Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0
" You already have that. People already have the SSF option, of course. But the separate league is for no other reason than ladder racing and bragging rights as SSF with actual 'anti-cheat'. What you are asking is for another league for preregistered up to 6 players. I'd question how many people would want that. Casually casual.
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SSF needs to have a far better drop rate so that items will drop when they're useful, not ten levels too late.
Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive. Patch Notes 3.19: Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment. |
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" I actually don't agree. What I like about SSF is that you make builds according to what you drop. I got a bino's -> I did a blade flurry, I was lucky and got a reach of the council -> I did a tornado shot build. SSF for me isnt about doing 6 builds, all with the perfect gear, but 3-4 builds with gear good enough to do all content (even if its harder). I do think we need better currency drops - we dont sell them... we can use them for actually being able to roll quality maps and craft quality gear without constantly running out and then grinding another 2 days for more chaos/alchs/scours/whatever... I don't see a downside for this. |
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" Please do not, In the Tencent server, people quickly brush trading information in the world channel, we can not communicate. expect SSF mode world channel is a clean place. |
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First of all, sorry for my bad english! Hope u'll understand my point of view for SSF :D
So far I'm big fan of SSF, playing completly alone and all success and failures comes from yourself. I like that idea, you have to play some selfmade builds because you dont find the right stuff for your "dream" build, or dont have enough linked sockets or not the right gems etc. etc.. It's way harder experience then the regular game. And it should be harder. But if there are no "buffs" for SSF its way tooo hard. I'm not sure, but I think no SSF Player in the past managed to kill shaper right? Not even a Guardian? I think even with tons of luck, maybe lucky 6L a decent armour or weapon, It's still almost impossible in my opinion to kill Guardians/Shaper, or other Endgame stuff. In most cases a decent 6L isnt enough, except you play a OP Vaal Pact Instant leech Face Tank Build (god damn I hate these builds...). Maybe then you will have a little chance to kill endgame stuff. If you are willing to sacrifice your soul and play some of these stupid builds, an not 99% of all other builds possible in POE. But thats another story, we are talking about SSF :D. For most builds you need at least 2-3 of these: a 6L, a level 21 gem, empower 4, helm enchant and 2-3 certain uniques for your build, decent defense gear otherwise your oneshot to every endgame boss. Trading took a really big part in the game, like in the opening post from GGG in this thread they want multiplayer and trading be part of the game. Thats their philosophy of the game and thats okay. But trading got out of control in most cases, if i look to all my chars, 95% or more of my items are bought trough And Still the endgame stuff is hard to clear. So in SSF is no trading, GOOD :D. But how the **** you will clear endgame or at least T10-12+ stuff?? Yeah i understand that SSF is harder and has to be harder, thats the whole idea and thats what i like. But dont make it impossible. So SSF needs some improvements to be at least a litte bit competetive and not completly frustrating. I dont talk about insane buffs that makes SSF super easy or like the normal game. But some buffs/improvements to make it enjoyable. Here some ideas: Raise currency drops Currency isnt worth anything, just for crafting so maybe double the currency drops. Not too much, at the end all goes to standard (yeah 25% of POE plays standard, so there would be a big inflation...). But we have to think about currency in SSF, currency is the "money" in normal POE but in SSF It's worth a lot less. But u need a lot for crafting. Raise magic find Quantity +30%, Quality +50%? Yeah i know currency drops are in Quantity, just talking about Items drops here. At least u have to find some usefull unique stuff and more Items for vendoring or whatever... And you lacking of partymembers that increases your magic find. Raise the experience gain for masters 50% or more? You have to craft a lot and the masters are your only friends in SSF ;) More map drops 15%-25%? You will need it! Atlas! Yeah i know magic find also fits here, but like i said talking about extra drops. Boss drops extra Unique You cant farm bosses like Atziri in normal if you buy bunch of atziri sets. So if you are looking for certain uniques this double your chance. Or Map bosses always drops a unique! That way you are a bit forced to kill bosses for a lucky good unique drop and dont just farm Trash in maps. Maybe just 50% chance for a double drop on certain bosses and 50% chance to drop a unqiue from map bosses. I think there are a dozen of other constructive ideas to improve SSF, thats just some of my ideas and Point of view. And thats just examples with the amount of magic find, at least GGG decides. I'm very optimistic that GGG understand that SSF needs some kind of buffs to make it attractive for gamers that are looking for some "hardcore" experience. Dont underestimate how much the loss of trading influences the gameplay of POE ;) So far, have a nice internet day guys! xD DannyCMan |
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" Because of this, I don't think anything will change regarding drop chances / currency / whatever. Not saying it is a bad thing, I like it vanilla even in SSF. |
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" Just something to think about - most players will earn ALOT more currency in X time, even if in SSF you get more currency drops in that X time. You may get 50 chaos instead of 30, and 2ex instead of 1, but most players will be able to earn that difference through trading. Only new players, who cant trade efficiently will benefit from this - and I dont think it`ll change things too drastically (maybe raise an average lower item's price). " I`m not such a good player, but through grinding and luck I reached t15s and managed to try one guardian. I even got 3/4 of the uber atziri pieces. I`m sure better players managed to reach shaper even. But, you're 100% right that in SSF getting to endgame is either: (1) Based on luck and getting that 1 OP gear (I got bino's and a fit skin of the loyal.. lucky..). (2) Using a working "do all content without much gear" meta OP build. We need a way to reach the final endgame without breaking the difficulty lvl (in my mind its currency changes so we can craft all gear ourselves). |
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Healthy E-peen stroking is good E-peen stroking.
"Dead DPS is 0 DPS"
- Rules of Gaming |
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so there are no ssf-marked challenge rewards. as in giving them an * behind their name, only so that the player could see he earned them the hard way.
aaaand ssf failed before it even began. stillborn. a ssf leaderboard is only motivation for the 5%. the 95% have ZERO extra motivation to play ssf. since I have no hope for significant game design improvements in this game I am officially done with Path of Exile. done for good
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" oh so finally people actually realise that? people have been calling me "you suck noob" because I could never reach the final bosses... and I've been SSF ALL ALONG since I have no hope for significant game design improvements in this game I am officially done with Path of Exile. done for good
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