How We Approach Console Development

Arialia wrote:
Don't be silly guys : programming for Xbox is near programming for Windows , and more near to windows 10. So it no waste of time.

Ok if it was for Nintendo's console it will not same things, and for PS4 maybe too different and cost too much for dev kit.

An Xbox is a PC Windows with special GUI.

I think what people are fearing is the mechanics intended to work on xbox are completely different on a PC and vice versa .Not to mention the difference in terms of performance , so it is a bit weird and people will now start to ask why some nerfs got put in game that were meant to improve performance (Coc etc) , and not correlate with the xbox version ...

Furthermore i would have intended to get a game that has trading working without using a external site, i would love that my minions didn't disappear after a disconnect because server issues , after mind you hunting for them for like 30 minutes....

I would love more improvement , i loved the 64 bits client and the other tweaks they did but the game is still a bitty choppy in a high end pc, i dunno if it is server side or my client dieing.

Last edited by pesadel0#0571 on Jan 21, 2017, 6:16:21 PM
For a game that seeks funds from supporters I can see that those who funded POE would be the most aggrieved.

I would suggest GGG publish more info on upcoming content that poeple can see "massive" PC functionality is coming. If what is said is true.
We hired new team members specifically for the the console project. They were directly responsible for the massive improvements to frame rate, client load times, memory use, as well as the introduction of the 64-bit client, DirectX 11 renderer and new audio system. These changes were immediately released to the PC version as soon as they were available. Even if you're not a console gamer, this project improved the game for you.

Chris Wilson, hire a PR team and rewrite those sentences. Any sane PR team who knows the state of the community would have put it the other way round. While you may want to speak the truth to your community, sometimes white lies are very much appreciated. It takes of the heat from the community and ensure as much good faith and free mouth to mouth PR between gamers.

We know people are starving for optimizations in your game. Chris Wilson, your game is known to long time players as lag feast game most of the time. People whine and complain about improvements to game performances.
Any sane PR team in touch with the community as a whole would put it this way.

"We hired new team members specifically for the optimizations of PC version of Path of Exile. They were directly responsible for the massive improvements to frame rate, client load times, memory use, as well as the introduction of the 64-bit client, DirectX 11 renderer and new audio system. These changes were immediately released to our players as soon as they were available.

During the optimization process, someone from our optimization team proposed that we also port to Xbox One console specifically because DX11 is also used on Xbox One console. After considering many factors and are sure we can pull it off while ensuring the growth of our company and not affect our core game which is the PC version, we decided to go with the proposal.

<continue the original content>
We haven't modified the game content on the PC version due to any console decisions. When we realised that the controls of the console version dictate four flask slots, we didn't remove a flask slot from PC. People have suggested that we add console controller support to the PC version, but that would require changing how skills work to support it, and that's not a rabbit hole that we want to go down. The development and direction of the PC version has not and will not change due to the existence of the console version.

This would had landed good PR on your side by prioritizing performances on the original PC version of Path of Exile and managing to pull off a side project of a console port which actually looks magnificent. So much good but you, Chris, just had to throw that all away. I dont know whether you actually considered what I have said but hey, good luck. What I see these days are a string of bad PR timing and moves that just invite avoidable pitchforks.
Last edited by tenjou00#1948 on Jan 22, 2017, 7:15:53 AM
Chris wrote:

We haven't modified the game content on the PC version due to any console decisions.

So the cast on crit and wormblaster changes werent influenced by this at all?
They werent changed because too many actions on the xbox would be problematic?

Not gonna believe that for a second, sorry.

The fact of the matter is, many decisions have already been taken having console in mind.

Im done with Path of Exile for now, i feel like puking.
How We Approach Console Development

In extreme secrecy.

Thank you for your generous support!

Tbh I'm fine with my money supporting a project unrelated to poe; it's their revenue and they can choose how to spend it.
I'm also fine with the secret release; I understand the fear that can come from your first major flop going public.
All I'm asking for is that the PC version is still the "main" version of the game, so all the insane mechanics and difficult endgame content will get to the PC and maybe gets gutted from the console. It's a small cost to development efficiency (more on that in a moment) and avoids screwing over the vets of poe.

As for the content that could be gutted:
It should be easy enough to just make dangerous boss attacks have a longer delay before triggering, and for things that that wouldn't work for, use a simple fix like giving, for example, atziri full room storm calls a longer delay at the end before the room gets electrocuted, so you'll only need o work on it a bit longer for the console update.
For skills, there will be lost causes like storm call and tornado shot, but most skills used in poe are, face it, exceedingly simple to use. Most of it is just clicking in the general direction of a pack and clearing a quarter of the screen or more. Most other skills can be fixed with some minor autoaiming, and easy overhauls like just having a flameblast start at your position and grow in the direction you're facing could fix a handful of others.
So all in all you're changing what? 10% of the incoming content? Which would mean 95% of maximum efficiency in terms of programming manpower? Honestly if GGG can't do this kind of stuff they deserve the loss of revenue from the PC market.
Chris wrote:

We hired new team members specifically for the the console project. They were directly responsible for the massive improvements to frame rate, client load times, memory use, as well as the introduction of the 64-bit client, DirectX 11 renderer and new audio system. These changes were immediately released to the PC version as soon as they were available. Even if you're not a console gamer, this project improved the game for you.

