Chance to Ignite

Last edited by Zindax#3620 on Jan 25, 2014, 11:14:45 AM
I am VERY DISAPPOINTED since I read that burn got nerfed.

It got changed from 4x33% to 4x20%

WTF is this?!?

Why did burns damage get reduced by 40%(!!!)

Very sad as my fireball elemental proliferation build makes no sense now...

I dont understand it. If Ignite had GOOD supportgems and more skillpassive(chance to ignite) I could understand it but currently you have to invest MUCH TOO MUCh in order to START igniteing. Also there are no possibilities for investing into ignite. Ok increased burning damage is strong, but there is no good way to get chance to ignite and sacrificing 1 gem for consistant burning sounds not well compared to other builds where 1 skillgem increases total damage by +50%..

Very bad change in my opinion.

I mean... FOURTY PERCENT?!???

If anybody can tell me a viable pure ignite build now, please tell me.

Good that I only invested into a 20% fireball. Actually I planned on buying a searing touch and a kaoms heart, but now I will stay with my current build and not try other stuff out.

Relating more to topic:

Chance to ignite is useless now. Why would you want to ignite enemies?

Burn DPS is too low now even for a dedicated burn build.

With searing touch and skills your burn damage is increased from 100 to 250%, so burn ticks for 50%/sec

This is just pathetic as the initial hit does 100% ~2x a second.(0,5 sec casttime)

So basically a >dedicated< burn increases overall singletargetDPS by 20%?

Those +20% more damage need:

-searing touch
-chance to ignite(1 skillslot)
-5 skillpoints
(- another skillslot for increased burning damage)

Thats just sad.

I really hope I made a mistake in my consideration...

PS.: Not to forget that "increased burning duration" is the worst one of all status ailment secondary boni...

Did GGG really screw burn damage just because it maybe is imbalanced on flame blast?
Last edited by ExiledRenor#3596 on May 6, 2014, 3:55:54 PM
ExiledRenor wrote:
I am VERY DISAPPOINTED since I read that burn got nerfed.
It got changed from 4x33% to 4x20%
WTF is this?!? Why did burns damage get reduced by 40%(!!!)

Completely and utterly ignoring that Burn Damage now also benefits from a ton more modifiers. Igniting with Fireball's AoE adds generic Increased Damage, Fire Damage, AoE Damage (hello Concentrated Effect), Projectile Damage, and Elemental Damage, on top of Increased Burning Damage. Additionally, they added passives that directly improve Damage over Time potency.
Completely and utterly ignoring that Burn Damage now also benefits from a ton more modifiers. Igniting with Fireball's AoE adds generic Increased Damage, Fire Damage, AoE Damage (hello Concentrated Effect), Projectile Damage, and Elemental Damage, on top of Increased Burning Damage. Additionally, they added passives that directly improve Damage over Time potency.

I kept all of this in mind, except the improved damage over time passives, there you have a point.

Other damage modifier are pretty useless because of the math.

If I already have +300% combined spelldamage, adding projectile damage or elementaldamage does not do much.

Adding 50% increased projectile damage to 400% damage is also just +12,5%...

So in my case Fireball does

700 basedamage
+300% (combined increased damage)
2800 damage
*1,7 (concentrated effect)

Burndamage 20%/sec
+200% (searing touch + passives + Dot)

4800@0,5 vs 2900@1 means Dot increases damage by 30%

Ofc you got the insane AOE but now lets compare it with ICE NOVA

200 + 100 base damage(added colddamage @100% efficiency)
+300% (combined increased damage)
1200 damage
*1,7 (concentrated effect)

So Ice nova does 2050@0,5 while burn damage does 2900@1

Now its VERY DIFFICULT to compare those damage types properly, as I neglected number of support slots(pretty sure that fire needs 1-2 more slots) Just think about "chance to ignite" and "elemental proliferation" which basically do nothing in terms of damage numbers.

