[3.2 Raider - Cyclone] Aggnog's flaming meatball massacre

3.2 update : build is identical to what it was before. You can use tombfist and abyss gems as you wish, not much else to say really since there are no big changes.

3.0 tree added in tree section

This is my cyclone raider with ngamahu's flame in BSC. This axe is really popular since you don't have to 6link it and the proc does a lot of single target damage by itself which complements the AOE clear of cyclone very well on bosses.

Key items for this build are ngamahu's flame and xoph's blood amulet. Together you get 100% phys to fire conversion which lets you use very strong fire penetration mechanics which together give you 37% from the gem, 10% from the amulet, 20% from the axe and 8% from lava lash notable which adds up to an amazing 75% fire penetration.

The reason I went raider despite most people playing slayer cyclone with this axe is the fact that you have no good way to mitigate elemental reflect unless you are an elementalist so I picked dodge as my anti-reflect mechanic instead. You also get amazing movement speed and attack speed which is amazing for both cyclone and axe proc.

Niffler was kind enough to feature my build on his channel. Go check it out :)

Key stats - with charges
8 frenzy charges (10 possible with 2 corruptions)
Blood magic
100% movement speed
70% attack dodge (possible to get 74%)
40% spell dodge (with phasing)
Over 6000 life

Cyclone tooltip 46k (bsc)
Axe proc average damage ~8.5k with 7 projectiles (bsc)

[3.0 Update]
edit: It has come to my attention thats not a bad solution to go 50% cold/lightning conversion instead of AOF at least for general mapping. You would take winter spirit in ranger which is only 3 points, way less than going AOF and you would replace fire pen gem with the new attack damage on full life. Using physical to lightning gem instead could also work but since you replace a support gem it might be slightly weaker.

I don't believe anything has changed to the core of the build apart from the fact that ngamahu's flame and xoph's blood are ridiculously expensive. Since this was originally a budget build I can't say I recommend rolling this at the start of the league, but you can try it later on if you want a fast cyclone build and have enough currency. I have added an AOF skill tree anyway in case anyone wants to try it without xoph's blood.

[2.6 Update]
In path of building I reach 150-200k cyclone dps and 30-45k Molten burst per ball with the same gear as in the guide and with the following links cyclone - http://i.imgur.com/GZmFvIb.jpg ; molten burst - http://i.imgur.com/kOXynfe.jpg. Keep in mind that molten burst has 7 projectiles and a 0.15 internal cooldown. This shows the effect of fire penetration that you can't see in ingame tooltips.

Core Uniques

Uniques explanation

This is now the best flask for this build, make sure your fire res is highest or even with the others (chaos not included.)

Being a raider Darkray vectors are usually the boots you want. They are what allows this build to get so much dodge as well as movement speed. I see some people use atziri's boots but I think that's a mistake. If you can't afford +1 frenzy try to get 3/4% dodge corruption it is usually cheap

I chose daresso's defiance because its pretty much perfect for this build. The 6% dodge allows you to get very close to dodge cap (its value is much higher when you already have high dodge). It also has decent life and finally it has its unique mod which is the #1 reason to use it. With the high dodge we have you are almost always at 3 endurance charges except on bosses with no adds (you can choose to use enduring cry here) which allows for good duration immortal call in case we do get hit.

This amulet not only saves you 5 skill points, but every other stat is good for this build. Must have.

Passive tree


3.0 tree:
Avatar of fire - www.poeurl.com/bqGt
Xohp's blood - www.poeurl.com/bhkp (same as 2.6, no changes required)

Since breach is no rare as hell xoph's blood is costing upwards of 5ex and ngamahu's flame is also over 50c. Since this was originally a budget league starter build I can't really recommend playing it when everything is so expensive. If you do decide to try it you would have to go up to AOF to convert the rest of your damage to fire, which is a lot of passive points that you have to take out of other life or damage nodes as you see fit. This tree is just an outline and you can possibly sacrifice other nodes if you want (such as jewels).

As you see with AOF the tree is really strained on points but you can choose to leave things out as you want such as stray damage or life nodes that also require extra stat nodes to get to like - forces of nature, jewel sockets, blood drinker + frenzy next to it.

For bandits take 2 skill points.

2.6 trees: Outdated

Vaal pact


EDIT 20.04.2017 I removed the no-vaal pact tree since now in 2.6 it gives easier access to more life nodes and forces of nature isn't that bad either so we are kind of forced to take that pathing. You can still remove it if you want and instead get cleaving/slaughter or just keep the same tree but just remove the single vaal pact point. The new primeval force cluster took up enough points to not allow easy access to templar tree like before, which is where we got a lot of the hp from and with this tree we get 227% life instead of the 239% we had before. Overall I think this is the best balance since being squishy is the main problem with the build.