Sorry but hiring new team members specifically for the console project is still "splitting dev resources". Instead of spending money hiring team members to focus on and fix issues with the PC version, that money is being spent on resources for a console version. Did they inadvertently help the PC version because they had to update the game engine to work with DX11 for consoles? Sure. And how many years was the PC player base asking about getting DX11 support and the answer was always no? Suddenly you need to port to consoles and you can hire new team members to do this but it somehow didn't make sense when it was only for PC players? You know, PC players, those people that helped prop up your company so you didn't go bankrupt before release and are your sole revenue stream at the moment?

You already cut out having a separate league for Hardcore players because it was costing too much money and development time. What is stopping this exact same scenario from happening now that you will be splitting resources between two platforms? How long until you decide it isn't worth spending time and money to balance, test and develop features for two different platforms and start focusing on things that will only work on both platforms hence limiting the PC version?
Last edited by Ascendic#3763 on Jan 24, 2017, 11:06:41 PM
Chris wrote:
When we started our Xbox One project in 2015, we looked at how other online game communities reacted to the announcement of a console version of those games. While many players were excited, some were disappointed and had a few fears:
  • The fear that development resources would be spent on a version of the game that didn't directly benefit that player.
  • The fear that the PC version would be modified to become more similar to the new console version.

After we saw other communities reacting like this, we internally pledged to make sure that our development of the console version of Path of Exile took these concerns into account.

We hired new team members specifically for the the console project. They were directly responsible for the massive improvements to frame rate, client load times, memory use, as well as the introduction of the 64-bit client, DirectX 11 renderer and new audio system. These changes were immediately released to the PC version as soon as they were available. Even if you're not a console gamer, this project improved the game for you.

We haven't modified the game content on the PC version due to any console decisions. When we realised that the controls of the console version dictate four flask slots, we didn't remove a flask slot from PC. People have suggested that we add console controller support to the PC version, but that would require changing how skills work to support it, and that's not a rabbit hole that we want to go down. The development and direction of the PC version has not and will not change due to the existence of the console version.

The announcement today will not only create a vibrant console Path of Exile community, but will bolster the PC one over time. We're really pleased at reading all of the excited posts from people (inside our community and outside) who are eager to play Path of Exile on Xbox One. We saw concerns from players who are worried about the above topics, and wanted to use this manifesto post to reassure them that we planned around those concerns going into this.

I hope you enjoyed the new trailer and spotted a few of the easter eggs that hint at the massive amount of content we'll be announcing next month!

why would anybody possibly be excited... just that one point is bullshit enough on its own. nothing good for the pc players can come out of this as a matter of fact, but plenty of bad things. it does not benefit the player in any way and CANNOT do so. nor does making the playerbase bigger improve anything for the individual player. it's not like ggg will put the additional funds into developing the game. ggg has grown too big and complacent already. no creative drive left, only greed (just look at those mtx prices).


Path of Exile 3.0 - now with VR! in glorious 15 FPS! with 11% better water effects! only on xbox one

PS: and once again, Chris-Chan Wilson's post is so telling: they looked at other online game communities' reactions - because it's a business choice. they never look at other games for game-related influence (e.g. the inevitable need for an auction house or a way to replace the outdated temporary league nonsense with a pair of permanent Path of Exile 1.0 leagues). and only AFTER they found out how other communities reacted (btw, every franchise that started on pc and had sequels also developed for consoles I ever played WAS INDEED dumbed down in those sequels), they chose to not screw over pc players by dumbing down the pc version.. for now.

but... the xbox version still will get exclusive features and content

and the comment on performance is once again bitter sarcasm (just like their hateful and disgusting april fools' post with the promise of "trading improvements"). game performance has never been worse. I've played on and off since open beta. it's the worst right now.

so, nothing new. typical ggg
since I have no hope for significant game design improvements in this game I am officially done with Path of Exile. done for good
Last edited by LMTR14#6725 on Jan 31, 2017, 9:15:48 AM
After 15 years in gaming, I have never seen such negativity and such agressive vocal crying manority, who hides behind the fact that they bought packs...

How the f... can you justify this?

Some individuals here need some serious self controlling therapy...

What's next? They announce details about xbox revamped mechanics and u gonna appear in front of GGG studio with a gun ??

Ur 5 bucks or 1000 bucks... (noone cares..) prolly went to server cost? hardware? bills? aswell... So stop acting like butthurt babies who was forced to give the lunch money to the bully kid...

Also how big is your ego when you even try to dictate what SHOULD? and SHOULD NOT be developed?...

Stay blind and throw the hours of fun you had or have with this game... but do not dare to ever call ggg full of (something..)
I'm happy for GGG with this, but im scared that xbox will take a lot of players from PC...
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