[3.0]PewPewPews Official Cheap Firestorm Build - Perfect for Newcomers/SSF

Thanks for the great build and guide! Lovin' it!
The adventure is not outside...it is within.
Last edited by sonicjonny#3175 on Dec 16, 2016, 10:58:45 PM
Hi pew

First of all, great build, I run it presently and it destroy everything.

But i am having trouble clearing high end map and I was thinking:

Could I use a pledge of end with a different gem setup ?

Thanks for this, lad! It's a great examination of the mechanics of firestorm, and a great build in general.
IGN: @AppianWolf on Ambush :)
I'm currently using this build. Reached level 50+ so far and I'm enjoying so much.

Here is the question: Instead of Health passives (I used 4 passives but I have orb of regrets) can I go for ES and CI? Will it work?
New to game. Your guide has been great so far level 75. Can't seem to hit the 3500 life to complete last lab. Being new I know it's probably something simple I'm missing. Any help with gear recommendations would be helpful.

(Edit) Currently doing life nodes before dmg nodes as dmg seems fine at this point.

Cleared to rare t3 maps so far have not tried higher because have not gotten any yet.
Last edited by Laruther#6136 on Dec 20, 2016, 11:59:45 PM
Hey all,

Again, sorry for the downtime, have been busy with a little project of mine, took a little more energy then I'd expected it would haha. I'll try answering most of your questions :)

@Groffzee: Both are good. But Xoph's Firepen can be seen as a More multiplier, with the way resistances are calculated(if I remember correctly... correct me if I'm wrong!). Either is fine. I ran quite a time with Ngamahu Tiki on one of my firestormers :)

@Mordrigar: if you were still wondering, yes. Guardians are tough, but almost everything before is perfectly doable.

@Gardetajob: I'm not a fan of PLedge of Hands in this guide, but I've seen many other players use it. And of course, it's definately a big boost in power. Plus, you could put your zombies in a 5 or 6 link as well. I'd say, it can work. It just depends on the playstyle you want I suppose.

@ordrigar: CI and LL should be possible. I haven't done many in the past couple of leagues, so I will refrain from suggesting a tree. Perhaps look at some CI summoner trees to get a feeling how yours should look for this build?

@Laruther: It's your gear. You don't have a lot of life on your gear. Try to exchange the belt for a leather belt with good life, and perhaps swap Saffells for a rare shield. If you try getting more life on your gear, I'm positive you'll hit that 3,5K with ease :)
I am a nice guy.
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Hey. i just started playing PoE and am using this guide for my first char, and its working pretty good so far :). made it to merciless act 2 with little trouble.
only thing that gets me sometimes is bosses that move around alot, what am i supposed to do to them, just cover the whole area with firestorms? :P
Picked up this build and absolutely love it, was fortunate enough to get a shavs and 6link it and ended up making a cwc build, I kinda skewed off for dmg and dropped the minions(besides golems) would you mind taking a look at my build/gear and letting me know where I can improve/give me some advice? I feel like I'm not leeching nearly enough as I'm supposed to, I also feel rather squishy even with having over 10k es and max res. Thank you so much!
every item u suggest gives resists and alot of them

getting all of them would put u at 250%~ resists do u need that much ?

also consider i wanna invest alot of currency into this build what do i get

i currently have divinarius rathpith

+2 minion helm and some mediocore rest stuff is there anything significant that i could get to make me much stronger ?
Last edited by Vaikisss#3500 on Dec 24, 2016, 2:23:37 PM
how to calculate real dps for this build now im rocking 1400dps as game says but i got 200% cast speed etc sooo i belive i do 3 or 4 times that i just want to know real numbers :D

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