Bandits: Oak, kraytin, kraytin.

Take avatar of the slaughter first and avatar of the veil second.

Move straight to Resolute technique while taking life nodes on the way.
If you want to use cyclone get blood magic and if you feel safe you can use herald of ash with it at the cost of 12.5% hp.
After you get resolute technique take acrobatics and phase acrobatics, then the duelist nodes, then iron grip and point blank and then the templar area.
Leave out all elemental damage increases until you get both the axe and the amulet (these is mostly just lava lash).
You can also leave jewel sockets until last until you have really good jewels you want to use. The tree isn't very flexible because of the lack of points but there is still room to move some things around as you want.



For lab enchants you can get anything you want on gloves but ele weakness on hit rare gloves with life/res would be the best. It's not a big deal though so I don't recommend gambling to get these.

On boots if you can't get +1 frenzy or dodge you can also choose Attack speed, elemental penetration, leech or regen.

For the helmet there are not many applicable enchants. If you can't get a cyclone enchant you can also get leap slam attack speed. Having an enchant at all is not necessary though.


The gems I have equipped in the gear section are what I use normally but if you have a 6 link or run lower maps you can change some things.

In the axe you really want the gems shown and I have found they give the most dps. Make sure to have conc effect here as it increases the dmg bonus of point blank.

For cyclone you have some choices for the 6th or even 5th links in case you run a 5l setup. For your first 4 gems try to always have Cyclone with Melee physical damage, added fire damage, weapon elemental dmg. After that you can choose between fire penetration (since most of boss dmg is from the axe proc you can leave it out on cyclone if you really want), fortify, increased aoe and faster attacks.

I dropped faster attacks since you already have enough from raider. Fortify can go in leap slam setup instead if you don't mind keeping it up that way. Finally increased aoe helps with clear speed but isn't really useful on most bosses.

The setup I chose is for maximizing single target damage for boss fights while keeping fortify up all the time.


For jewels you really just want the same jewels you would use for an RT phys build except you can also get fire damage as well. Prioritize having life on them and resists if you can't cap from gear due to using too many uniques. Int is also useful here.

Applicable damage mods are :
Life %
Fire Damage
Physical Damage / With Axes / With Two Handed Weapons
Attack Speed / Attack Speed with Axes / With Two Handed Weapons
Attack and Cast Speed
Area Damage
Melee Damage

Extra good mods :
resists, intelligence

I usually take jewel sockets last in my builds so if you can't find a good jewel to use just take the sockets later or respec when you get one.


A small note here is that you really want to get a Stibnite flask in your flask setup. A flask charges reduced version preferably will have very low charge use and the blind effect is really strong in addition to the dodge and evasion we already have.


For leveling you can choose any method you wish until you get the axe at 55.

What I did is rush to duelist and get all the life on the way as well as leech from vitality void. I also recommend getting cloth and chain to help with resists while leveling. You can use whatever you want for leveling depending on your leveling gear. You can also level as bows if you wish.

You can use cleave/shrapnel shot until 12 where you can get sunder/sweep or rain of arrows. At 28 get cyclone/earthquake or blast rain and you can use those even until merciless (choose whatever skill you prefer). The ngamahu's flame axe has a low level requirement of only 55 so when you reach that point you get a huge power up. Skip using fire penetration gem until you get xoph's blood.

For melee leveling a good progression is dual wield screaming eagle, then limbsplit, wideswing, geofri's baptism, the cauteriser until 55. If you can't afford a cauteriser, rigwald's charge is pretty good but you can't use it for earthquake.


1. Hpw do I get enough int?
- Try to get int on rings or use fertile mind in ranger jewel socket. An alternative it so use lower level gems.

2. Can this build kill shaper?
YES it can. However there are many both cheaper and easier builds to do shaper with so I would not recommend it. You need very good gear and very high dps to do shaper safely and you would need to go mana for blasphemy for the extra dps because of this fact but it is doable.

3. Vaal pact or no?
- Vaal pact is really only useful in 2 cases with this build - running reflect maps and doing shaper/guardians. Outside of these cases you will be fine with just hp potions and the non-vaal pact leech because you dodge everything.

4. Blood magic or mana?
I personally went BM with this build because in my experience of leveling this character to 92 I didn't need to go mana for any reason at all. My playstyle of cycloning involves short cyclones, holding mouse near my character so I don't get stuck and this ends up being more mana intensive which made mana really annoying to play with and the 0.4 leech in duelist was not enough for me. The other major differences between the 2 is that BM is more life and QOL while mana gives you more damage (actually you really only get HOA since hatred is halved from AOF). Apart from shaper where you really need the dps I found that BM is sufficient for everything including t16 maps (videos below). All I can say is try both and see which you like more.

