Raise Spectre
" Thanks for the reply. So are you certain these effects do not affect your other minions (Zombies and Skeletons)? I'm BACK :)
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" extremely sure. this gem is NOT a support gem. it summons spectres not other minion types. the speed boost was needed for the golem, zombie, skeleton, and bear mobs. the damage and life penalties are less than before so players don't have to worry about which creature they turn into a ghost. of course smart choices still seem to be the ranged mobs. |
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I am a pure summoner, and 2 ranged spectres with additional life and additional damage seems to be overpowered. As stated before, I never raise slow moving or low life minions, I only raise ranged minions. Skeleton archers or the humanoid archers in the Act 2 western forest are perfect examples for it. They never die in a massive crowd of summoned skeletons (right now 7), summoned zombies (right now 6) and me (right now 1).
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I don't understand, I see all types of guides and discussions about raising multiple Spectre's (like up to 5 I believe) where as within the passive skills I can only seem to find one slot that will grant a total of 2 minions... Did they change this so you can only have 2 now? Or am I totally missing something? I know there is the unique want that will grant a third one, but still how do people come to 5? I feel like this is some old stuff.
$bestGameEver = new Game(POA);
$everyThingElse = new Array( D2, D3, TL2, DS3, GD, TQ ); for($time=0; $time<infinity+1, $time++){ ░░░░$bestGameEver.own($everyThingElse); } $everyThingElse.lose(); |
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"please check dates and patch notes, most recent thread posts are up to date. currently you can have a max of 4 spectres, +1 from passive then +1 from two different uniques. |
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" an year later, this skill still useless. IGN QTCRZ
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I'm afraid I'm with the crowd who find Spectres to be very useful. I see no problem with them.
The best Raise I found is the Necromancers. I wish I could raise necromancers on every map. I picked up two in the Chamber of Sins and they both lasted the entire quest. They can't raise anything but they constantly curse any enemies you come across. For me the Chamber of Sins is consistently my biggest die potential area, but with two necromancers in tow it felt like a doddle and the various monsters dropped like flies. I think people who disrespect the Spectres are people who simply haven't put the time in to experiment with which Spectres most benefit their play-style. I'm a nearly pure level 60 Summoner and therefore learnt to use them properly. I have no issue at all with Spectres and find them fun and rewarding. I wouldn't play a character who's only summons was a Spectre, I think they are a bonus for specialist summoners rather than an alternative to either Zombies or Skeletons. |
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that if you use this on a rare monster, it spawns a spectre of that basic type of monster with none of the special bonuses, right?
I believe this skill is broken on the side of weak right now, when it should be a signature little skill. Spectres look cool, being able to raise monsters of your choice is cool, so why let it be a weak skill? Are its current numbers based on some vestigial form of the skill that did work on rares? It's excellent at being weak without bonus multipliers, as it should be, but maybe could use a bump at the top. Maybe it could get +50% or +100% to its modifiers. "Minions get +10% life" giving it +15-20 instead. Anyway, my primary complaint is they don't even survive as well as Raised Zombies, and that makes it feel like a waste of a skill slot. If I could make one change to this skill, it would be to put life regeneration on these guys. Last edited by LimitedRooster#5890 on Oct 31, 2012, 11:56:35 PM
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"The strength of spectres is in getting to use the monsters' abilities - it can be very powerful, but requires you to pick which monsters are best to raise. "No, Raise spectre has never, and almost certainly will never raise rare monsters - that's exclusively the special thing about Dominating Blow. "This is intended. Zombies are the tough meatshields, spectres should not be as survivable as them. | |
Technically, it is the skeletons that are the meat shields currently, while the zombies are the fragile muscle wrapped inside their cushiony goodness.
Spectres typically have little to offer. Some damage at range so you don't have to be concerned with over-saturating the front line inside a dungeon further. Maybe an additional chance of Burning, Shock or Frost if you're lucky. What they generally don't bring, and this actually helps contribute to the overall strength of a minion army in general (as only one minion is getting hit by a monster at a time), is contribute AoE. You have some bears with a modest Death Aura on them, but by and large meaningful AoE tends to only show up on suicide monsters and bosses. Anyway, I'm just a +1 to the "I saw I was only allowed one additional one from the skill grid when I started to play. I knew it was an end-game summoner skill. I was expecting a lot. Finally got the skill, used it to raise a guy, was pretty happy about how it looked; and then was massively let down" column. Last edited by LimitedRooster#5890 on Nov 1, 2012, 12:56:55 AM
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