Map drops - assessment of 2.0.0, and changes coming in 2.0.2

NetmanQ wrote:
And what am i supposed to do until next week? Waste my maps knowing the drops gonna increase? Releasing this statemnt a week before patch was a huge mistake

You have a point, but I think it was important to let us know things are going to change, considering the number of complaints (voiced, imagine those that don't bother to post - many more i guess!).
Don't worry too much, knowing GGG I imagine the buff will be slight and probably just focused on the 75-79 range, its probable they think 80+ is at the most deserving of the tiniest of changes.
Last edited by Drakkon1#0467 on Aug 12, 2015, 6:10:10 AM
What about Zana's dailies?
These are very important for the casual part of the playerbase, which are likely to only play these most of the time.
Are we going to remain stuck with the crappy lvl 74 maps or are we going to get the higher levels back?
Holocaustus wrote:
Aim_Deep wrote:

So? If a player can run 82s whats the problem of him sustaining them?

A gray 82 map is only marginally harder than a gray 79, the difficulty comes from the mods you roll and so GGG try to force you to roll hard mods by tying map drops to map IQ

That. I love the new system, and i'm pretty sure everyone will enjoy it once they got used to it. People whined at release because "leveling is longer" (which was incorrect, you just needed to planify better and to buy stuff one act earlier), "leveling to 100 is impossible" (thanks etup) "casters without armour are dead cuz overtuned phy damage" (dan, first kill uber in tempest killing the trio with a Block armourless build. I guess he handle roah too, what a men). If there is a lesson to keep in mind, it is that the community will always complain, and even propose solution they do not actually want to see in this game.
Once every one will take good habits, doing chisle/chaos recipe, invest a lot of currencies on map like players in tempest do, i'm pretty sure the "wall" will be no more. I hope the fix to be slight and risky, like increasing drop chance of map by boss influenced by map iq.
Last edited by Selath#4894 on Aug 12, 2015, 6:59:40 AM
Well, Heres to a week(ish) of me playing other games so im not wasting my maps.
Snorkle_uk wrote:
this is a game, it is supposed to be fun and challenging. If you gate fun and challenging content so that players either cant access it or have to spend 10 hours running shit, no fun, no challenge content for every hour of proper content they are allowed to access then guess what? You have a shit game and people are going to say hey, enough of this shit game I quit.

Weve been telling you that for 2 and a half years and I just hope that one of these days you actually get it while you still have a player base.







Right about now GGG devs are pulling statistics showing 99% of population stood in A1N browsing Game being played, no problem here.
Casually casual.

It's reassuring to see that you see what we see and are taking steps to correct it with the data you have (smoothing out the 74-75 wall). However there is one more thing which I feel would improve the map experience a lot, and that is some kind of map drop floor.

This feature has been requested many times in the past, both by me and others, and I recently saw it highlighted on State of Exile.

To clarify this is not asking to dumb down or make the map progression that much easier, it would be a cosmetic change mostly. No one wants to see a 79 map return anything lower than a 75 map. It is just utterly demoralizing. I know this can be compared to many other aspects of the game, such as crafting, and yet mapping is the main endgame activity. Crafting is optional.

To have maps organized into tiers like this would also fit in with the new mods and map tier progression (which was a great addition). Obviously you would need to readjust drop rates to keep a certain difficulty in progressing, but overall it would result in a much more consistent and fun mapping experience. I think a -4 or -5 drop floor would be suitable.
IGN : Jovial
Last edited by yhateful#2635 on Aug 12, 2015, 7:34:55 AM
Selath wrote:
"casters without armour are dead cuz overtuned phy damage" (dan, first kill uber in tempest killing the trio with a Block armourless build. I guess he handle roah too, what a men)

He is using Coil with PoL, yea, armourless... rest of your examples have similar value.

Especially this one is quite funny for me:

Selath wrote:
you just needed to [...] buy stuff one act earlier

Anticipation slowly dissipates...
Last edited by tmaciak#3784 on Aug 12, 2015, 7:42:12 AM
73-74 maps is what my entire map pool has been reduced too.

It's incredibly discouraging running a 77+ map and receiving 68 map drops.

please increase the drop rate of 74+ maps.
IGN: Standard League - Dark_Captain
Qarl wrote:

Many players have expressed concerns that they hit a wall around level 74 or level 75. The statistics bear this out, and vividly show us there is a problem. There is a serious bump of maps being run at level 73, more than at level 72, and then a solid dive at level 74. This is partially due to level 74 being where the harder mods kick in. The harder mods can be discouraging.

Partially wrong.
I would do these harder mods all day long if you would give me the currency to roll them.
The discouraging factor is the currency cost, not the difficulty.

I ran about twenty 160%/15-40% packsize maps, which cost me about 3 exalteds, and i didnt get jackshit in return (neither currency wise, nor map wise).

You need to increase the ROI (currency wise) on hard maps, and im not talking about ROI through means of trading.
I am talking about something that is reliable. Another vendor recipe for example.

The player should feel discouraged by the potential difficulty, not the currency cost.
Last edited by gh0un#3019 on Aug 12, 2015, 7:51:31 AM
Qarl wrote:
Alexlulz wrote:
Is data rly enogh to balance around it? I think a key thing u missed is the problem that LOWLVL maps dropp in 79+ I have never felt a more frustrating feeling in Poe then getting 68-75 maps in a 80-82 map it feels worse then eteranL/exalting I hope a person that actually plays the game @GGG can tell u more about it its disgusting feeling.

The stats aren't all we use. In fact the staff in GGG who run live maps were of the opinion that there would not be a literal wall, it was mostly play style.

In this case the stats, said, no, there is a real problem that needs addressing.

With leagues like tempest and warbands, having a stock of low level maps is a good thing, and in general as someone who levels alts I like having a wide selection of maps to choose from. If you can get level 1 weapon bases in a 80 map, I don't see why you shouldn't get 68 maps. That being said, rusted swords are not nearly the most common base in maps.
CharanJaydemyr:some people need to really rethink how they spend their money....I will trash this item if I ever find it on principle...I've seen much cleverer "troll" items get turned down, so I guess GGG gave up trying to enforce that one. Not GGG's finest hour.

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