Prophecy as a Core Game Mechanic
Underwhelming as hell, as was the league as a whole. Read what other people are saying... bring back TALISMAN! The only good part of Prophecy, and that's IF it's kept, is slightly more access to Beyond and Warbands. That's... well... it. I guess kind of the fated uniques but I don't really care much about them, certainly not as much as Tali or Beyond. We need a Prophecy that makes Perandus and his coins show up, too. Perandus league was so much better than Prophecy league that it's not even funny. So was Talisman league. Etc. Etc. Of the last 3 leagues, this was a dog league, the other 2 were just so much more interesting and fun.
People who don't like the Labyrinth are not a minority: Be heard - say you don't like it in your signature. Don't leave complaining about lab to others - GGG needs to see how many people dislike it. Ascendancy must be gated on true ARPG content, not a poorly-crafted internet Legend of Zelda wannabe.
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Not sure anyone has touched on this yet, but they need to be careful when they adjust the drop rate of coins and rewards. if they make the coins too rare or nerf the rewards too much, then they risk making prophecies either not worth your time or possibly making it more lucrative to sell your coins rather then run them. They can make the coins rare, but will need equally rare equivalent loot that will be comparable to whatever price the community sets for the coins themselves. Otherwise they will run the risk of making people shy away from that aspect of the game.
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The player plays, wishing for more, but the gilded daemon seeks to interrupt his delight, unexpectedly.
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Not sure if it has been asked (too lazy to go through 23 pages), but:
When Navali is in the hideout, what prophecies do you get from her (since the hideout is normal difficulty)? Normal? Merciless? Can you choose? |
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Glad prophecy is coming to standard, it's a cool mechanic.
That being said, as a new, semi casual player who just started this league, I have to say I'll be massively disappointed and confused if they don't leave the existing reaches as legacy. Considering that, for example, headhunter (an order of magnitude more op than Reach, and can be utilized by any build) still exists, I fail to see how retro nerfing Reach should even be an option. Reach isn't even that good for builds that don't utilize extra arrows. It's a strong item but there's just no consistency if they make the nerf retro. I spent a lot of time this league self finding, divining, and six linking a really nice reach bow. It was, and is, my most valuable item, and I was really happy and proud to have put in the time and have an item that was both powerful and rare, and had the potential to be worth even more in standard once league ended, if I decided to sell. If the nerf is retro, then the bow won't be worth much more than the cost of 6L, so like 8 ex. That's a huge kick in the teeth and I'll probably rethink my continued support of this game if it happens. Maybe if I was a seasoned player this wouldn't bug me so much, but Reach has a special place in my mind as my first "good" item, and if I can't count on my items/work having permanence, then I really can't be motivated to play anymore. (I know "nobody cares, you're bad, etc.", I'm just writing this in the hopes that the devs might read this/other posts and decide to leave the current reaches alone). |
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Even after the "less backtrack" i quit this league, the first league i ever quit this early, navali is so boring, constantly being told to go act 1-4 when you are lvl 90+ or pay 10coins per proph you dont want is the must un-fun thing i have EVER experienced, i hated talistman...and id rather by a huge margin talismans to be core in game then this fucking backtracking bs that will end up making me quit the game over and over. blarg i know its just my opinion, sucks tho...i never imagined they would put THIS league in core game.. i am amazed at this decision, this league just made the game too easy and boring to me, i tried very hard lvled like 4-5 chars past 80+
As long as navali doesn't give an advantage(aka make the game that is already so easy easier) i am fine with it, as i will not be farming lvl 50 areas next league. The only way this wouldn't be easy mode if areas scaled with player level, like pretty much every other successful ARPG is doing currently so that the player base can revisit older acts without 1shoting everything and being...bored to death. Prophecy HC was a dead league after so little...i could barely find basic common items...or partys...normal prophecy was descent but most of people i talked to where farming the op fated uniques to bring back to standard....and standard...has so many was crazy to see how much people really dont like prophecy, so im really mind blown by making it to the core game in its current state. TLDR: this league was baby-tier easy and extremely boring to me, farming act 1-4(lv 50-60...) OR buying coins to sustain removing the easy boring trash prophecies. p.s im not alone thinking this league was the least entertaining afterall, read a lot of comments and woah xD people literally rather talisman xDDDD that's really bad. hit me up @sarrow lets have fun :D Last edited by Sawm#7368 on Aug 10, 2016, 10:59:11 AM
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People of the gutters, steel your bellies, for the slaughter is at hand!
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this will liven up the core game. Good to see this happen.
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" Is the problem with Voidheart? Or is the problem with melee... Life will be technically better Soon TM
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