But what you can see on my calculation is, that a 6linked ice nova will do ~40% more damage than a ~8 linked(theoretical) fireball, not requiring a unique, requiring less skillpoints and have more survivability.(shield!)
Not to forget that Icenova STUNG and chills and probably has bigger AOE.

My conclusion: Its not possible to get a competitive and consistant AOE burn anymore. (fireball and fire arrow)

Not to forget that I did the math HEAVILY IN FAVOUR for fireball(while ice nova also has ~2 supportslots more) The +200% burn damage is actually utopical for my planned build, as it would lose so much other stats for going east in the skilltree.
Only argument is the single target damage, but as I said: AOE burn is dead.

Only exception is fireblast. I guess this skill ruined it... Why not let burndamage at 4x33% and change the quality of fireblast to AOE? Why remove the possibilities of 2+ buils just because of 1 new gem?
Giving fireblast burn is COUNTERCLOGICAL.
Last edited by ExiledRenor#3596 on May 7, 2014, 1:43:15 AM
ExiledRenor wrote:
If I already have +300% combined spelldamage, adding projectile damage or elementaldamage does not do much.

Burning Damage does not benefit from any of that Spell Damage though - it does benefit from the Projectile Damage.

ExiledRenor wrote:
Not to forget that I did the math HEAVILY IN FAVOUR for fireball(while ice nova also has ~2 supportslots more) The +200% burn damage is actually utopical for my planned build, as it would lose so much other stats for going east in the skilltree.

200% Increased Damage is not particularly exceptional. You get 90-110% from The Searing Touch alone :/ You also again ignore Conc's effect on your Burn Damage entirely, after I explicitly mentioned it applies.

You don't seem to get it. The Burning Damage benefits from Conc, Increased Fire/Elemental/etc. Damage. This is on top of the initial Fireball hit benefiting from these modifiers.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on May 7, 2014, 6:54:17 AM
Hi I got one MB dump question but, if I use Cleave supported by Chance to ignite gem and my weapons do fire DMG will I get that bonus chance to ignite from this gem? Also when I get RT can I still ignite thanks chance to ignite passives? Last question is, if I link fire pen to my Cleave with fire damage dealing weapons will I get penetration for that fire damage?
Yes. As long as you deal Fire Damage, you can Ignite enemies.
Yes. RT only prevents Crits - Chance to Ignite is not a Crit.
Yes. Works for any Fire Damage you deal with the linked Skill.
Vipermagi wrote:
Yes. As long as you deal Fire Damage, you can Ignite enemies.
Yes. RT only prevents Crits - Chance to Ignite is not a Crit.
Yes. Works for any Fire Damage you deal with the linked Skill.
Thank you sir!
I was, until yesterday, using CurseOnHit setup with Herald of Thunder, Assassins Mark and Blind, which was working flawlesly.

However, i changed Blind gem with Chance to Ignite gem hoping Herald of Thunder will autocurse enemies with Assassins Mark and ignite them, but that's not happening. Blind was working as intended, but Chance to Ignite doesn't ignite enemies.

Am i doing something wrong? I also have Herald of Ash turned on, which adds fire damage, so I guess it should work. Or not?

edit: so, I found answers reading the forums. Basically, chance to ignite works only in correlation with linked gems that do fire dmg?
If that is so, logically, CTI gem should work with HOT, as thunders can ignite fire IRL, right? :)
【ツ】 MaryJane's Coffee Shop! 【ツ】
Last edited by otpadnik69#7757 on May 15, 2015, 11:02:32 AM
Ignite deals Fire Damage per Second based on the amount of Fire Damage you dealt. If the Ignite would deal zero damage, it is not applied. Deal zero Fire Damage -> no Ignite for you.
If you manage to get +Fire Damage on your Herald of Thunder (Added Cold and Cold to Fire Supports, for example), it'll Ignite enemies.

Using real world logic is silly. Herald of Thunder wouldn't deal Lightning Damage, it would apply heart failure. *shrug*

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