How We Approach Console Development

Fuck, really? I was hoping for controller support on pc. ARPGs just don't feel right on kbm.
gh0un wrote:
Chris wrote:

We haven't modified the game content on the PC version due to any console decisions.

So the cast on crit and wormblaster changes werent influenced by this at all?
They werent changed because too many actions on the xbox would be problematic?

Not gonna believe that for a second, sorry.

The fact of the matter is, many decisions have already been taken having console in mind.

Im done with Path of Exile for now, i feel like puking.

What? You say this like this is new. It was a clever use of game mechanics that trivialized all content.

Snap Shotting and Kamikazi mirror arrow clones are similar to this. I know you will never read this but look up MI mirror arrow clones. The build killed Atziri in 5 hits with all white gear. It one shot screens in a 6 man party with all white gear.

People breaking the game is nothing new, half the fun is finding ways to do things never intended.
If for what ever reason you enjoyed my half a thousand posts in the account PrinceOfPuddles you should will find the same Elemental Hit lover on this account. Probation no longer closes shops so I have no fear to use my acualy acount instead of my alt. Also showing off my new supporter tags ~ _,~
Will there be support Xbox Play Anywhere?
Chris wrote:
When we started our Xbox One project in 2015, we looked at how other online game communities reacted to the announcement of a console version of those games. While many players were excited, some were disappointed and had a few fears:
  • The fear that development resources would be spent on a version of the game that didn't directly benefit that player.
  • The fear that the PC version would be modified to become more similar to the new console version.

You worked on it in SECRET cause you knew people would be pissed.
You made us PC players pay for the developement of a console game, without telling us.
You scamed us, and nothing you'll ever say will change that.

You kept it secret for a long time.
You knew making this public would impact the support.
You waited for the playerbase to triple before making the announcement.

You should leave GGG and get into politics.
You'd shine there as never before.
IGN: Bluntexile
The best way to destroy some RPG is to "Adapt it" to console gameplay.
GGG - Mark my words - If You try 1 gameplay version for all devices - You can doublecross this game.
With the "1h 6L wipe" the PoE turns to a joke now.
There is no sane reason for one to play it any further.
Bluntexile wrote:
Chris wrote:
When we started our Xbox One project in 2015, we looked at how other online game communities reacted to the announcement of a console version of those games. While many players were excited, some were disappointed and had a few fears:
  • The fear that development resources would be spent on a version of the game that didn't directly benefit that player.
  • The fear that the PC version would be modified to become more similar to the new console version.

You worked on it in SECRET cause you knew people would be pissed.
You made us PC players pay for the developement of a console game, without telling us.
You scamed us, and nothing you'll ever say will change that.

You kept it secret for a long time.
You knew making this public would impact the support.
You waited for the playerbase to triple before making the announcement.

You should leave GGG and get into politics.
You'd shine there as never before.
No he won't. By politics standards that was some pretty weak lame-ass excuse.
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
I am a console player - have been since Pong when I was a little kid, before there were personal computers. Always preferred controller to key/mouse -familiarity more than anything else really.

Personally I am really excited for chance to be able to play PoE on console.
Proud Console Player
Last edited by Krillholder#5851 on Apr 10, 2017, 1:31:27 PM
First, GGG is making a smart move. They are not thinking of themselves or selling out. They simple need to tap into a new profit resource, so they can generate more funds to aid their game, THAT THEY GIVE US FOR FREE...

It's called business... Clearly everyone posting "hate",or, "self-manifested theories", does not have a grasp on business expansion, profit caps, and market penetration. With a free to play game like POE, which GGG has done a phenomenal job with, there is a limited net potential in profit they will earn just by supporting a PC title. That being said, have they reached their full profit cap potential on PC? Probably not. However, waiting for the day that they do, then scrambling to make a "battlefield" solution would be detrimental to their future as a company.. They could then be forced to sell, or enter a partnership with let's say, Activision, or EA. Then those companies would absolutely change the integrity that GGG has worked so hard to maintain with POE. So, stop whining so much and enjoy one of the BEST and TRUE free to play arpg's on the market. As far as those, "it's going to ruin everything" thoughts.. Well express your opinion, that's fine, but understand that you cannot define the future, and nothing is 100% certain. Sit back and wait, and enjoy until then!
jsdf wrote:
ThatsSoGoodman wrote:
It makes more financial sense to hire people for such large changes if you're planning on capturing a whole new market.

When an "indy" dev is more concerned about financial sense than their games performance/playability, that's when you know they've lost whatever magic they once had.

It's "cute" that you believe that finances, profit motive and the bottom line aren't important to ALL developers, or on their minds no matter how they can be classified.

IF performance improvements won't budge the needle much in terms of player engagement or dollars spent THEN they are going to be something that only get's worked on slowly over time or not at all.

This will be true no matter what kind of developer you are or whether you're attached to a AAA publisher or not.

Programming time costs money. If your going to spend money doing X, it has to be shown to directly or indirectly affect the bottom line positively, or your throwing money into a bin and lighting it on fire.

This is true with all software development, not just video games. Well, I suppose it is not true with open source stuff, but even there you have time management and resources to consider.
TreeOfDead wrote:
I'm happy for GGG with this, but im scared that xbox will take a lot of players from PC...

Given the levels of elitism in the fanbase, I highly doubt most will even consider it. This will bring many more players, I bet, than it will transfer players over.

I bet GGG feels that way too, or else they wouldn't bother spending the money to do it, even if some 'help' is coming from MS*.

* I assume something like this must be happening in at least SOME fashion (free dev kits, at least?), since this and Grim Dawn are announced as coming to Xbox One/S/X, but not PS4/Pro or Nintendo-whatever.

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