Balance Changes in Content Update 2.1.0

KharkovPower wrote:
Hunwulf wrote:
Rory wrote:

Surgeon's Flasks (Nerfed, but not retroactively)
Surgeon's flask mods now grant a chance to gain a charge on critical strike, rather than unconditionally granting one. This will not change flask mods spawned before the deployment of 2.1.0 - they will still work the old way.

Keep rollin' rollin' rollin' ... rollin' rollin' rollin' .... RAWHIDE!

Thanks for nice song, man.

To all:
Guys, plz dont forget we will have an additional advantage from a skills after a labirinth.

what ? the expansion comes next year...maybe it will come after 6 months from now...
Amazing changes! Can't wait to play summoners and arc! :)
Make lab optional! Give us another way to get the ascendancy points we need.

Is that all the changes?

Any changes to bloodrage for CI

or Lighting strike buff ?
People Before Profit - Community Before Corporations.
Last edited by Adolan#6371 on Dec 7, 2015, 5:32:17 AM
No! My RoA build is broken now. Need to find another off-meta skill to use :-)
Adder's Touch is now only 30% chance to poison on crit.

There are only 3 Poison nodes:
+100% inc damage with poison
+25% inc damage with poison
+10% chance to poison

Bino, Bino, you need new kitchen :)

Rory wrote:

Searing Bond (Buffed)
Searing Bond can place up to one additional totem

What about "Ancestral power" achievement ('Have 3 totems alive at one time.')- will it be changed to "4 totems" now?

Sigh where to start.

Firstly, the reddit inbred factory did it again, yay.

GGG, you guys should really quit balancing skills around what people on reddit claim to be OP. Why? Because they're stupid. Why are they stupid? Because they watch a couple of streams of very high-end skilled PoE players that play a certain skill, and deem them to be OP because said streamer is performing super well with them.

Here's where things go south: I've already seen this in this thread mentioned, why not Vaal Spark? A typical inbreddit perception of things being OP while they are clearly NOT. Vaal Spark = far from OP. Im not only talking about currency investment here, to keep up Vaal Spark, but also that without a decent support, and people funneling good layout maps to you, Vaal spark will suck bigtime.

I see the same trend with Incinerate for example. It has marginal clear speed, and it being a semi-ranged/semi-meleee distanced skill while being extremely squishy (block incinerate excluded, but i'll cover that later) is also far from OP. If you only look at raw DPS numbers, and that being your only denominator in deciding things are either OP or not, is just plain stupid.

Now what makes a skill OP? A skill becomes OP if you can clear super fast, do insane amounts of damage, have great survivability and can do end-game content with a low currency investment. These are four denominators, not one. So for example, Block Incinerate has highish DPS, great survivability, awful clear speed and requires a bunch of currency, that's just two out of two, calling it OP is therefor pretty dumb.

While I understand balances should be made, and they are necessary to some extent, I think nerfing skills based on community feedback of people that honestly do not know their rear from their heads, and base everything off of hearsay or watching a highly skilled streamer playing, is something you should really avoid.

I'm sorry for some of my wording, and I'm fully aware that there's decent feedback to be found on Reddit, but mostly it's a bunch of unfounded asscrap. I for one would love to see that GGG starts bringing marginal skills upto par with the INSANELY OP OP skills like Incinerate (can't help myself), rather than good skills performing subpar.

Same goes for cyclone fwiw, and I hope the nerf to PA is actually really based off the new skilltree/support gems added to talisman.

Last edited by _PapaLegba_#5516 on Dec 7, 2015, 5:40:36 AM
_PapaLegba_ wrote:
Sigh where to start.

Firstly, the reddit inbred factory did it again, yay.

GGG, you guys should really quit balancing skills around what people on reddit claim to be OP. Why? Because they're stupid. Why are they stupid? Because they watch a couple of streams of very high-end skilled PoE players that play a certain skill, and deem them to be OP because said streamer is performing super well with them.

