Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

Really like the formalising of this play option.

I prefer to exclusively SSF simply because I cant be bothered with trading as im still trying to learn the game, let alone the "value" of things.

Its nice to see the stash will be shared between SSF toons too.

No additional drops, no fancy weird additional rules otherwise its not the same game is it .. which entirely defeats the purpose.
"PoE will never be on consoles"
"PoE will never have SSF League"

ahahahah, never say never. It's a shame SSF league won't have smart loot.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give moar Power Creep Pls

It would be nice if class specific drops were a bit more common in ssf.
Hell yes!
I will be returning for this!
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, it is that we are powerful beyond measure.
Finally, a move in the right direction!

This is promising, Chris, I really want to see how this develops. And yeah, I'll play it for sure.
and now in german plz >_<
I've only ever played SSF and would have continued playing this way regardless of the news. However, I'm really pleased you've decided to give formal recognition to this way of playing PoE. Thanks GGG :)
Interesting, might give it a go.
As far as i'm concerned, self-found alone would definitely make me happy.
Just no trade, no access to other players allocations/drops whatsoever, but the possibility to play with people following the same restrictions.
Would be way more popular i think, not to mention players sick of trading would probably play the game longer...
Thank you very much. Really looking forward to this.

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