[3.0]PewPewPews Official Cheap Firestorm Build - Perfect for Newcomers/SSF
Hi, a really noob question but whats the difference between using a scepter or a wand? I notice the most of you are using wands.
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I think scepters are good aswell, i was using a Doryani's during talisman. I think the simple reason for people using wands is because they have usually better implicit moda for the build.
For an Emperor to be just, an Emperor must be patient.
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Ah, thanks a lot for the quick response. Another quick question, I have noticed with frost wall in narrow maps it sometimes has the tenancy to block me in with mobs if my zombies die and I need to run. Is there anything else I could replace it with? or do I just need to l2p?
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You're meant to flame dash through it. If it's annoying you I like the idea of replacing it with Vaal Grace, but I don't think you can activate it with cwdt. Maybe increased duration for immortal call.
Last edited by ℝelysis#6701 on Mar 11, 2016, 9:18:08 AM
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@snakzz: The consuming dark should be a fine weapon. We probably won't need the chaos conversion(although it might be really good for us, since each fireball will proc it's own poison, resulting in major poison stacks. Interesting. Might test this myself soon.), but overal it's a fine weapon. Just make sure to get some cast speed on your jewelery(or craft it on your shield using catarina)
@Cadman: Ah totally my bad. Used to have a 123p tree up as well, forgot to do that. Sorry! I added the final tree, with several suggestions to the guide. Copied it here for your convinience ;P " So yeah, jewel slot is just fine if you have a good jewel. But there are more things to pick up, like that extra zombie for example or... well other things! @Frattagli4: Since we don't really invest a lot in extra es, you might not get the highest ES. But a good shield/armor/helm could do the trick indeed. Since there is no limit on gear, you can give this a try. You will have lower dps, but it shouldn't matter that much if you have a 5/6Link. You can always decide to drop the extra totem slot for the new aura's btw and keep the dual curse. If you get elemental weakness, you'll still have great damage output :) @ricesteam: most likely. For me, I just want it to proc for every bossfight that can be dangerous. I don't need it for any of the normal mobs. I'd say, if you still manage to proc it on bosses, and have no trouble killing blue packs and rares without EO active, keep controlled destruction! @ccloaded: Doubt it's really a noob question. Well it's already answered, but here's my take on things. Decided it to add this to the guide as well, so thanks :) " And as for the frost wall question - it's indeed meant for you to flame dash through it. If you get stuck by it, it's no biggy if you drop it. Although, frost wall does have it's uses. It's one of the few defences we have against ranged monsters. And while it doesn't really matter early mapping, once you get to high mapping, with extra monster life, enfeeble, mult proj chaining and whatever more, it will start to become important to have that bit of defence. If you really don't like frost wall however(damn you Frost wall, stop blocking mah lootz!!), you can swap it out for a (Vaal) Raise Skeleton. The vaal version won't proc too often, but should help you out for big boss battles. And Raise Skeleton won't block too much, since it only procs once every big hit, but will help a bit! Vaal grace... Interesting. Might be worth it as well, although I hate leaving defences to a chance. But it's worth a try. I believe it will be procced with a CwDT. Will test it if I get my hands on one :) I am a nice guy.
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Just wanna say thank you for the good work you have done here.
Last season this build was good, this season its better than ever. Cant believe how easy merc lab is with this. Keep up the good work <3 |
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Speaking of merc lab, killed Izaro with all his adds today. I find the char really strong for merc running, especially if you swap in conc effect for Izaro(you have plenty of time to swap out when he slowly enters the arena).
I'm curious about your laby stories btw! Is the leveling tree correct? Can you do Izaro with the points I recommend? Or are you struggling with the fight? I am a nice guy.
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how well does this build work with consuming dark or dual consuming dark?
Last edited by alkoxide#0390 on Mar 11, 2016, 8:33:21 PM
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Why would you're second curse be ele weakness and not flammability? Since A 20/20 Ele weakness is the same as a 20/0 flam. and we barely do any other elemental dps.
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@alkoxide: Haven't tried it yet, but I imagine it should work just fine, with either one or two. Since we do not scale in poison, it's not the most effective setup, I imagine similar weapons with Cast speed on it, are still the better option.
@TheWarguyFTW: Ah, silly me. Ever since 2.0 Flammability has a bigger effect than ele weakness. Haven't played around with the gems(or rather looked at them)for a while, so I was unaware of this change. Thanks for the headsup, fixed it! I am a nice guy.
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