Content Update 2.3.0 Patch Notes

What about refunding our bandit points ????????????????????????????????????
Isn't it a little bit too harsh? I don't mind that they balanced/nerfed dmg conversion to chaos items but was it so necessary to touch spark this much? :( damn it just when I wanted to try it, it was nerfed...

This is on top of the Scion Deadeye ascendancy nerf, 20% less projectile piercing and speed. All three combined; item, gem and ascendancy, the nerf is substantial.
Why can't you guys balance?

When you nerf something, you don't adjust it, you DESTROY it. Spark didn't need a billion nerfs. The chaos conversion nerf hit it hard enough to make it useful, but not op. The nerf to scion getting free life leach took spark down a few more pegs. Then you go and destroy everything that makes spark function.... why?

Vaal Molten Shell. As if it isn't bad enough that 99.9% vaal skills are LAUGHABLY useless, you have to absolutely wreck anything that isn't. You know what, nerf vaal aura's and vaal lightning trap. It is all anyone uses anyway. Not just nerf though, like cut their duration in half and effectiveness in half as well. Sound stupid? That is because it is, just like what you did with VMS. I mean... Scold's bridle is back to being a "legacy" item again anyway, which is all that made this even kind of broken. You nerfed chaos conversion which hit some forms of vms as well. Instead of letting it be a phase, you wreck this gem for ANYONE to ever think about equipping, ever. Vaal skills were SUPPOSED to be uber skills. They were supposed to be this awesome thing that you use when you have enough souls to unleash and they do crazy things. They are beyond niche. They are beyond a noob trap. You don't get to keep the souls and you have taken anything that isn't an aura, vaal lightning trap, and vaal skellies down. Remove shocking ground from lightning trap and no one would use it. Why do you absolutely destroy things? STOP IT.

Meanwhile, Double dipping is still a thing, so I am going to take the ele prolif buffs and free max endurance charges and melt entire screens.... for a few chaos. Unlike VMS I can do this constantly AND get a free defense buff while I do it. Glad to see you know how your game works.
I guess I will have to buy a one way ticket to hell with your lives
lugaluga wrote:
Vaal Molten Shell... if you want to nerf it to the point that it's not feasible anymore (for casters), why not just make it so it doesn't work with Scold's Bridle? Because there are melee builds that would still like to use it you know?

Change it to:
- Damage keep the same
- Won't work with Scold's Bridle

Otherwise it's just another trash gem.

Seems like if they used this approach in general a lot of their balance issues would be non-issues.
y3lw0rC wrote:
Spark and Vaal Spark projectiles (including those from monster Sparks) are now 20% slower. Quality on Spark and Vaal Spark is now worth 1% projectile speed per point of quality (rather than 2%). The time that Sparks must travel before they re-arm has been increased from 500ms to 1000ms. Spark projectiles now destroy themselves after travelling 150 units, which is in-line with other projectiles.

Isn't it a little bit too harsh? I don't mind that they balanced/nerfed dmg conversion to chaos items but was it so necessary to touch spark this much? :( damn it just when I wanted to try it, it was nerfed...
Of course it is. My regular Sparker will be nerfed to the ground.

I was about to buy that MTX spark spiders. Guess what ? NO WAY !!!!!! :) :)

Now that I think about it, I am so disgusted I think I won't buy anything else until further notice. If GGG continues not to listen to his community, then I will act accordingly.
Last edited by FNX_Heroes#6628 on Jun 2, 2016, 4:35:26 PM
gxtro2001 wrote:
What about refunding our bandit points ????????????????????????????????????
That would be logical. That's why it won't happen :)
Prophecy hype!

I think it looks awesome, just holding my thumbs for prohecies to bein able to give league specific uniques such as Headhunter etc.

Love the chaos nerf except for on infernal mantle, thats a bit too much I think when it already was so low and its been in the game for such a long time never being to OP, especially now with consuming nerf.

Also I think Champion need a huge nerf/change. Perma fortify is too op, I feel like I have to go Champion with many builds that never even should consider it just cuz its so OP.
Either remove perma fortify and make it on hit or something so its not best choise for what feels like 80% of the builds. OR give a perma fortify but at much less effectiveness than regular fortify, maybe taking the fortify wheel would make it its normal value again.

Also I think you should really make a support gem like "Immortal Golem Support" so we can either stop recast it every monster pack or not having to put it on not-always-reliable cwdt setup.

If constantly immortal golems are to OP for you guys, then make it "Immortal if you cast a spell/attack recently" and you get that new keyword into it aswell!

May the RNG be with you.
Is there any reason why Ranged Attack Totems didn't get the Spell Totem treatment? It seems only fair.
IGN: TheExiledLego
What KILLED my game is not the nerfs but the thing that there will be no Legacy item from voltaxic left. I invested 300+ exalts in my build for past 2 years and love playing my character, wanted to make a unique build around that bow.
and now all this went to waste :/ cause it wont make sense any more. so im done thnx.

ps. if u wanted to level the field you should have just kill all the Legacy Items. This is just unfair.
Oh Goodie! More Cards I will NEVER find a complete set of! :/
I have walked through the Valley of Death & emerged the Shadow of Evil

The Gene Pool needs chlorine

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