Chance to Ignite
"Sure, it might not reach D2 Plague Javelin, but it's workable" is how we got here :P Burning Damage is a whole lot more powerful than Plague Jav (Plague Jav was literally useless in Hell unless you had a crapton of wealth to spend on -Enemy Psn Res; in PoE, you just need Mana for it).
"Also it's worth noting that while against resistant mobs, stacking resist drops is the best, against enemies where penetration alone results in 0 resists or lower, Vulnerability would have a greater effect on burn damage, though not on initial damage and thus not on total burn, as well." Vulnerability is basically never worth it. 100 damage, as per usual. 40% Resist on the monster. Vuln, FPen and Flamm are all 40% modifiers. With Vuln and FPen, the initial hit is against 0%, the Burn against 40%: 100 initial damage, Burn for (100/3)*0.6*1.4 = 28 DPS Let's say that I'm wrong about FPen, and the Burn does benefit (somehow): 100 initial damage, Burn for (100/3)*1.4 = 47 DPS With FPen and Flamm, the initial hit is against -40%, Burn against 0%. 140 initial damage, Burn for (140/3) = 47 DPS If the Burn does benefit from FPen when using Vuln and not when using Flamm, they're equal. That's how weak Vuln is for Burn damage. Numbers against 80% and 0% resists in the spoiler tag:
100 damage, 80% resists. 40% modifiers.
Vuln/FPen: 60 initial damage, Burn for (60/3)*0.25*1.4 = 7 DPS Vuln/FPen if I'm wrong: 60 initial damage, Burn for (60/3)*0.6*1.4 = 17 DPS Flamm/FPen: 100 initial damage, Burn for (100/3)*0.6 = 20 DPS 100 damage, 0% resists. 40% modifiers. Vuln/FPen: 140 initial damage, Burn (140/3)*1.4 = 65 DPS Vuln/FPen if I'm wrong: 140 initial damage, Burn (140/3)*1.4*1.4 = 91 DPS Flamm/FPen: 180 initial damage, Burn (180/3)*1.4 = 84 DPS Flamm/FPen if I'm wrong: 180 initial damage, Burn (180/3)*1.8 = 108 DPS Then there's the fact that Flammability also adds Ignite chance and can reduce resists a little further (I've been using a lv11 Flamm here). If you're only ever using one Curse, then Vuln would be better against 125%-res monsters. Then again, simply pummeling the monster would be more effective since you're trying to Burn it against 75% resists. Curses are expensive, but if you want a lot of Burn damage, they are the way to go. |
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think efficiency and maximization are the points of this topic spiral for burning, gotten out of hand. efficiency is clearly debatable but maximization isn't, just go full 3 res reductions for burning.
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which monsters(bosses?) go into flee mode when ignited?
edit: found answer on wiki Last edited by Horvath#6575 on Jan 29, 2013, 9:50:03 PM
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How does Chance to Ignite work with Molten Shell? Does the Chance to Ignite only take place when Molten Shell blows up and deals damage? Or can just being attacked when you have the shell on cause a monster to ignite and take Fire damage?
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Molten Shell does not deal Thorns damage, and adding Chance to Ignite does not change that behaviour.
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Does anyone know if the Ignite DoT reflects on Elemental Reflect monsters?
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Reflect only works on Hits. Damage over Time does not Hit.
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" You are my man. Thanks. |
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I have a bit of a question about the terminology of igniting/burning.
I'm a little confused as to why the word "ignite" was chosen to refer to "inflicting the burning status effect". It seems like it would have been more consistent to simply use "burning", "burn", and "burnt" rather than "burning", "ignite", and "ignited" I notice that the passives in the dex area that used to give a chance to avoid burning now read "chance to avoid being ignited". Or maybe I'm remembering it wrong? I can only assume that this is an attempt to distinguish between the burning status effect, and burn damage from other sources that have been added to the game over time, like fire trap or righteous fire. Assuming this was the intention, would it be correct to say that:
? If the above statements are true, then perhaps the quality bonus on Chance to Ignite, Elemental Proliferation, and anything else that refers to increased Burn duration should be changed to say increased Ignite duration instead. Otherwise some people could think that these modifiers apply to things like the duration of fire trap's burning ground. Although I am aware that fire trap's burning does not have a duration (only the AoE that applies the burning does), it could easily be misconstrued. Last edited by Malice#2426 on Feb 15, 2013, 4:18:59 AM
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Well the increased burn duration stuff specifies increased burn duration ON ENEMIES. Fire Trap and Righteous Fire don't inflict burn on enemies, they inflict it in an aoe and if enemies happen to enter that area they're affected but technically the fire trap ground thingie is a burn on enemies, it's a burn on the ground(or whatever). So I guess it works out.
I think they kept burn for the ignite because they have the passives that increase burning damage(and searing touch for example) and those work on both ignite burns and firetrap/rf burns. It's a bit confusing but mostly makes sense. |
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