Utility Flasks for Ascendancy

New flasks look good, it's also nice to have alternatives to those silly unique flasks. Why should I feel obliged to use Vinktars Hate Promise?
KappaPride flask hype
"Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason
is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms."
Extreme_Boyheat wrote:
New flasks look good, it's also nice to have alternatives to those silly unique flasks. Why should I feel obliged to use Vinktars Hate Promise?

If you feel obligated to use viktar flask you will feel obligated to use it after flask update anyway.
And it is rather problem with how you see game not with gam itself.
"Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason
is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms."
kamil1210 wrote:
Extreme_Boyheat wrote:
New flasks look good, it's also nice to have alternatives to those silly unique flasks. Why should I feel obliged to use Vinktars Hate Promise?

If you feel obligated to use viktar flask you will feel obligated to use it after flask update anyway.
And it is rather problem with how you see game not with gam itself.

The way I see the game is the same as any other reasonable player. We see these powerful items, we want them.
Silver Flask: Grants Onslaught.

Stimpack :D
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me.

3.13 was the golden age.

Everyone, we did it! NO LEGACY!

Other than changes to Unique Flasks, these changes affect existing Utility Flasks that your characters have (no legacy versions are created).

Thanks Chris! Thanks Devs! Thanks GGG! No legacy!!

Even if that mean no legacy for Utility Flasks, still it's FIRST STEP FOR REMOVING LEGACY ITEMS FROM GAME! HURRAY!

Best changes to me and all community, good to see GGG can hear us, awesome.

Now we should do our best to make GGG change Melee so they can be viable and useful, we must help GGG with melee buff.

Chris, please take a look on melee and buff them, make Marauder, Duelist more useful classes and better node. Right now they worst when comparing with other class.

And melee overage much weaker, so maybe you can change it?
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Hooray! New beverages!
The GGG way: hype everybody with Ascendancy, throw in some new toys, then nerf everything else.
This is getting boring...
"Metas rotate all the time, eventually the developers will buff melee"
PoE 2013-2018
SymbiosisPhotography wrote:
GGG_Neon wrote:

[li]Poison Removal and Immunity (All Flasks)[/li]

Has GGG put any thought into how utterly ridiculous it is that in PvP a single skill point can make you immune to all chaos damage.. all chaos builds, even the new Chaos DoT build. How do we expect to have a fair PvP experience when A SINGLE skill point makes you immune to all chaos damage, which is what many builds are using now. And now a nerf to PvP poison(further chaos uselessness) with this potion?

Is there any plans to make immunity penetration, or something? Am I the only one that finds this kind of ridiculous? Chaos immunity with a single point? (everything I say is in reference to PvP)

I don't think the flask will change much, a poison build already does decent damage even without poison, the flask most likely won't be worth the slot to counter one specific type of character. Also considering that we can safely assume poison will never be as good as it is at the moment, it's extremely likely to get trimmed down in future patches.

Besides, 'PvP' and 'balance' don't even belong to the same paragraph currently, let alone same sentence and ascendancy will mess it up even further. Seems that devs realized it's an utterly futile endeavor, PvP balancing requires tight control ad PoE has way too many moving parts for that.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Hype for new flasks!
♣ IGN: DoctaMagicFinder
♣ My YouTube channel: youtube.com/doctagaming
♠ Proud brazilian player.

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