How is ssf going for u guys/girls? ^^

Not very well for me. This is the first league I've played, I usually just do standard. So far I've found less than 20 orbs of fusing which I need a lot of because the drops I get really stink. Same with chromatic orbs and jewelers orbs.

In over four hundred hours of playing this game I have found only a couple 6L pieces of gear. Maybe my character level isn't high enough? I don't know a lot about this game and am following a build for a Caustic Arrow Ranger which is fun. I always follow CA builds or ice shot or fire builds, I find them the most fun.

I have realized that without the specific pieces of gear the build requires gets one only so far, certainly it won't get to endgame with any ability to withstand more than one hit. It's fun for awhile but then I have to take a break for a bit, as it gets redundant not making much progress.

I've been working on getting to Act 10 for months now, still haven't made it. Probably won't make it that far in this or any league, which is fine. I've only made it to Act 10 with one of my characters, and that was awhile back ( 1 - 2 years ago maybe?). Ive made a lot more characters than what are in my account right now, but I've deleted them when they don't pan out. I've lost count on how many.

When it stops being fun I stop playing, take a break, then come back and play some more. Once I lowered my expectations with this game some of the frustration went away.

anyway, that's how my SSF league has been going. Lack of gear required, lack of currency needed to improve gear so I die a lot, thus losing XP that took hours/days to grind. Taking a break for awhile and will come back later. Maybe just delete this character and start over in standard, or play one of the other characters in my account. Probably won't play leagues after this one ends, will stay in standard, play when it's fun and stop when it isn't.

good luck to everyone and have fun, i really give kudos to anyone that makes it to high 90's/100.
New char after RIP - somewhat similar build: Forbidden Rite selfcast Pathfinder with direct and poison damage. Build is far from complete but seems to work quite well already. Main difference on offense is that I have to use GMP. And Pathfinder gets ~25% more Poison damage. So that makes adding Poison the better choice.

The Master Surgeon/Flagellant thing seems to be working even though I only have it at ~7% per getting hit (guessing, not sure) instead of the achievable 30%.

Current gear:


danw987 wrote:

What helps for survival in acts:
1) Enough life.
2) Max elemental resists.
3) Phys mitigation: At least Determination & Banner of Defiance.
4) On gear focus on pieces with good life, resists and armour.
5) Good recovery: Stone Golem, Vitality, life regen on passive, recoup.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
danw987 wrote:

I've been working on getting to Act 10 for months now, still haven't made it.

Maybe you need some advice on your characters/builds.
If you un-hide your profile, you can get some help.

~ There are spectacular moments.
Just got a 2x 'Augment Caster' Harvest. Almost missed it and wondered "Why are there 3 entries with 'Caster' in it?" The GUI here could really use some improvements. Having to actually read things doesnt fit into current PoE "speed meta". Unfortunately only lvl 72 so its capped at ilvl 82 though.

No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!

Found this earlier in a grand heist.
I was actually just looking for any evasion chest with a life enchant for a bigger crafting project, but that project was already kind of finished after picking this up, crafting %life and adding eldritch impicits
RIPed again. This time to Harvest cold blasters. Player error. Although the Pathfinder thing does seem to work I didnt have enough. May try again maybe.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Just started A8 (yes i play slow and patiently), killed Doedre (Essence of the hag), got this for reward, very happy with it.

reminds me kinda of the 'well rolled item system'.

E: got these boots yesterday (11.4.), as a natural drop in my first map.

Just do it! And keep it simple -
Things will become complicated by itself.
Last edited by tuasoafoch#7907 on Apr 12, 2022, 9:21:16 AM
Hit a major benchmark in my quest to get all uniques in SSF, my unique tab is now 1,150 / 1,150. I'm still technically missing 21 uniques, since things like fishing gear and the removed fated uniques skew the final number. Here's a few of the bigger ticket items I've found this patch

Have a new Pathfinder with selfcast Forbidden Rite. Build is now functional with 100% ignite/chill/freeze/shock avoid and 100% spell suppression. Still has a bit too much "mana dip" issue due to MoM eating mana before recoup sets in properly. But seems to work quite well otherwise.

Not yet completed gear - got lucky with a prefix-fracture on the shield. And the rings need at least 8 ex to complete - probably more.

Some pieces took a lot of grind to craft. Harvest crafting is really clunky. Although Kirac helps a bit. If there would be Harvest scarabs it wouldnt be quite so bad - everything other than Harvest can be targeted. And Harvest is particularly nasty also in that you need to do things in the correct order.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
I returned this league to try the new atlas stuff.

Played quite a lot for my standards, four characters to 90+, managed to beat Uber Elder and the Feared, but not Maven (don't understand this fight, looks so easy when streamers do it, but it's a clusterfuck when I try it).

Put together some solid builds, some not so great ones.

Did not engage in Heist&Legion (skipped the Leagues and don't want to learn), rarely entered Delve, only a bit of Alva, Expedition and Blight, I just played lots of old content I like: atlas had Essence, Strongboxes, Breach, Harvest, Betrayal most of the time. Got 29 challenges done, not too interested in completing the remaining ones.


Leaguestarter (not the best for the job) was a Winterorb Occultist with Crit-HoI:

Quite squishy and low damage in endgame boss fights, still managed to earn her staff by herself, and get gear that caps the lowered resistances.
I expected more from triple damage, didn't really feel like an upgrade from her not-so-great rare staff (some crit, +2 all cold, some spell damage).
Fun to play, but she fell short in lategame.


Then I played a Poison Seismic Trapper, this is an absurdly strong build.
And I managed to get some sexy gear, I love every single piece of equipment:

He's running Grace for normal mapping, damage is more than enough.
Malevolence is used instead in endgame bossfights and other tough content. Even got a Malevolence Watcher's Eye with extra Dot multi.

Two Ming's Heart is of course greedy, but he still has around 5k life, which seems to be sufficient for all content.
Never managed to find a second CIP, but I like my shield, so it's ok.

Throughout the league, he was used for all hard content, because his gazillions of DpS enable him to trivialize almost anything.


My Champion never managed to craft a really good weapon, I just settled for a multimodded flaring one in the end, around 660 DpS, had a couple exalts zu blow.

With everything on lifetap, I can run Grace, Determination, Dread Banner and Pride. Has 40k armour and evasion, which feels really tanky and adds a lot of damage with the belt.
Still damage is insufficient for lategame bosses, but it would also be insufficient for a bad player like me with a 1000DpS axe.
But overall very enjoyable, the tankiness helps a lot for smooth and safe mapping.


My bow girl failed.
I had aquired a couple items with the other three chacters that looked kind of nice, like the synth belt or the random doube %stats corrupted ring with usable explicits, but it never came together.
Crit chance too low, bow is cool but I don't have brittle to make it usable, accuracy is a problem, and though the gloves look really nice, those are probably not the suffixes you want for omniscience.

Also no capped spell suppression, and no extra projectiles.

It took me forever to get the omniscience amulet (with the trapper), I found an endless amount of staves and nothing else, and I had imagined it would be easier to make it work once I equipped it. It was not. Oh well.

That disappointment probably made me give up on the league.

But I had a great time overall, game has really evolved over the years.
League itself was fine, but underwhelming with the chaotic storage system for the archnemesis pieces.
3.5 build:
Last edited by Peterlerock#5171 on Apr 18, 2022, 5:22:16 AM

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