[3.0]PewPewPews Official Cheap Firestorm Build - Perfect for Newcomers/SSF
Hi just wondering if the new breach gems;
http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Red_Dream http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Blue_Dream would these work in this build? and which ones/ where to socket them?! they look like they could budget build power charge or end charge gains while clearing fast! I am level 56 so far and just smashing my way through merc and loving every second! thank you for the amazing build. |
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Hello everyone, just got back from my Christmas celebrations. How were your days?
@Serelath: well, basically. I always keep it focused on the boss though, but the best is when the boss focuses your minions and stays still in one place hehe. @jalowery: Honestly... without the minions, you will take a lot more damage. Since shavs doesn't bring you much CI(compared to a 700/800 ES armor), it's going to get hard to hit that 10+ ES mark. So you want something else to really beef up your defences. My best bet would be something like Vaal Discipline or something and just a more defensive play style in general. @Vaikisss: No, that's just the god tier item list. To have everything maxed out in High Tier Elemental Weakness maps, you want a total of 169%(+60% to get to 0% in merciless)resistance for your elemental resistances. But in general, it's most important to focus on high life, and just enough resistance to be capped in merciless :) Both Rathpith and Divinarius are great for this build. A big increase in damage is a 5 or 6 link. @Jazari: Trying to calculate Firestorm's DPS is hard an quite unreliable, as many things will influence the final dps(Like how many Firestorms are stacking on top of each other, how big is the monsters hitbox, how fast if the monster moving, how the RNG is of the balls that fall down from each Firestorm, etc etc). Unreliable, and mostly misleading as the final result will rarely actually say what damage your firestorm is dealing anyways. But trust me. You don't just do three of four times that number. It's way more. I remember calculating a possible outcome back in the days, with around 3K, I came to numbers like 100K - 150K dps/second on a boss like Dominus first phase(had a complicated calculation with odds of a ball hitting an enemy, chances of him running/teleporting out of my firestorm range etc). I believe the calculation has chanced a little bit ever since as well, but I can't find the comfirmation on it though. Might look into it again for fun. @Stingerer: Your best bet would be taking the jewel node above Sentinel(Below the scion area)+ those three resistance nodes. I would get the Red dream then, for that 28% chance to get an endurance chance. I'm not sure if it's worth the four points however, as we don't really go for endurance charges. Perhaps you could also get the endurance charge near the Templar area or something, but in general it kinda doesn't seem it would fit in the build. Thanks for all the replies and comment guys, glad the build is still in your liking :) I am a nice guy.
Looking for cheap builds/builds for beginners? Check out one of my guides! /806789 |
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Hey Appels_Zijn_Gezond,
This is a great build. I already played some totem builds but I like this build very much. I have a couple of questions tho. Which quality gems are good for this build? What are the recommended lvls for the CWDT setup? My idea was to lvl the CWDT gem to 9 than immortal call to 11 as stated on the wiki. What lvl to use for convocation is not really clear. What do you recommend? Is the focus on equipment on ES or on Armour or a mix of them? Found a answer on this in the topic: "try obtaining gear with either energy shield, or both energy shield and armor." I bought a pretty decent Moonsorrow imbued wand but after I eqquiped it i was shocked because my other wand i found at couple lvls earlier was way better (about 10% on sheet dps). Is it really a better wand or should i still use the moonsorrow wand and forget about the sheet dps? Links to the wands: Thanks for this fun build. Last edited by LauranvH#0315 on Jan 3, 2017, 4:22:14 PM
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Hi, I'm a very casual player and I hardly manage to bring a char to 80+ in every season. so I appreciate budget guides like yours. I'm left with one question and that is if you recommend using wand and shield or dual wand. One other league I played an arc witch with dual wands and just started like this. Now I read your endgame item section and ther you mention the perfect shield fr this build. What is best for this build and perhaps when and why?
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Hi, I used your build on my first character ever, I loved Firestorm since the first time I saw it and wanted a build for it. I was wondering if the build is shaper, uber atziri, uber lab etc viable? Seen your videos and I think it only shows normal Atziri. I want to level another witch and I'm between this and flameblast. Thank you so much for the guide, it was really helpful as a new player seeing all these explanations, where to find the gems for the build, how the build works, etc, keep up the good work man!
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Hi, i love your build, you did a great work, thanks.
I need a little help for my gearing, i use a "Tabula rasa" since the start of my leveling and a just got a "Carcass jack" with 5 links. My firestorm setup with the "Tabula" is : Firestorm-spell echo-faster casting-increased AOE-fire penetration-controlled destruction Is it better to use the "Carcass jack"? If yes, wich gem to take off? | |
Being a relatively new player, is there a big difference between the Vaal version of gems and the regular ones - specifically the Vaal Summon Skeletons? I just found one of those today and was considering leveling it up and and then swapping it out with the regular version of the gem.
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Hello! First of all, great job and thank you very much for the build.
I started playing like a month ago, and this guide is so well explained that I was able to get it all even without having ever played. I'm very happy with the build and I am running medium-high tier maps at the moment. My skill gems are getting to level 20, so I'm going to start using the gemcutter prisms to increase their quality, and I have a doubt about the build before I start leveling them again. Should I level up to 20 the 'Cast when damage taken support' (and, of course, 'Convocation' and 'Immortal Call') or should I left them in low level so they are casted more often? Maybe 'Convocation' doesn't need to be cast so often and is only necessary on strong hits, but 'Immortal Call' looks pretty useless at the moment when using them at high level. Thank you again and sorry for my English. |
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Crazy question, but with this gear and tree set up, is it possible to switch out firestorm for a different skill without respecing or modifying gear set up?
Thanks |
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" I'm new myself so take this for what it's worth. I've left my CwDT gem at level 4 which requires Convocation and Immortal Call to be levels 7 and 6 respectively. I like the amount of damage it takes at that level for my particular gear and health level. At that CwDT level, it fires off at 725 damage. You just need to find that sweet spot for your setup. You can always raise and lower (using the vendor recipe) the gem if you think it's too high and not firing off enough. |
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