[3.2 Raider - Cyclone] Aggnog's flaming meatball massacre
I think that BM isn't worthy for this build cause u can't use HoA and Blasphemy + Flammability. are 0.4% mana leech from tree and 0.4% mana leech from gloves useful for this? Last edited by SoColdO_O#1989 on Nov 27, 2024, 5:57:03 PM
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" I'm currently running HoA/Blasphemy/Flammability and was running into mana problems until I picked up a jewel like: I have the mana leech node in the Vitality Void cluster and a bit of mana leech on my gloves but I was still going oom in most single target fights. That jewel solved all of my issues. Last edited by hogpeuf707#3161 on Sep 8, 2017, 10:38:58 AM
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Hey guys the reason I don't like flammability is that curse effectiveness on t16 bosses is so low that it basically doesn't matter. You can also put a curse on cwdt anyway so you don't need to drop BM for that. All you trade BM for is herald of ash and I guess you can add AA with the leftover mana too. If thats worth it to you then have fun but I like the smooth gameplay of bm and not having to worry about it.
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Can i use Bronn's chest for this build?
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Yes, you will just be less tankier.
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Hello guys.
Playing this build for a while and like it so much. Now my character looks like that: look for raider.
PoB pastebin
On 88th killed 3/4 guardians and going for 4th. But it feels little... unfinished maybe. Excluding 6L body and top helm enchant, what I can do to improve it? Got 4,4k HP, 350k sum dps (PoB) and 79% avoidance (with flask active). Also, is here any ways to avoid one-shot deaths excluding raising my HP bar? Last edited by lorrey#5182 on Oct 31, 2017, 3:37:07 PM
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one shots just depend on what is killing you. if its by attacks that are supposed to one shot you and almost always will, those are telegraphed and you just need more experience with the fights in order to avoid them manually. much like chimera red circle of death, minotaur underground charge, phoenix chargesplosion, shaper slam etc.
if its just normal attacks, then yes you have too low of hp. at 4.4k that seems very low indeed. according to your tree, you have a lot of connected unfilled out hp that i would highly recommend filling in. you can get an added 43% hp pretty damn easily, which is very significant. this is my tree with my main dude, lvl 95. its pretty close to yours but very very optimized and what i consider pretty damn nice. i have almost 6.5k hp and do not get one shot outside of one shotting abilities i've failed to dodge. now, my build does differ. much different skill gems gear and even ascendancy (i go chase instead of veil) but the tree is close, so i'll post it for you for reference and comparison. one cluster which is highly highly overrated is From The Shadows. it cost 4 points and gives you 40% ele dmg and 6% pen. doesn't sound too bad eh? compare that to upwards of two jewels which can give you 40% dmg each, or even the cluster Primeval Force which costs 4 points and gives you 56% ele dmg, 20% ele dmg while flask active, 5% pen and 10% reduced ele dmg taken. i always skip from the shadows. it sucks. do not take it. get lots of hp instead. your molten burst balls would also do significantly more damage if you had elemental focus instead of added fire damage in your axe Last edited by xMustard#3403 on Oct 31, 2017, 8:38:16 PM
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First, thanx for the EF advise. I'm don't even pay attention to it since I've grab this axe.
Also, 40% ele dmg and 6% penetration is looking pretty well, and it's much cheaper than two good jewels... Primeval Force is already on. I can only change it for Hatchet Master, but will it worth it? Idk. Talking about one-shots, it's pretty easy to avoid big bright telegraphs on bosses. Cause it's too predictable. I'm worry more about those cases when I die from a regular attack that should not kill me normally. Got this rarely, but it makes me cry. I can't even find out what happens. Maybe it was some shock, or unordinary huge crit. And worse here that I don't know amount of overkill damage, so I can't be sure that even +1k hp will save me. Anyways, ty xMustard for comparison tree. I will try to find out some advantages. Last edited by lorrey#5182 on Nov 1, 2017, 9:38:27 AM
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What you think about dropping Fire Pen on chest for a Innervate? So we can shock stuff?
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3.1 update?
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