[3.0]PewPewPews Official Cheap Firestorm Build - Perfect for Newcomers/SSF
Just thought that I might drop in to say that while this build is outstandingly efficient from a cost to DPS standpoint, I did find one fairly cheap way to get a pretty big damage boost.
I know that in previous leagues, this has been pretty expensive, but for some reason they are going pretty cheap right now in Perandus. I picked up this one for 10c, it is a very low roll, and i probably could have got a better deal if i would have shopped around, but I wanted it now. This obviously would switch up the gem set up by a bit, and I have not figured out exactly what would be best yet, but I think that it is worth looking into as a cheap source of boosting the DPS. Exile
"Bullshit, you get the game for free." -Qarl |
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for an Ex, what weapon would you get? im torn between doryani's vs 5L/6S searing touch vs a rare for dps. searing loooks nice, but im not sure how good it is vs a rare with other stats because idk how much this scales with burning dmg, and it might be better to get a rare staff with +2 to fire gems+80%spell dmg+cast speed+other stuff
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Couple of quick questions -
whats your damage on firestorm? just asking so I know what I should be aiming for, my gears rubbish atm. In the new 122p tree you havent taken celestial punishment, I thought this would go very well with shaper, any reason why you havent taken it? Thanks for the build its going very well 83 atm, & the only thing outside of lab that is really killing me is the thorns on prom bosses when I'm not careful :D |
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Hello, i stopped in previously to praise this build and wax on about the joys of the necromancer ascendancy class.
I understand that this build is focused on being budget and greatly appreciate that, however after finding an exalt early in this league im wondering if you could create a section for upgrades with some higher currency, i saw one player earlier link his gear and it looked like doryani's catalyst and Carcass jack were possibly Best in slot if you had some currency to invest. regards, DD |
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Would def be nice having a "end game gear" guide for stuff to look out for or shoot for.
Edit: Used the totem linked with summon skeletons and it helped a crap load with merc lab run got myself the last 2 points :D. Last edited by ccloaded#2320 on Mar 13, 2016, 1:47:55 PM
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on another point, using empower with the zombies instead of speed is probably better than minion speed for tank/shield purposes.
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Need advice, im necro ascend currently, but planing move to ele, my hp is 3,3k, and energy shield only 700 yes i know is low, izaro oneshot me, malachai too, same on high lv maps 7-8+.
Please check my gear, and give me some tips, to succes on high end, which items change, and how important is change necro to ele. Thank you guys. |
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About Izaro: I felt that I could easily handle him when I had around 3.5K life and around 500 es(so 4K lifepool). Without any damage modifiers, he wasn't able to one shot me. Though, some combo's could, and therefore it is important to stay in motion. Leaning his attack pattern will help a lot, I might write a bit about it soon.
@snakzz: Make sure the level of your CwDT is higher than the ones you've linked to it. If you linked a low level Cast when Damage taken, they won't ever proc. @TheWarguyFTW: I really like any of the helmet enchantments, right now, I managed to get explosion size on a geofri's, so using that for now. I do notice a difference in single target damage, so it's definately a good pick up. As for the gloves... I'm still looking for a good one. Right now, I've been using Decree of Inferno, since it scales nicely with our tree(12K hits, not bad). And the boot upgrades... Well I'm really liking the mana and life leech after you killed an enemy recently. It's strong enough for us to drop warlords mark. I like the additional leech and end charges though, so I probably won't. @ccloaded: your gear and gems seems just fine. I take it you are capped on resistances? What usually kills you? And what's your HP/ES? As for the zombies, try to get an animation flask(minion heal when you use the flask). Mine still die from time to time, but that's only after an intense fight. They usually tank merciless Izaro without much difficulties. @GingerBeast: Redblade band is a good pickup. Right now, all the prices are all wack. Perhaps due to perandus, but most likely also due to the changes to the trade system(more people selling etc). A lot of things are cheap now, but I expect a change in that soon - rarer uniques etc, harder to get them so the prices will rise again etc. For now, it's a nice pickup yes :) I'd just leave most as it is, and instead of the golem, I'd take desecrate, bone offering, or something else you like to use during the harder fights. @alkoxide: Doryani gets my vote, simply because you get to keep your shield that way. That doesn't mean a searing is a bad pick up. It will boost your damage by a LOT. I still value defences over more damage, since we already have so much damage(After all, you won't be dealing damage when you are dead) @Karathez: When I'm buffed - Elemental Overload active + Silver Flask + Sulphur Flask + golem up - I have 1844 