Raise Spectre

I have noticed a glitch recently when using this skill, not sure if this has been brought up before. When in a battle with a bandit lord, after summoning a spectre they just stand around like a goon not attacking anything mid battle.
AnubisMan wrote:
I have noticed a glitch recently when using this skill, not sure if this has been brought up before. When in a battle with a bandit lord, after summoning a spectre they just stand around like a goon not attacking anything mid battle.

I've noticed that as well.
Should be fixed.
Hey Right now we are 3, yesterday i was Fighting Oak again and Raised one of his Dudes but somehow he was not doing anything and Oak was not able to kill him (also Oak was near Death and Spammed some Special Attacks against his former Dude, but missed?) my Other Minions killed him and that Raised Dude was Standing there not moving.

A little Review of this Skill

The Good(IMO)

They are Permanent like Zombies.

Few Mobs have nice Special that he can use.

They have ES if the Mob had ES.

The Bad(IMO)

They are MUCH Weaker than the Original Mob,
cause of that they Die Way to fast

Makes the Rare Mob into a Weak mob whit weaker stats and no like 3 Projectiles or HP Regen

You Can´t Raise Uniques (i can Understand that but... it would be Cool:)


Also for me are the Bad Points really Hard to see through it, cause i want Good Minions also in that State Specter is much weaker than my Skeletons, also its not like i want Overpowered Mobs but its always nice to have something Special that could save you some trouble.
Takahiro the Inferno Necromancer!
My Army of Death is Filled whit Tons of TNT:)!
I like this ability, but it's pretty buggy. Will be doing a big summoner writeup in the general feedback forum later.
Could somebody explain why you would use this, granted i have only used it on low levels it only seems useful in very rare cases. Why would i like to reanimate a white mob with 50% of a regular mobs combat stats when i have 10 other white mobs charging me? Ive found that reanimating necromancers is useful since it casts curses on enemies but thats about it.
Ive been noticing a few bugs with this spell over the past week of lvling up a Bow/Minion Shadow.

I have noticed some Spectre will just inf act stand there like otehrs have posted... but ive also seen this with regular mobs, it looks like they are doing nothing, but they make sounds like they are.

Ive noticed sometimes they follow you and sometimes they just wander around a little area that they were summoned, kinda like the skeletons(except the skellies never seem to follow you)

And the most annoying glitch ive found to be is if you raise a mob that has a skill of any kind it seems there is a chance they will cast that as soon as they are raised, but they cast it at you.
Ive had this happen with Necros-he got raised and cursed me and my army of other minions,.
Ive had this happen with the Gorillas, raised one and he pounded his chest and made a bunch of monkeys come down from the trees and attack me, at first I thought they were going to be freindly since it was my spectre that did it, but no they were hostile. After the first initial cast they seem to be fine, the necro went on to curse my enemies and the gorilla went on to fight the freinds he summoned... but something to definetly look into.
I really wanna see a way to make the passive bonuses to minions show on the gems or character tab, because I don't really know how much the passives actually benefit my minions overall.
IGN: Rustet
maybe summon them at full life with lower damage, but have them lose hp in a downward arc that cumulative. Say for instance they have 100% hp. Each second they lose 2% hp just for existing. Every ten seconds after the first ten seconds they lose another 2% on top of that, and so on and so forth. it would prevent stacking regen, give them durability to tank, and kinda seems fitting.

This could be shown and by giving them an aura that looks like they are decomposing/dripping.
My brother used this to raise an ape chieftain today. From what I could tell, the ape chieftain used his summon monkey ability, but the summoned monkeys were hostile! The summoned monkeys ought to have been friendly! Why else would you raise an ape chieftain except for the possibility of monkeys?
Prestigious wrote:
AnubisMan wrote:
I have noticed a glitch recently when using this skill, not sure if this has been brought up before. When in a battle with a bandit lord, after summoning a spectre they just stand around like a goon not attacking anything mid battle.

I've noticed that as well.
Should be fixed.

I encountered this bug in the Oak fight the other day. I raised two spectres and they just stood there.

Raising Vaal Construct spectres in the temple is one of the most amusing things I've done in the game! BUT the spectre projectiles look like hostile fire. I found having green projectiles whizzing in all directions confusing. Any chance spectre projectiles could be the same blue color as the spectre itself?

In general I find there isn't much point to raising a melee specter. They seem to die really fast. The skill only feels useful when you raise something ranged.

As Jurble mentioned, Ape Chieftain spectres need to be looked at. They don't fight for you. Instead they call hostile monkeys.

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