Warlord's Mark
"that is normal (now), re-read the effects carefully to find out why. |
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Anyone knows how "additional x% chance to be Stunned" works? Does it scale with curse on hit?
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I would like to see change in description. It always confuses me. You can only hit that what you can miss and spells never miss only attacks so i assume that warlord mark does not work with spells. Also there are life gain on hit and mana gain on hit effects that works with only attacks.
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Said Life/Mana Gain on Hit modifiers explicitly state they only apply to Attacks. Warlord's does not, and unsurprisingly it's not limited to Attacks only.
Spells can miss if you fire them off in the wrong direction. Also relevant: Spells do land Hits, and they do trigger Warlord's Leech. |
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1. Does this skill gives a bonus to flask charges gained (still says it does in wiki) because i don't see it in the description of the gem in-game.
2. One thing that still is unclear to me is how to classify the bonus stun chance. Is it the same modifier as Reduced Stun Threshold so it counts towards the 150% Reduced Stun Threshold cap or is it a completely different value that sits on top of that 150% cap? 3. Does increased curse effectiveness bonuses (from curse on hit or from passives) apply to the life\mana leech part of the skill? In the same manner do act\map bosses decrease the listed amount of life\mana leech since they have innate curse resistance 60%-70% ? |
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"1) game says its not there, and that is correct. wiki can be edited by anyone, but it has to be maintained. it likely was forgotten. although i swore all charge generating curses also grant flask charge boost too... 2a) block and stun recovery reduction can be translated as a multiplier to the stun duration. our stuns last a value similar to ES recovery's math (100/[1+mod]) longer. 2b) the 10% stun chance is a flat percentage boost, kind of like the curse for added crit chance. however the exact workings might need a dev help due to the diminishing returns after 75% threshold comes into play on chance calculation. 2b) what is this cap you speak of? there is only a soft cap of 75% (mentioned above), we can get FAR more than that value in threshold, just depends on the access and rolls. 3) it is separate but similar mod. similar to #2a's answer, but because the curse effect mod is on you then it is on the foe, the game does things in two steps. just like your increased damage (dealt) vs thier increased damage taken. just like on vulnerability curse. |
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This is such a good utility curse now, great for almost any build. Dual leech and endurance charge on kill are both really nice bonuses, especially on a spellcaster build that would otherwise find it difficult to obtain leech/endurance. You don't need to be running a stun build to benefit from the stun enhancement, either - it massively reduces the damage threshold at which you can stun stuff, which can be very potent defensively if you have a big AoE attack.
Last edited by Incompetent#3573 on Dec 26, 2014, 9:54:13 PM
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The +stun chance is REALLY excellent, especially for a build that does small amounts of damage very quickly.
Case in point: I have an Incinerate build that uses Warlord's Mark as a way to improve mana recovery, and I was pleasantly surprised to see enemies being stunned, even though I only hit them for tiny fractions of their total hitpoints on any one hit (my DPS comes from a very fast cast rate: 16.4 casts per second, with each cast launching 5 projectiles) It occurs to me that a build that can get the chance to stun from this curse to above 20% could permastun just about anything with an extremely high rate of fire. Going to tinker with the math for a minute and see if it's possible. EDIT: A level 21 Warlord's Mark yields a 15% chance to stun, so coupling it with a 20% quality Curse on Hit gem, both of the 6% Curse Effect nodes, and the Skittering Runes node, you get a 20.1% chance to stun, which means any amount of damage could stun. A build (like an incinerator) which attacks extremely quickly could use this stunning ability as an extremely potent defense against enemy attacks. EDIT2: There's also Dying Breath of course, if you want to get this going sooner and don't mind having a two-handed weapon that does little except boost your curses. Last edited by Damon_Tor#7391 on Jan 5, 2015, 8:28:25 AM
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" So I went ahead and bought a level 21 Warlord's Mark gem, and I shuffled around my Incinerator build to accommodate the extra curse effect nodes, to see how this would function in gameplay. Rogue Exiles appear to be stunlocked, though act bosses (I fought Merciless Dominus for testing) were not. They might have some kind of stun protection though, unsure. |
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" I overlooked the fact that act bosses/map bosses have a 70/60% reduced curse effect modifier, which means all my 34% increased curse effect is doing is cutting into that protection, which means my curse is actually giving them a 9.6/11.1 % chance to be stunned, not anywhere near enough to get that magic 20% threshold. Too bad. |
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