Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

I like that there is at least a SSF league, but it kind of misses the point a little bit. In its current state it just filters out a little bit of the noise.

But I think the assumption, all SSF characters will eventually trade anyway is a highly incorrect view. Some people like me just get nothing from trading or the "econonmy" and could care less about it. I think it cheapens the game.

I do realize that GGG view trading as a core component, but it also seems so trivial to add a true SFF league into the game.

A true SFF league would be a permanent decision. It should not be a loot pinata like the current state of D3, but currency, rares and uniques should be more common. The first kill of major quest bosses should be greatly enhanced like they are in Diablo 2.

It should still be a grind and a major accomplishment to reach end level maps but it should be adjusted allowing for there never to be any transactions of any type.

I realize a true SFF option would require possible additional servers, well it could be handled as a microtransaction, 500 or 1000 points to add true SFF capability to the game.

Current SSF is an improvement but not what it really needs to be.
Act 10 Kitava in SSF HC must be easy :)
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This mode has restored my faith in this game and company. Thanks guys.
I'm another one enjoying SSF. I like seeing the odd fellow adventurer in town, too, always gives me a smile.
SSF just brought me back to PoE. Downloading game at the moment.
Thought I was done with PoE, having supported the game $$$ wise across multiple accounts since its inception. I just can't deal with the way trading is dealt with and how hard it is to find meaningful rares.

I just read about SSF and I'm coming back to play it \o/
Very curious about this game mode. I'm warming up with an old character first then I believe I may play SSF.

I haven't touched PoE since 2013. Losing characters in HC after my modem disconnected or renewed IP really burned me out. And SC wasn't appealing at all to me.

At first glance, this seems like the sweet spot between SC and HC. The rewarding sense of progress and completion, without worrying about losing everything to a network disconnect or a huge latency spike.

I was still having fun with Diablo II cpl years ago playing "self found". For me it was like a "rogue" game mode almost. There is an incentive to start again, as some characters are lucky, others not so much. Each character is an adventure. Since they improved slightly the odds for higher runes I found it worked, a totally self found character could complete Hell diff in HC, and the fact that you don't know what you'll get and have to make do with not always the optimal choices (unlike trading) make it interesting.

However from what I gather here you can share the stash between SSF chars so I don't think the "rogue" comparison applies. But you get closer to that with the challenge league then ? (the SSF stash is reset after a few months?).

I read this post linked from the wiki also because I was curious about how it works with parties and such. I guess it makes sense that parties are disabled.

At first I thought you could have partying in "maps", or non boss areas. And use permanent allocation. But then I can see how you can level more easily perhaps. In HC this is somewhat balanced by the fact that you still have to be super careful (even more so that another player makes the situation with enemies etc. less predictable). So for SSF I suppose the inability to party at all balances it out.

Either way this sounds like a great addition!

(ps: returning newb, any reason to play standard SSF over Abyss SSF?)
DeF46 wrote:
(ps: returning newb, any reason to play standard SSF over Abyss SSF?)

Play Abyss SSF if you want access to the new content. Progression in SSF feels MUCH better in Abyss than it ever has imo. Because of the Abyss belts and jewels (and also higher life rolls on gear) you can reach a minimum hp threshold for mapping at the time you're expected to do maps. This was the biggest problem playing SSF before. The gear you needed to progress really only dropped in high level content that you couldn't deal with until you got the geared, so you were just stuck at some point. And most people would turn to the market where people running those high level maps with support were putting high ilevel gear up for sale.

In addition, you can get dmg bonus's on the Abyss jewels that help you deal with Abyss monsters without needing the "best" gear. This allows you to get the reward opportunities as SSF when you really need them and the result is (at least for me) that you no longer feel like you're unable to push yourself into maps and end game content without either stopping and grinding for the rest of your life in out leveled zones, or being so disappointed with the lack of progression that you feel you need to just go and buy what you need to progress.
I agree with the previous poster that SSF is in a very good place now.

Also, the Abyss league is very SSF-friendly overall, as long as you're careful to stay within what your character can handle when you open up an Abyss crack.
Now that prestige classes will finally leave lab in 4.0, will GGG get it right this time or will they find new ways to repeat old mistakes?
Thank you both for the tips!

Actually if I understand correctly, I could even create a HC SSF Abyss character. When that character dies, it would fall back to SSF Abyss right? So why not try it.

Then I realized the stash would not transfer over, but I am guessing if my character falls from HC SSF Abyss to SSF Abyss, an I had some valuables in stash I could create a mule in HC SSF Abyss again, move items to it from the stash, and then get it to die as well so it leaves the HC mode with the items?

This sounds good. I mean when I played back in 2013 there was no such incentive with HC as "downgrading" to standard league made the character more or less obsolete. But with SSF I think I'll still be motivated to play the character, at least until I feel like trying HC again.

Can you transfer anything in this way from HC SSF to SSF, or are there limitations?

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