right now I'm using a 2 handed mace and leap slam is my main AoE attack. So with a mace cleave is not possible, but it doesn't even matter to me because I can just hop on the spot with leap slam and do massive aoe anyway without having to play any differently than I would if I took a sword and went cleave. Complimenting leap + cleave would feel better too.

It could also add to that feeling of "oh so many baddies! I'm gonna lure them into a big group and get a huuuge leap on their faces"
Did you completely miss the Ground Slam skill?

I do like what you mention about Leap Slam dealing damage in proportion to the distance jumped, but as Xapti said, this skill is currently only used to scale cliffs or avoid using stairs. The damage is terrible compared to cast time and AoE size. The %quality version of skill gem is a joke. Extra knockback? Is this serious? If anything the bonus should be Reduced Stun Threshold and Stun Duration. Or Increased AoE size. Honestly, the skill needs some work- regardless of the animation.
Haven't seen the ground slam skill yet. Im guessing it's much superior as an AOE damage ability, but I think that's all the more reason leap slam should be differentiated with varying damage for distance. Make it do huge damage with a big leap and small damage close. Maybe making leap slamming from a distance into mobs and then switching to ground slam a good combo.
Jumping over a wall adjusts the height of the marauders jump according to the Geometry, making the jump very inconsistent.

For example jumping over a gap makes me go to the other side but it happens in such a fashion:

whereas it should be:

I can't be the only one bothered...
over 9000 hours in MSpaint

I posted this somewhere else first but no-one bothered replying.
This skill is quite good, is already the key skill of my marauder, I hope that this skill can increase an attribute, the weight of equipment worn by the player to increase its attack power, after all, the weight of the different leading effect should be different.is not it?
Last edited by rogerchtd#5146 on Feb 6, 2012, 9:22:54 AM
All feedback after this point is for 0.9.6.
Balance & Design
I've just started building a fire Templar, with Avatar of Fire, Elemental Weapon damage and two handed damage passives. The skill that I love most with this build is Leap Slam (combined with Infernal Blow for singletons).

Now not only am I a white haired old dude smashing with huge hammers of fire, I'm actually a living meteor of doom falling from the sky to smash everything to fiery bits!

Mechanically, I don't think changing damage according to distance is a good idea. The skill is already pretty hard to use. For my build, most of the time it's 3-4 leap slams and a few Infernal Blows to clear a big wave. However, for really big waves, especially with mass archers and a boss, my health drops down fast, and missing a few slams really hurts, making me have to pop all my potions or go back and regroup or just dying. And since you're chased all the time, they're not always easy to hit, especially since archers regroup a lot. You can't always jump in the middle of them either, since you risk getting bursted to death.

It's true that I don't wear a shield, although I do plan on getting life,armor & resistance passives. Bottom line, placement and targeting are very important for this skill at my lvl, which makes it fun and challenging. I'm very strong but if I don't pay attention or play sloppy I'm still gonna die fast. As such I think that if you apply even more restrictions to the placement skill, forcing the player to jump long distances only, it will be even harder to use. Right now I jump long only when I want to get to a strayed mob fast to take it out. Most of my jumps are about medium distance so far, trying to hit mobs from the sides and kite them a bit at the same time to lower their numbers.

I don't know if the above applies to chaos, since I didn't get there yet, but I would love it if it would maintain the same balance. Maybe higher lvl players can comment on how overpowered/underpowered such a build is late game compared to others.

I think that if a skill is utility for most builds, and a fun main aoe dmg for specific builds, that's perfectly fine and should be kept this way.

So maybe other mods could be applied with distance - like stun chance on AOE. I think it makes more sense to take a big jump, stun the mobs then switch to cleave or sweep to clear them for a regular physical melee style.
The skill is quite slow when used for a short distance.
It's the same problem with the Goat Men (I guess they use the same skill), they float in the air if they are too close.

It would be nice to speed up the skill when used for a short distance, and maybe add a min distance to use the skill (to avoid renaming the skill "Frog Leap" :) )

A way to do that would be to split the scale in 3 part (but maybe you already do that), have a fast jump and fall, and an average curve speed.
During short jump, reduce the duration of that middle part, you would have a more dynamic skill, the character would jump fast in the air, and fall as fast. The 1st and 3rd part are based on sin bewteen 0 and PI.
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I just swapped cleave out for leap slam and did a chaos run. The skill seems fun to use, but the knockback is pretty weak from what I saw. That may change if you talent knockback with passive skills, something I may test. It seems like a small stun might be better, since there is a delay between attacks, and you are sitting in the middle of all the mobs. Damage seemed pretty decent, and my life leech worked fine with it.
The usefullness of this skill depends heavy on the gear.

As my marauder was good geared,compared to the enemy, the skill was just fun and 1-2 leapslam did a huge hole in the enemy line.

But now on end of mercilles, with lack of a new highdmg weapon and higher difficulty, this skill is just a selfkiller.
The stun is mostly to short and i take full dps.
The slow "traveltime" results into deaths.

To all who have dmg or deathproblems like me, just get better gear and this skill is fine.

English is my third language, there will be bugs.
Feedback after this point is for 0.9.7
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