5. Can this build do uber lab?
In short YES. People overestimate uber lab and I don't understand why. If you can do t16 then of course you can do uber as well. The very hard izaro mods may make it difficult to farm max keys on some days such as charges and the high elemental damage ones but that's true for every build that doesn't one-shot him.

6. Do you really need daresso's defiance?
In my opinion it is the best chest because of 2 main reasons : easier to color than pure evasion chests that people often suggest (kintsugi/qotf) and the fact that you get endurance charge generation. The latter is important because it bumps your immortal call from 0.4 to 1.6 seconds and you also get onslaught as a bonus. Obviously you can use enduring cry or something crazy like red dream for that as well but for fast mapping I found this to be great.

Of course you can also use something else such as belly of the beast or even a rare but as far as unique chests go there isn't a lot you can use.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGjh7vsi4CI - T16 Chimera
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F86KFt6bHKE - T15 8 mod colosseum
https://www.twitch.tv/aggnog/v/106657528 - T16 Corrupted Phoenix
https://www.twitch.tv/aggnog/v/106658941 - T15 Corrupted Core
https://www.twitch.tv/aggnog/v/106663076 - T15 Core DOUBLE BOSS, Monster damage, no regen.

Last edited by Aggnog#2036 on Apr 13, 2018, 8:07:55 AM
Last bumped on May 4, 2018, 3:15:23 PM
Looks really good! Thanks for sharing the build
I'm currently in the process of making a similar build and have a question: Is 75% Fire penetration even worth it?

To my knowledge most regular enemies and bosses have a fire resistance no higher than 45%. Considering we already get an innate 38% penetration, is it really worth using a gem for the rest?

The only thing you would really "need" more penetration for would be rares, blues and mapmods. Or am I missing something?
To my knowledge most regular enemies and bosses have a fire resistance no higher than 45%. Considering we already get an innate 38% penetration, is it really worth using a gem for the rest?

The only thing you would really "need" more penetration for would be rares, blues and mapmods. Or am I missing something?

You missed that penetration can go into the negative. If you have 60% firepen and the mob has 40% resist, you now deal 20% more damage to him.
Current league chars: Bladestorm Champion SSF
Last edited by Shaileen#3285 on Dec 11, 2016, 7:07:47 AM
Hi, love the build, just bought a Ngamahu's and 6 socketed it to try it out :D I have a few questions:

Before I can afford a Xoph's, is it worth pathing to Avatar of Fire and then just refunding after I acquire the amulet, or should I just leave that node and go half physical/fire until I get the amulet?

Also, what do you think about the new Perseverance belt for this build? (Highlights include "You have Onslaught while you have Fortify").
Shaileen wrote:
To my knowledge most regular enemies and bosses have a fire resistance no higher than 45%. Considering we already get an innate 38% penetration, is it really worth using a gem for the rest?

The only thing you would really "need" more penetration for would be rares, blues and mapmods. Or am I missing something?

You missed that penetration can go into the negative. If you have 60% firepen and the mob has 40% resist, you now deal 20% more damage to him.

Are you sure? I was under the impression that only curses would push enemies into negative res whereas penetration did not bring them below 0%
Last edited by NecronosiS#0048 on Dec 11, 2016, 8:28:36 AM
NecronosiS wrote:
Shaileen wrote:
To my knowledge most regular enemies and bosses have a fire resistance no higher than 45%. Considering we already get an innate 38% penetration, is it really worth using a gem for the rest?

The only thing you would really "need" more penetration for would be rares, blues and mapmods. Or am I missing something?

You missed that penetration can go into the negative. If you have 60% firepen and the mob has 40% resist, you now deal 20% more damage to him.

Are you sure? I was under the impression that only curses would push enemies into negative res whereas penetration did not bring them below 0%

Actually, penetration can push enemies below minimum ( http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Resistance_penetration ) it has the same mechanics as a curse, essentially - it modifies their effective resistance for the attack that is applying the penetration, down to -infinity.
Would it possibly be worthwhile swapping Conc. Effect for Elemental Focus for non-bossfights? Not taking a hit to AoE might up the clearspeed somewhat.
Really awesome build, thank you for sharing! Any special hints/recommendations on leveling and talent tree progression (i.E. when to pick up Acrobatics)? Sorry if the question is dumb or smth - just came back to the game after a 2 1/2 year break.
Last edited by Baneslayer#1228 on Dec 11, 2016, 10:14:39 AM
I see you have WED on your axe, WED doesn't appear to support Molten Burst.

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