tooltip damage with a cast time of .28. I can clear most packs with just one cast, up to tier 7 this way. Using a 5 link with FS/Spell Ech/Faster Cast/Inc AoE(or Conc)/Fire Pen, firestorm being lvl 19. I do have a sucky weapon though, only offering me 40 spell damage and 18 cast speed, so I should be able to get a decent amount of damage on top of that if I really look for proper gear. But what I have now, is enough, brings me through whatever content I want to do. So that is good :) While Celestial Punishment seems good, it's also quite far away from us. If you count all the points we spend going to it, we get roughly 8% elemental damage/point. If we also take Celestial Judgement(going over the fire path), this goes up to little more than 10% elemental damage/point. While the nodes seem good, 10% elemental damage/point isn't anything to write home about. Every other damage node in the tree offers us more damage point wise, so I really wouldn't sacrifice any of those to get that cluster. And yeah, I personally skip promenade for that simple reason ;P @DancingxDervish: Yeah, I should do that. Not now though, tired as hell ^^ @alkoxide: I still remain skeptical, since the zombies are supposed to be our tanks. And to forfill that role, they need to be fast enough to soak up the damage. I just find them too clunky without minion speed. But you are right: it will offer a huge bonus to the survivability of the zombies. @metalknight83: You lack life. While you have some really good uniques - like the essence worm, looking into that one as well - you miss a lot of life on most of the gears. Your helm, jewelry, shield and boots all have less than 50 life. It will also help to get cast speed on your weapon. The more cast speed you have, the faster you can move. I dropped my total 70% spell damage(fire and spell)for a 40%, with 18% cast speed. And that alone helped me immensly, in both clear speed and survivability :) I like the essence worm though, If you get life on the rest of your gear, keep that one. I reckon it's a huge damage boost. Also, have you tried bone offering in your CwDT Setup? I think it will be quite refreshing, since you won't have to trigger it manually anymore. Pick up a spell totem with Raise skeletons. And cast that totem before an intense fight(perandus box, strongbox, map boss, Izaro, etc). And... get the Three dragons. I think this is the most important thing for you to do, since you can't get spell flux, your herald of thunder isn't proccing(often). With the Three Dragons, you will have the buff up 24/7, meaning you'll always be leeching, and barely have to use the mana pot. You can swap out flammability for enfeeble, if you are still having troubles. Anyways, here's my gear as it is now. " And now I"m off to bed, gnight :D I am a nice guy.
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Jumping in and some random thoughts. I'm a noob at PoE, play exclusively ranged/caster class and self-found. For this league I'm aiming to push a character to 85 but didn't get much time into the game. For now the character is sort of glass cannon and can die to some blue perandus mobs; I believe acquiring a Immortal Call may help the situation a lot.
First of all, the build is amazing. Even I'm still lacking sockets, I swapped Minion Speed for Spell Totem for the meatshield, and link Desecrate instead of Convocation to my CWDT links. This helps me to kite dangerous mobs around without running out of corpses.(Definitely not Hardcore-viable, just playstyle) I have a little question about the passive tree. To me it seems really inefficient to go down like 10 nodes for the Scion life ring; It looks like that there are some other better choice for these points. Do you go this path for some other reason? And also I see you pick +1 Curse node; What curse do you use and how do you cast it?(Does linking two curses to CoH work?) For the Ascendancy tree, what's your opinion on the elemental proliferation node? Is it useless in this build? Also, how do you manage the mana cost? I figured that I have to run Clarity to cope with the high cost of Firestorm. And I haven't get Anger on my hand yet(no quest reward as a witch, too lazy to make another char just to grab one gem), and from my calculation if Anger is on I don't even have enough mana to cast two firestorms in a row.. I don't have much question for gear since for a self-found player it's just a gamble. For now I dual-wield lifesprig(lol, didn't find anything better); Do you suggest swapping one for a rare shield? Last question is about HoT. Usually it works pretty well, but not when fighting bosses because there are no mobs to kill. I assume swapping HoT for something like Orb of Storms will work? Or do you kill the boss fast enough so this is not a concern? Anyway, I like this build very much(sort of my "dream build" where I don't engage in battle and just set enemies on fire), and thank you for making such awesome guide! Last edited by crappylight#0927 on Mar 14, 2016, 3:50:37 AM
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Thanks a lot for all the help, upgraded some gear with cheap upgrades while trying to save for a Doryanis. New upgrades with the help of the skeleton/totem has helped a lot with survivability, DPS has never been a problem with build. I know if the guide temporal chains is used for the second curse but I have seen people using a lot of variants. What are the other options we have for the second curse? or temporal chains better for the defense it gives?
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