Prophecy as a Core Game Mechanic

ropumar wrote:
Them silver coins.

My suggestion is:

Make silver coins not drop anymore, but that every day (together with master reset) prophecy slots get reset automatically. So every day people would have 7 new prophecies.

While coins last, people that hoarded coins could buy new prophecies on same day (being the excpetion of more than 7 prophecies per day) until the silver coins run out and everyone has to wait for a lucky day with good prophecy rolls.

The sealing of prophecies would be gone since everyday they would be reset if not completed.

GGG, pleeeeease do this. It will be like dailies. With limited coin drops, unwanted prophecies in merciless will be such a drag to remove... unless the sealing cost is significantly reduced.
At least with Ropumar's idea the players won't have to be bummed out so much if almost all of their prophecies are ones they hate, as they need only wait until tomorrow. The anticipation of what 'dailies' you get everyday is a good feeling too.
Last edited by Redfeather_1975#0068 on Aug 10, 2016, 6:41:12 AM
I do not like prophecy in the core game.
Bad idea in my opinion :)

"Discord"Voice ( dođite na mikrofon - Link za automatski invite ) :
smileys wrote:
I do not like prophecy in the core game.
Bad idea in my opinion :)

This is great news and a wonderful idea.
I can't wait to see how much the mechanic of upgrading uniques will evolve into.
This way, beginners will have a chance to make their new unique drops count, because in my opinion many of them are average or poor in a manner that they are of a low level requirement and too often near useless for endgame content. Having a chance to upgrade and improve them will provide a much needed depth to this game for late game map running if made accordingly. Who knows, maybe the upgrade system of uniques could even come to have layers, meaning that the same item might have the potential to be upgraded more than once.
Sometimes for adding new attributes to the items, others to improve its rolls range (tier) maybe.
I really love this mechanic and i hope the community enjoys it as much as i do.
A big thumbs up to GGG for making this possible.
Thanks !
vio wrote:
xxxcobaltxxx wrote:

they do ....a while,and they also think that lvl80 is a great achievement ... they also think that tier 9/10 maps are end game ..

you ever thought about what these statements say about the game when they come from people who have full access to the game's statistics?

wat have u in mind?
learning is a painful process ... knowledge is the most deadly weapon.
I don't understand why people complain about prophecy going to STD.

If you don't like it :
1 - filter coin to be hidden
2 - seal your prophecies and vendor them
3 - never seek a prophecy again
=> You will never see prophecy things again.

Let other players who like it play it.
SSF for ever :)
Last edited by LoloTwingo#3920 on Aug 10, 2016, 7:12:02 AM
can we not get a retro nerf for Reach of the Council? I don't think Standard will implode if we have a few of the old ones lying around.
Quod efficax non stultum
Yay for ruining yet another gave us Reach now are concerned about its power if Prophecy becomes a lingering thing. Better sell those 6L Reaches now gents...I'm fairly sure they will be nerfed to an usable or unwanted extent.
Great news! Very glad to see Prophecy enter standard.
There has to be a low point where some people stop complaining because it's just not worth it, and I have yet to see it. - Squeakypaw, 2013
Adding prophecy into core game is great. About time you actually add some new content into the standard game in a meaningful way, especially since you spend so much time and money developing them.

Now add some of the other leagues content.


Warbands, darkshrines and tempest all need some love also. Fun content that could use some more meaningful integration into the core game. They all have some interesting and unique way of playing/transforming zones that would only add to the overall gameplay experience. These things shouldn't be relegated to flashback leagues or zana mods.
Lab is 0 fun. Free the ascension points from lab

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