[3.0]PewPewPews Official Cheap Firestorm Build - Perfect for Newcomers/SSF
I don't know if i will be able to cap my resi than, but wouldn't it be nice to use the 2 Rings Essence Worm and Redblade Band for the Golem and the Anger Aura? Last edited by Slowdice6#7294 on Mar 7, 2016, 4:04:17 AM
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Thanks for this build. It is absolutely amazing. I feel so powerful even in merc with the shittest of shit gear.
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@mabsens: I'm still testing, but it seems we can ditch the 3 dragons if we take Elementalist. I might make that the main ascendancy of this build. Because as it stands now, all three ascendancys seemed to work for us! I'll keep you updated!
@Rzarazor49: You don't. They are crazy good, but the damage from the elementalist tree just seems to out do it. Especially with Elemental flux. I will be testing the different trees for a bit coming days, I'll be sure to post my final verdict here :) @sliverlz For leveling, it's fine. But once you hit late cruel/begin merciless, it will mostly start lagging on lower end pcs. @Kyr_Un As far as I've seen, it works! @MadRabbitPoE: I'm testing elemental overload at this moment, but for now, I'm not really positive about it. The damage increase is huge, but does not occur often. It might be different end game, so I'll keep testing it. @Slowdice6: Should be fine. You will need to find better rares, but capping should still be possible. -- So the more I play ascendancy, the more I see options to improve the build. As it is now, it should still work great, but I might be changing a few things, like the tree, gear etc. I don't think any change should be major, but do keep a few respec points for when I do! I'll keep you updated :) I am a nice guy.
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Love the build so far. Up to act 2 Merciless and everything has been simply melting since Cruel.
Elementalist is where it's at, decided on picking up Liege of the Primordial before Shaper of Desolation. Once I got Shaper of Desolation I noticed my damage has skyrocketed; but Liege of the Primordial though is a huge (40% + 15~20%) damage boost it's hard not to pick it up. I was lucky and got a Tabula so I'm running Firestorm - Faster Cast - Controlled Destruction (with Shaper of Destruction keeping up shock this is amazing) - Spell Echo - Fire Penetration (likely don't even need this while leveling) - Reduced Mana (hard to sustain mana while leveling without this one); leveling has been a breeze and I don't see myself slowing down any time soon. Something that I've added is Orb of Storms with PCoC and Increased AoE, this works for getting Elemental Overload to proc and gets some power charges as well which never hurts. I'm interested to see how this works in maps and higher end gameplay. I think this gem combo could open up some new possibilities. If it works out and I'm able to keep up Power Charges I might pick up the Spell Damage per Power Charge skill point that we're right next to. I have a question though and that is while grouping my friends don't really care for the spamming because not only does it lag; it also creates a ton of clutter so they can't see monster spell effects and whatnot. Is there a gem that I can swap in for Firestorm just for parties, that works with this build? I'm thinking Flameblast or maybe Fireball. Something that still does decent damage with our tree without causing performance issues. Also, have you given any thought to pick up Whispers of Doom for an additional curse? It could open up a ton of new possibilities and flexibility for mapping being able to swap in two Curses for various situations. |
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I really hope that turns out to be the case with Elementalist. I haven't played around with it yet, but this build would be hilariously powerful for being fully self-found if the three dragons is dropped as a requirement.
I'm also with cyber regarding the firestorm performance and clutter. Would love if there were an option buried in an ini somewhere to turn off all effects except the ground impact shadows. Last edited by ℝelysis#6701 on Mar 7, 2016, 9:51:29 AM
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" I just picked it up last night and trust me, it is. Without the Three-Dragons you are able to shock 100% of the time when it procs and once it procs I can sustain it till I stop killing mobs. I think the overlooked benefit also is being able to use Controlled Destruction and not relying on crits to get the Shocked status on mobs. Pair that with the new Elemental Overload and it's a ton of damage. |
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cyberklepto: I'd say Flameblast. While the duration does nothing for it, from all the fire spells, that one profits most of this tree.
Little update: I'm quite positive towards elemental overload now. While it doesn't proc often, the times it does, the damage is noticable. Combined with a Sulphur flask, you can get quite insane damage outputs. I burst down most bosses insanely fast, if it procs. Orb of Storms with PCoC is there fore also very interesting - though, we only summon it just in front of us, meaning if we want to make good use out of it, we have to move closer to the enemy, which will severely reduce the effectiveness of our meatwall. Plus, I also have to wonder how Orb of storms interacts with Crits. Is it just like the firstorm that the crit counts for each cast, or will each bolt have it's own crit chance? I am a nice guy.
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Could you post a link to the elementalist tree as well? I have no idea at which point you get which amount of points for the tree and am a bit scared of messing it up since it sounds like it costs quite a bit more to refund those than the normal tree.
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" I'll give Flameblast a shot; thanks for helping decide. I found the new unique mana flask, http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Zerphi%27s_Last_Breath and I've been using the Silver Flask (grants onslaught). Putting the two together is really good for survivability if things get too hairy. With regards to Orb of Storms, I think each bolt gets it's own crit; at least this is the behavior I have noticed. Truthfully I haven't even cast it too much outside of boss fights because mobs die in a cast or two of Firestorm so it's hard to get a good feel for the impact Orb of Storms has. I look forward to pushing the limits of it when I start mapping. Also, if you add increased AoE on top of the AoE nodes it has a decent range. It acts like arc so you only need one mob to be a conduit and spread the bolts to the rest so you don't need to be in too much danger. Can always add increased duration (4 link, with PCoC and Increased AoE), and drop it near a mob then move away. |
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@Ignatius256: Right now I'm thinking about this. Keep in mind, it might change!
@cyberklepto: I've been thinking about using that flask, but I feel it's not really beneficial for maps. The flask I have open for mana needs to be a flask that you can rely on(if you can't curse a boss, or HoT isn't triggering). It might be good instead of one of the life flasks, but I really want to keep those as they are: One for the minions, and one panic flask. The last two flasks of choice are either a quicksilver or the silver flask(Haven't found one yet myself)and a Sulphur Flask(40% more damage). I found the unique version of it, The Sorrow of the Divine. And while the ZO part isn't interesting, I like the longer duration :) As for Orb of Storms... Well, I'm staying away from it. It will slow down our clear speed. You said it yourself: You didn't get to use it that often. It might be good for bosses, but we already have a really good bossnuke. It gets far more damage if you can keep the boss from leaving the Firestorm Zone. I rather have something that keeps bosses in that zone than 40% more damage on a firestorm you have to keep recasting. On another note: I just realised Bear trap might be really good for us(just to throw in whenever a boss/high health rare is being annoying). I mean, we have a lot of inc duration. So who knows how long we can trap a boss on the same spot. Gonna look into that tomorrow! I am a nice guy.
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