Blade Flurry
Thats pretty true words.
But as i said if the current state of Tier 1 skills stays the same the majority next league will run Blade vortex just because higher clearspeed, survivability, way better singeltarget burst. Ingame: Snoxz
My Shop: |
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Fun skill, seems powerful, which is nice.
Good job! |
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" Sorry but this is fail. Players who have so much expirience with one encounter that is AS STATIC as Atziri can do it naked with bar hands and closed eyes ... and make it look overpowert! If you check out my chars many of them use super expensive gears ... but I still fail to kill Atziri even with this super "OP" gear 70% of the time ... as I can not move ;). As for ZiggyD ... give him any random Unique or tell him to use a spezific skill ... and he will ALLWAYS make it look overpowert against Atziri. But it will tell you nothing about overall gameplay like "how it feels while playing" or "map clear speed" or "synergy with uniques/support gems". PS: one exception ... if ZiggyD would FAIL to kill Atziri with a skill as it is realy that bad ... this would be meaningfull *g*. Last edited by Schakar#4083 on Nov 21, 2016, 12:47:30 PM
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Blade Flurry isn't a movement skill which clears the whole screen on use? Please buff this underpowered skill.
Seriously though, at the same gear levels and AoE scaling that people are showing of Blade Flurry at, Reave actually clears rather faster. General Tso's Chicken demonstrated this in yesterday's stream. Admittedly, Blade Flurry has better single target damage, but that's thanks to a ramp up mechanic which forces you to stay still. Having two skills with different strengths and weaknesses is totally okay. If Blade Flurry is a clear winner over Reave in any way, it's for consistency and quality of life. One might say that Blade Flurry's single target damage is too good and needs to be nerfed. Maybe. But I think a broader outlook on the game is that melee skills in general are underpowered versus spells, so if anything, other melee skills should be brought up to this level. My hope is that GGG sees through the initial reflexive outcry and either leaves this skill alone, or, if they end up adjusting the skill, that they have the wisdom not to ruin it for the next 3 months, or longer due to neglect. Quod efficax non stultum Last edited by elindred#4723 on Nov 21, 2016, 4:49:39 PM
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I really like Blade Flurry, even though it might not be "melee" by some people's definition. But, for melee skills to compete with the current caster meta in this game, this is pretty much what the skills have to be.
I think that Blade Flurry does need to be nerfed, however, not in a universal way. I wanted to test a hc viable build, and I'm currently running a block focused/dual wielding/claw/non-crit Gladiator. It's fantastic to have a skill that allows 1h weapons to do acceptable damage without having to go balls out crit. We already have melee skills that dominate as 1h crit (Reave, Flicker, basically any of them). It would be nice to have one (Blade Flurry) that is specifically designed for non-crit/defensive builds. With that in mind, I'd suggest nerfing the skill by adding a tag such as "Extra critical strike damage reduced by 50%". This would also have the added benefit of increasing the popularity of claws and 1h swords. In fact, I think that eliminating daggers as an option for the skill would also be a good idea. |
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After testing the mechanics, it is quite nice attack. Play style wise, it feels very similar to reave but with bigger scaling potential. I think the AoE is Ok, mechanically it's Ok.
If it would be me, i would just lower the base dmg multiplier from 66% at lvl 20 to 56%, or lower the numbers per stage of channeling. I personally dislike 2 things 1 - it's not multi strike so you can break your movement after single stack if necessary contrary to Reave when you have to wait for the 3 hits before movement yes, it's like 0.15s but in some cases it might be crucial 2 - it scales way too good compared to other T1 melee skills (I haven't tested this skill in fully melee char with 100%+ IAS) I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community. I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me. 3.13 was the golden age. Last edited by Marxone#0650 on Nov 22, 2016, 11:16:37 AM
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It sux because with the melee tag but cant use unarmed wahaha
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" I said ppl made Atziri with it at lvl 60 not ziggy , also today i saw t16 map where the bosses where melted down in less than 1sec with this skill . So i do understand that people only want to play skill that can leech/aoe whole screen / be best single target / crit / so best in everything ... but they argue about how fast is trash clear ? who cares about trashmobs (btw it takes about a sec to clear a whole screen of trash + bosses ) when u can kill bosses (t15+ ) in less than 1sec ..and this was with a bino imagine something with more phys dps. So if u wanna argue about this skill.. pls compare it with dunno .. heavy strike and other melee skills which compared to this they shouldn't be even in the game because what's the point having them?...well lets be real , i realize how people only wanna play OP builds only but this just makes the game boring rolling anything else makes u inferior to others who will roll BF . Another thing dual Warchief totem's (max gear) don't kill half as fast as this skill does with NOT maxed gear. As people said skill has nice mechanics , but it just has way to many pro's to not use this above anything else if u go phys dps. this skill makes archer tornado shot builds(and many other ranged builds) look like a joke also :) i guess gg(g) |
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This skill is ridiculously strong. Anyone who says it isn't is delusional.
That said, I REALLY want to play it in it's current form in Breach league. But it's 100% going to get nerfed before then. |
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Blade Flurry has less range than Lacerate,Sunder and Lightning Strike,Less AoE than Earthquake and Reave (4 Stacks). You are limited to Swords,Daggers and Claws as well. Its not OP.
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