Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

Anything that adds to the game and the choices in how people play it is okay with me. So long as SSF remains an option and doesn't become mandatory for the game, it has my support (not like that matters or means anything, but yeah).

I would love to try and roll an SSF toon or two just to get a bit more of a challenge out of the game. It might be a good option halfway through a league when it starts to die off. It would keep me more interested in the game for sure. :)
rewriting it on my main account
Last edited by MyPoeHelper#0563 on Jan 23, 2017, 2:01:58 PM
I have a semi-SSF character in most leagues, as well as a guild party character, so I'd probably play this. I don't trade, but I'll take stuff from the guild bank. Given that the guild consists of myself and 2 other active members, not too far from self found. :)

Having said that, I wonder about being able to get gems. Was there an answer in the past 40 pages or so about maybe allowing classes to purchase all gems once past certain quests?
Chris wrote:

There's also a button that migrates all characters as well as your league-account progress like masters, stash tabs, the atlas, etc. You would be able to migrate it all and then later decide to play more SSF characters if you want.

Feature request:

I play SSF league
Migrate everything to a noon SSF league, there is a checkbox to do a hard reset on the SSF league
Create a new character in the SSF league, then everything is as a completely new league. Master are at level 1 with 0xp. My atlas has 0 completed maps.

Now that we are at it. It would be nice to have the options of binding masters and atlas to a character instead of account. This would allow players to practice their starting strategy. But i guess this is to much to ask for. Plus with the above feature request, there is an option to kinda do a fresh league. Even if it is forced to SSF.

maybe in stead of comming with this play mode that doesnt really make a difference since the game is online only...... i mean why play a mmo-arpg to play alone and not trade....
i suggest for those ppl to go to something like D3

i have bought several supporter packs in the past and have a shitload of mtx's to support GGG
but i would like to see them tackle the stuff they have been promising since before 1.0
like the chat system, or trade system (again if you leave out another company, than GGG's trade improvements would make no difference at all,'
and lets be fair, P2W trading tabs srsly..... i mean im not whining, i got about 40 of em but still if you dont spend money you cant trade? (without a 3rd party program) and always have to use a 3rd party website......

i will not buy anything anymore until i see this game takes on its promises and give what they promised since 1.0....
but no lets double the work that they cant handle already by releasing on Xbox-one, and lets spend all these pc user's money to deploy on another platform that no1 cares about..... well clearly -1 for GGG
Agreed but I suppose intentionally leaving things exactly the same is part of the the draw playing SSF. Which like you, I don't necessarily agreed with. Perhaps a permanent SSF mode with increased odds of RNG and other tweaks to better suit soloing.

ShaUrley wrote:
For someone who plays almost exclusively SSF, this is a great addition, and it's done the right way e.g., so multiple SSF characters can share the same stash.

There should be no differences between how SSF works and the usual game. However, I do agree with this comment, especially when it comes to weapons:

CloudStrive wrote:
Sound Great!
I tried playing SelfFound before but one problem I had with it was, at one point (maybe LV 65 or something) I realized that crafting in SSF is pretty bad.

For example, my TS-ranger in BCH found an ilvl 73 Harbinger, and she tried to get a somewhat usable phys-da bow. The best +phys-da% that showed up after spamming around 700 alts+augs, a couple of dozen chaos, a couple of dozen scour/alch's, and several shrieking contempt essences was a low T3 cruel roll (+138%). The contempt essences don't really help in this situation, like they were intended to, because getting any slightly reasonable +phys-da% on top of their flat phy-da is unlikely.

Maybe this was unlucky, but I finally got so fed up that I used 5 chaos to trade for a 290 pdps Harbinger that was infinitely better than anything I managed to craft myself, even though it's hardly great by usual standards. (It was the first time I've ever traded for any item in the entire time playing PoE).

Now, a lot of the fun in SSF is having to go out and get what you need (like finding an ilvl 73 Harbinger to craft, or working to 5-link your bow or armor) and if this is the way crafting has to be to avoid abuse by regular players that's fine.

But over the years, there has been an enormous power creep in the high-end items (especially uniques) relative to the ones you can actually expect to find or craft yourself. I'd like to see that gap narrowed, so it's possible for normal (non-streaming) SSF players to get somewhat viable end-game items. It seems like raising the chances for crafting decent lower-end items would hardly affect the regular game, since most of those items would be inferior and of no interest to players who trade anyway.

Medlow86 wrote:
TL;DR SSF is going to be a classic ARPG experience. No increased drop rates, no vendor alterations, no changes required at all. Most current meta builds won't apply here, get over it. Stick to standard :)

Well, that's a helluva first forum post. Glad you're aboard.
Great addition to the game. Have you considered also adding "self-found guilds" to the game? As one user already wrote, he almost always plays with his brother and never trades. That is the case with me also. We would like to continue playing as a team, but stay strictly self-found.
I think this could be easily implemented, as a guild could simply choose is it a self-found guild or not. Then the characters would be bound to that guild and could trade items only using the Guild Stash.
this sounds fun i did not trade or group anyways.i never tried going into endgame much to see how for to go.
Wowzers! Sounds awesome, great idea guys!!!

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