[3.0]PewPewPews Official Cheap Firestorm Build - Perfect for Newcomers/SSF
Hello, i wanted to stop by and say thanks for this build, it has carried me through the first week of perandus quite nicely. I also wanted to leave my vote for the best ascendancy class for this build and my reasons for believing so.
I believe the Necromancer is the strongest from a clear speed perspective at the very least, with a small two point investment you can cast bone offering and flesh offering on yourself. so for two points im going to state the bonuses provided by my under lv 15 bone and flesh offerings; flesh offering - 25% increased attack, cast and move speed. - holy shit does this speed you up. i feel like sonic and im only in 15% move speed boots. cant wait to get 30% and some flasks with the adrenaline mod. Bone offering - 31% to block attacks and 31% to block spells. this is stronger than a RUMIS for gods sake. literally the best two point investment i have ever made. Not only do these two skills buff your chaaracter but remember the meat shields we like to play with? yea they become wayyyyy tankier too. I would also like to point out that we take skill effect duration nodes in the passive tree, which further synergize with bone and flesh offering. I've taken to running a desecrate for corpse creation during boss fights or around perandus chests. Last but not least, I've found that bone offering works with CWDT. so i have one that i self cast for boss fights and one linked with my cwdt. 31% block and spell block when i take damage? yes, please Thanks again for this wonderrful cheap to gear build, i can't wait to see how well it scales with some currency invested, i found an exalt last night :). |
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@sixer: It's been said, but it's a good option for the build. I also added carcass jack to the advanced gearing section of the guide!
@Frattagli4: Haha, you are right, I will do that :) @TheWarguyFTW: I thought the same, until I realised that something else procced the shocks(possible the weapons I randomly summoned from my gloves(lab enchant)). It's not really reliable though, and I can't see it working in high tier maps. @MadRabbitPoE: I changed my mind as well. While it does not proc that often, it is indeed a very nice boost for bosses. Especially when you combine it with a Sulphur flask! @snakzz: Nope! You can trade it :) @ricesteam: do you have all the gems set up? Also all the Cast when Damage taken? You can play without them for a good amount of time, but that will mean you get one shotted from time to time. And if you do, try a different playstyle. Stand a bit behind, and let your minions tank. You could also consider getting a Vaal Summon Skeleton gem, so you can summon it whenever you are fighting one of the stronger enemies. @BepBep: Chromes should work. Although, if your helm is evasion/armor, it will become increasingly hard to get all four blue. Make sure you get an ES based helmet, and you should have no problem getting four blues. @Ignatius256: Nope, you can level it to 20! :) @krysztal: with ascendancy here, I decided to remove the Fireborn setup, since we do not need those shock nodes anymore. If you still prefer to play with a Fireborn jewel, try this. You will have more damage, less health, but to compensate for the health loss, more cast speed - just to increase your mobility. @DancingxDervish: You are right, the necromancer is amazing. But I feel it's more suited for a Hardcore build, being a nice mix between tankiness and offence. Since this guide is more aimed at beginners, I expect most of them to play softcore anyways. And for those beginners, having no limitations of gearing is a wonderful thing to have. But I've been thinking about the necromancer a lot, and I definitely see the possibilties it offers. I might add support for the necromancer ascendancy tree soon :) Having that said, The guide is almost completely updated for 2.2. I decided on an ascendancy tree, updated almost all written text. I just need to update the gem graphic, leveling tree and the current gearing. Have to remake the graphic from scratch sadly, since I recently upgraded to Windows 10, and was too lazy to actually update my older files(most of it was crap anyways). So... Oops :D When I get to it, I'll fix it though. until then, enjoy the storm! I am a nice guy.
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I have gone Elementalist. I am using Liege of the Primordial, Shaper of Desolation and Pendulum of Destruction. Seems to work very well I am happy with my decision :)
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Really enjoying this build so far and have no problem clearing any of the content up to T6 maps. Can even run Izaro on merc with little trouble at lvl 76.
I do have a few questions though: How does crit strike work for Firestorm? Is it calculated with every cast or with every fireball falling? Why take Elemental overload but not the spell crit points with Annihilation? You could put Assassin's Mark as your second curse together with spell crit from gear and crit strikes gem (flat 1% - 1,9% now) and keep Elemental Overload up for longer periods of time thereby increasing your damage considerably. Or is the investment into spell crit not that great of an idea? I'm still unsure on where to put the last two ascendancy points. Is Pendulum of Destruction also a viable alternative? I don't see much point in getting the defensive option in the elementalist tree if you've got 4k health and capped resists. IGN: LittleWife
Timezone: GMT+1 |
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" I find pendulum to be amazing. You don't get a buff but just every 10 seconds for 4 seconds your dmg goes up a lot. I am loving it. |
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" How does it work though, is the 100% added only with a newly cast firestorm during the buff or are current firestorms buffed as well? That's what I was wondering but I'll probably go with it anyway. IGN: LittleWife
Timezone: GMT+1 |
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I've not read all 19 pages of comments, but I personally don't get why we are looking to get enemies shocked? It's is not really said in the guide.
Is it because of innervate? or the shock effect itself? /beginner here/ |
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" Because of Herald of Thunder. We link Curse on Hit with Herald of Thunder and a Curse. Once you kill a shocked enemy Herald of Thunder will have small lightnings go down on enemies in the vicinity thus putting the curse on them without the need to cast it. IGN: LittleWife
Timezone: GMT+1 |
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" I'm not sure on that one. but I am casting so fast it really doesn't matter. I just think of it as a flat 40% buff. Last edited by Saraneth#7424 on Mar 8, 2016, 7:25:12 PM
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Relatively new to the game, and just killed Atziri with this (Level 81 Elementalist). I'd never seen or tried the fight before today, and although it wasn't deathless, it was a success in the end :) I'm running the build with no zombies (or points in the tree towards zombies) as I don't like the management of resummoning them. Thanks for the work on the build.
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