Here's where things go south: I've already seen this in this thread mentioned, why not Vaal Spark? A typical inbreddit perception of things being OP while they are clearly NOT. Vaal Spark = far from OP. Im not only talking about currency investment here, to keep up Vaal Spark, but also that without a decent support, and people funneling good layout maps to you, Vaal spark will suck bigtime.

I see the same trend with Incinerate for example. It has marginal clear speed, and it being a semi-ranged/semi-meleee distanced skill while being extremely squishy (block incinerate excluded, but i'll cover that later) is also far from OP. If you only look at raw DPS numbers, and that being your only denominator in deciding things are either OP or not, is just plain stupid.

Now what makes a skill OP? A skill becomes OP if you can clear super fast, do insane amounts of damage, have great survivability and can do end-game content with a low currency investment. These are four denominators, not one. So for example, Block Incinerate has highish DPS, great survivability, awful clear speed and requires a bunch of currency, that's just two out of two, calling it OP is therefor pretty dumb.

While I understand balances should be made, and they are necessary to some extent, I think nerfing skills based on community feedback of people that honestly do not know their rear from their heads, and base everything off of hearsay or watching a highly skilled streamer playing, is something you should really avoid.

I'm sorry for some of my wording, and I'm fully aware that there's decent feedback to be found on Reddit, but mostly it's a bunch of unfounded asscrap. I for one would love to see that GGG starts bringing marginal skills upto par with the INSANELY OP OP skills like Incinerate (can't help myself), rather than good skills performing subpar.

Same goes for cyclone fwiw, and I hope the nerf to PA is actually really based off the new skilltree/support gems added to talisman.

+1,absolutely true
Everything is ok. But i do not see reason for nerfing initial hit on cyclon. It wasn't op at all and far from it that it was beating single target gems..Especially when you consider what you must all use to make cyclon a real aoe for crowd control.. (all area nodes+ gem increase) and it still can't really be called aoe with its range.+4 melee range.(nodes , weapon) and still mediocre at best.
Last edited by IceLancerSR#0218 on Dec 7, 2015, 5:57:55 AM
gogo134 wrote:
_PapaLegba_ wrote:
Sigh where to start.

Firstly, the reddit inbred factory did it again, yay.

GGG, you guys should really quit balancing skills around what people on reddit claim to be OP. Why? Because they're stupid. Why are they stupid? Because they watch a couple of streams of very high-end skilled PoE players that play a certain skill, and deem them to be OP because said streamer is performing super well with them.

Here's where things go south: I've already seen this in this thread mentioned, why not Vaal Spark? A typical inbreddit perception of things being OP while they are clearly NOT. Vaal Spark = far from OP. Im not only talking about currency investment here, to keep up Vaal Spark, but also that without a decent support, and people funneling good layout maps to you, Vaal spark will suck bigtime.

I see the same trend with Incinerate for example. It has marginal clear speed, and it being a semi-ranged/semi-meleee distanced skill while being extremely squishy (block incinerate excluded, but i'll cover that later) is also far from OP. If you only look at raw DPS numbers, and that being your only denominator in deciding things are either OP or not, is just plain stupid.

Now what makes a skill OP? A skill becomes OP if you can clear super fast, do insane amounts of damage, have great survivability and can do end-game content with a low currency investment. These are four denominators, not one. So for example, Block Incinerate has highish DPS, great survivability, awful clear speed and requires a bunch of currency, that's just two out of two, calling it OP is therefor pretty dumb.

While I understand balances should be made, and they are necessary to some extent, I think nerfing skills based on community feedback of people that honestly do not know their rear from their heads, and base everything off of hearsay or watching a highly skilled streamer playing, is something you should really avoid.

I'm sorry for some of my wording, and I'm fully aware that there's decent feedback to be found on Reddit, but mostly it's a bunch of unfounded asscrap. I for one would love to see that GGG starts bringing marginal skills upto par with the INSANELY OP OP skills like Incinerate (can't help myself), rather than good skills performing subpar.

Same goes for cyclone fwiw, and I hope the nerf to PA is actually really based off the new skilltree/support gems added to talisman.

+1,absolutely true

This +1
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