Path of Exile 2.4.0: Atlas of Worlds Patch Notes

I want to be the first to post fireball totem build.. the new flame totem.
lurker14ownz wrote:
I haven't even been playing that long and the nerfs seem pretty expected. People getting butt hurt and threatening to quit is so every other game and patch. Just from watching youtube videos and reading the forums most of this was expected long ago.

What was expected by some nice people is a real balance (reasonnable nerf).
Only morrons wanted to just destroy (nerf hammer) things enjoyed by other players.
lurker14ownz wrote:
I haven't even been playing that long and the nerfs seem pretty expected. People getting butt hurt and threatening to quit is so every other game and patch. Just from watching youtube videos and reading the forums most of this was expected long ago.

yah, this was expected for sure,, just not to this extent. GGG has a pretty long track record over-tuning in both directions.. fireball now does 70% more damage..

over time things get balanced pretty well considering how much there is in the game, it must be an absolute nightmare for them every time they add new content (which is all the time). I love the game and the devs but they do tend to over-tune like this,, but that being said it is a proven way to keep the game more interesting,, if everything stayed relative in power it would get stale and i wouldn't be still playing after 4+ years
CI Vortex Degen !
wasama wrote:
Kastmar wrote:
You forgot about mjolner. This is most valid complain. Using icewall was exploiting mechanics. It never suppose to work that way. Mjolner was designed that way from beginning and intentionally.

What's wrong with Mjolner?
Little nerf - before you used several spells - now one spell and supports.

I think they are referring primarily to the Mjolnir / Juggernaut thing.

1. 35% less damage on triggered discharge (affects everyone using Mjolnir discharge), and
2. Trigger skill cooldown (if it matches CoC at 500ms) means two discharge casts per second, down from (in my case) around 10. (affects everyone using Mjolnir discharge)
Those two alone mean a roughly 85%% reduction in my own dps, plus a huge reduction in my defenses (fewer casts of Discharge = less healing from Kingsguard), then
3. Juggernaut nerf (100% --> 30%) means a lot fewer endurance charges, cutting dps and healing in half yet again for everyone running juggernaut Mjolnir Discharge.
4. One spell per trigger is not really a big deal - instead of two spells I can use one plus support for about 75% of my original damage, though once again my healing takes a full 50% hit.

Now I'm not saying the combination wasn't too powerful before, just explaining why people might be frustrated. Take your favorite character, one that you spent weeks or months building and equiping, and imagine you went from, say, 100kdps to 10k dps. I don't endorse all the swearing and hostility in these threads, but I think you can at least understand what it must feel like, and empathize with those that are feeling the nerf most poignantly. I don't play a lot of CoC, but I imagine there are folks out there that invested months (or even years) in various CoC builds and are now wondering why they should even bother when Self-Cast is strictly better in almost every way (faster casting, more damage, and no need to waste passives or gear getting attack speed or wand crit).
Last edited by thurmack#0592 on Aug 31, 2016, 3:56:48 PM
Alzaion wrote:
Were all masters supposed to dissapear? I came back to the game yesterday and found that all my masters, from Elreon to the necromancer whoose name I keep forgetting, simply disappeared.
I've coincidentally found the two of them again randomly, but it's like that was the first time I've found them and they've been reseted completely. Anybody can tell me what happened? Can I get them back correctly instead of going after them all over again?
Also it seems my completed trials of ascendancy all reseted to uncompletion too.
The latter can be redone easily and the first isn't really that important of an issue, but I would like to know nevertheless.

When the leagues combine you usually get the larger hideout or the one with the most decorations, but it also takes a few days for the hideouts/masters to migrate. Give it some time and you should find your Masters levelled up appropriately.
I kind of have mixed feelings about this patch. I think overall it will be a good patch, but I will break down some of my qualms.

Conflux: I am not sure how i feel about this yet. I get that it was strong, but i donno about the how yal went about chancing it yet as it affects a good number of my characters.

My full-ice arc witch used it to shock and ignite for EE maps, it will prob have to live with the change since it mostly cares about spreading freeze with the free proliferation and the lightning&ice golem is quite nifty.

My main from prophecy was a full fire conversion shock nova which heavily relies on conflux for shock for my CoH with HoThunder. in light of the change, i may spec to out of the conflux branch.

My icestorm will prob switch from elementalist to an occulist

My vms/flameblast: I dont think i need to say anymore... (you should just delete the damn gem)

My other several elementalists will probably not use conflux anymore either.

Juggernaut change:
I expected a nerf, will make holding e-charges a lil more annoying for my rf jugg, but i can deal with it.

Discharge and CoCS nerfs:
I am actually surprized this happened. I didnt think yal would hit it so much. I understand and agree with most your logic. Saw someone rip a vaaling of a volls in global, hurt so much to see.

Reach and Voidheart legacy
Makes me wish I had taken the time to get the items, had the prophecy sitting in stash for a month+, but i didnt expect the ring to be nerfed so hard. kind of makes me not want to play standard...

Meh. I will still play the game since I am still super hyped for the alas.
Global 1 is cancer.
By agreeing to these terms of use, you acknowledge that bugs are like cool and stuff
and that you will bow to the Mealworm king when he ascends the throne.
thurmack - Now You are going real constructive criticism.

I believe it is not going to be this bad, and if it is too bad probably the rage will be too high not to be fixed asap.
I was silenced for telling the name of USA president for 40 days.
I was silenced for stating "I am Jesus" for 5 days.
Maybe it is time the deeds of the moderators to become public, so peoples understand that they hired a cheap mods which enforcing their "woke" agenda on players.
BlazeSTX wrote:
Joleco wrote:
Cast on Critical Strike now has a 500ms cooldown

Thats just too much, 500ms is a kill. I cant see how this can work, if you dont discharge you are dead as Coc Discharger. You need constant dmg for leech. This is not a nerf, its fuckin kill. One time they nerf dmg, 2nd time they nerf using only 1 skill gem, and 3rd time they nerf by CD... WTF is THIS? IMO it was enough just the nerf to can use only 1 skill gem! Other 2 will kill it completely.
Its very sad because some ppl spend months, years to complete one build. And on next day someone just decided to kill it. I can see the day when they will decide to turn all legacy items into new ones! I cant trust these guys.
I still cant understand this policy. Instead givin more options, fixing crappy skills they killing one by one. Yes it should be nerfed BUT NOT TO BE DEAD... like phys Cyclone and like many more that they kill before. Cyclone nerf: "oh it's just slightly dmg nerf" LOL one time dmg of the cyclone, 2nd 50% less dmg on 1st hit... BAM DEAD. who play now this shiett?
They listen like a kids, other kids like Havoc who cry like a kid "nerf Coc Discharge nerf nerf nerf".
This is ridiculous, its happen everytime the same... they listen few guys, balancing around few guys...
And this is PVE game... I dont want to think what was about to happen if it was PVP.

I agree this is a bit too much. even 350 is too much in some cases tbh.

Do you guys even realize that you have 100% proc per crit? You are practically guaranteed your 2 procs per second if you got a decent crit-chance. Read the entire thing and do some basic math. Are you telling me, that you can't crit twice per second with cyclone, barrage, KB, or spectral throw? Seriously now...
[quote="ScrotieMcB"]It's just, like, people's opinions, man.

But I cannot respect motherf♪♫♫♪rs calling something a simulator, when it isn't one.[/quote]

Mors edited this post first.
Nice !
You are Captured!
Last edited by gaaalmeidasan#1711 on Sep 1, 2016, 2:19:33 PM

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