Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0
Hi there Path of Exile community,
Used to play DIII pretty excessively and didn't really get into PoE for quite a long time. Flame me hard for it haha but now I'm really amazed by the complexity PoE offers compared to DIII. It is also by far more time-consuming as far as build crafting goes, but then again farming OP gear is never wasted time in an ARPG. ;D Created a new self-found char in the new Legacy League but then decided not to pass up on (pretty essential) trades. I migrated my char to the regular Legacy League. During this process I lost all of my currency and several unique items because my stash tabs just got reset. Is this intended or a bug? How do I get my items back? Do I have to wait until the end of the League or are they lost forever? Didn't expect that and it really frustrated me quite a bit... :S Ps. recommendations for an efficient way to farm currency at the beginning of a league would be highly appreciated! :D Thx for any answers Last edited by Svartecreation#2657 on Mar 15, 2017, 2:09:19 AM
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See? SSF dying
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch Phrecia veiled crafting all service all crafts mods Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod! Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead |
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" Create a mule character in your previous SSF league, transfer the items from your SSF stash to that character, and then migrate the character holding the items. (Not sure if the "migrate all" button migrates stash tabs too?) I myself am enjoying SSF HC Legacy very much. Level 83, still hunting for Marohi Erqi, but I'm doing ok. Been great fun! Last edited by Steamr0ller#7509 on Mar 16, 2017, 11:37:19 AM
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SSF support is the best thing happened to poe imo
enjoying the game like never before thanks Glacial Hammer now has 3-5% Chance to Poison on the character select screen.
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" ^ this X10 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
"If you are going to preach X, then you must stand by the X, live by the X, and be the X." - Deceptionist |
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I'm really hoping they implement some form of either guild or party play for SSF soon. Even if it has to have it's own ladder, so it's separate from the SSF ladder.
My most fun in this game, would be SSF amongst a party, i'd love if it if you could register a party of 6, and be able to trade between you. Or have a guild limit of 10 or something, and some way to restrict people leaving and joining for trading. PLaying with mates, without being able to buy everything and anything is my dream =) |
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" Odd reply - a fair playing field is NOT: going SSF in a league that supports it but is still balanced around groups and trading (balanced around non-SSF). __________________________________ To people complaining about anyone who want the drops buffed somehow or some-amount - since many of you claim you have zero interest, why do you care? It doesn't affect you, your precious economy, or pretty much anything outside the pseudo-league. Well, that would be true if the league did not allow transfers to trade-mode, which is the problem - and this together with that nonsense reply from Chris proves this is nothing more than a sham meant to get people excited about the idea in theory and come flocking back ahead of 3.0. I guess some people like a boring slog, but this is really not what that vast majority of people asking for SSF were asking for, so what is the point? Oh right, for l33t people who play the game more than they live life can feel extra l33t. Well that IS the bread and butter, isn't it? Except me - perhaps over 1000 hours, been here since cb, and over $500 spent. So who cares what I think, right? |
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To begin, I'm very happy that SSF is getting some attention and also happy that entire leagues are being based around that mode of playing.
Second, there are undoubtedly some players who want to try out SSF risk-free, reserving the right to switch later. The conversion-out-of-SSF option makes very good sense, given this reality. But, some others have zero intention of ever leaving SSF because that's how they've been playing POE forever. To assist that portion of your playerbase, it would be helpful if when first creating a SSF character there is a box to check to make that choice irreversible. It's unlikely to be painfully expensive to do that, which hopefully means the idea will receive consideration. My primary concern would be to level up a SSF character to the mid-to-high 80s, or thereabouts, then one or two misclicks occur, and then that character ends up losing access to their stash after conversion to a non-SSF league. Now that prestige classes will finally leave lab in 4.0, will GGG get it right this time or will they find new ways to repeat old mistakes?
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" Not only would you have to misclick one of the "Migrate" buttons that are not even in the normal 'select character' window, but you would also then have to miclick again by clicking the "Yes, I acknowledge that this warning message informing me that I'm about to migrate my SSF character out of the SSF league has appeared on my screen, and i accept" button as well. Unless you're requesting that there be a confirmation window for the confirmation window... But then 3 misclicks could migrate your character!!!! Better make a confirmation window for the confirmation window's confirmation window, just in case. |
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"Or, players could check a box and make a character irrevocably SSF. This is a minor UI redesign; basically, the option to opt out never appears. Now that prestige classes will finally leave lab in 4.0, will GGG get it right this time or will they find new ways to repeat old mistakes?
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