How is ssf going for u guys/girls? ^^
Got it as a world drop, six-linked with like 300 jewellers and 100 fusings.
Perfect for my AoE cold DoT build with focus on energy shield. \o/ P.S. Also this one, nice for a cold DoT. (Levelled corrupted gem to lvl 20 to get it, vendor recipe). I use Frostblink heavily, so it's really handy. And btw that "Frostblink has 50% increased duration" mod also increases duration of Arcane Surge from 4 seconds to 6. Last edited by Beglets#2772 on Apr 20, 2022, 4:39:39 PM
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Managed to get the Withered enchant onto the belt - took probably ~30 attempts this league trying to get it:
And first ring complete - cost for completing: 8 Exalts: End of league Harvest gambling destroyed quite a few good cards but sometimes it seems to work out: So using these on should give me a good chance at the second ring. Which already ate 6 Exalts. Unfortunately 2 fails so far. And one of them bad (Veiled chaos gave 3 prefixes) so I had to use a "Reforge Prefixes" Harvest craft to fix it. No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
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Completed crafting all gear. Build is almost finished now. Only missing 2 Harvest implicits and one Harvest Prefix divining. The implicits are likely going to take some grinding yet though.
Gear: Got lucky with the large chaos cluster from Archnemesis 'Invulnerable' ilvl 84 and crafting did go well too. That was a strong upgrade. Archnemesis can be dangerous though. Almost got oneshot to a leaping goat. Not the 2H Mauler goat - these can oneshot most chars with the right mods on them anyway - I knew that. For me 'steel infused' is the big threat. Passives:
Spoiler Spent ~76 Exalts on metacrafting this league. Many of them failed attempts at shield crafting. Getting powerful gear is much easier than when I last played. No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
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Despite a long and grueling grind of probably more than 100 Harvests I was unable to get the desired implicits. But I came up with a plan B to get ignite/shock/chill/freeze immunity with jewels which was successful. Harvest - the way its implemented - is IMO integrated into the game in a very unfun manner. I have several issues with it:
1) Mapping is interrupted and stopped due to Harvest. 2) It requires too much management. 3) The implementation of crafting from the stash or passive tree is too clunky. 4) There is too much quantity instead of quality. Click, spam, click, spam, click, spam, ... - one of PoEs general flaws IMO. Points 1-3 could be easily improved a lot by automatically putting all crafts into the Horticrafting station, improving the way the crafts are stored so that they stack properly and removing the storage limit. Point 4 could be easily fixed by simply reducing the quantity of almost everything by >99% or something - "hard mode" is supposedly still in the works but I dont expect a proper fix for this issue with it. -- So I am pretty much done with the league. Maybe try to do some more dangerous things like delve deeper. Or do some challenges or something. Probably not going for level 100 although I am not so far off now and the build is ok for getting XP. It seems to be kind of ok for everything so far. Can do all map mods individually although '60% less recovery' and 'no regen' require some care as I could RIP by simply keeping the button down. Did not try a combination of 2 or 3 out of "60% less recovery", "no regen" and "-max resists" though. Technically its probably doable but not in an efficient manner. -- Edit: Some loot yet: All my Headhunters: All my Mirrors: And got some weapons will likely never leave the stash: And now got 3 Timeless jewels. Was looking for Karui or Maraketh for a long time without success. Way to late now to build around though. 2 from Div cards and one from Timeless realm. No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle! Last edited by Zrevnur#2026 on Apr 28, 2022, 11:39:44 PM
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Today was a good day:
Perfect rolled lv86+: |
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Decided to gamble my one House of Mirrors and got there. Officially in the mirror club.
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Since the "salt" from the Archnemesis mods is still fresh: let's ask this question again. How is SSF going......
This is all I have so's OK |
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lucky with wands early on:
2 from Nessa, 1 rolled and 1 dropped in the wild. ~ There are spectacular moments. Last edited by DoubleU#7266 on May 15, 2022, 4:00:06 PM
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had some good luck found tabula at lvl 74 |
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Got pretty lucky with a usable 6-link from my first vaal side area in maps:
Harvest gave me a very decent weapon, don't think I'll upgrade that any time soon: Edit: Also got my first and some crazy luck Last edited by alley_cat#1537 on May 16, 2022, 3:01:44 PM
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