Damage Over Time Changes - Part 1

It's like they're trying to kill any viability from flicker strike, oro's flicker is gonna suffer for this.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
Ok...so..if I'm currently running Earthquake with Disfavor, Voidheart and Herald of Ash, I'm wondering if it be worthy to drop one on melee phys node to Bloodletting lol. I'm wondering how exactly it would scale.
Seeing is believing
Dear GGG,
first of all i admire your enthusiasm to keep the game ballanced. I do understand why people think that changes to "double dipping" is necessary, but i dont understand the arguments. On one hand you are telling us these damage over time mechanics were way to cheap and you want to force us to invest more currency into builds like that becaus its not fair against other builds. But in the other hand you are realising items like "Hand of Wisdom and Action" and "Brutus' Lead Sprinkler" where you are able to increase you defence AND offence with just one source, int or str. So that doesnt make any sence to me becaus builds with this items are way cheaper than any other lategame build, even damage over time builds, and are able to reach way higher damage and defences than any other build. So people who played poisen-op-builds to kill shaper with will now be forced to play HoWA or BLS builds witch are way more limited in the playstyle (chosing items and gems), becaus they wanna get their easy goal: killing shaper, making mony with it.
To be honest i think you are taking one kind of endgame playstyle away from us, one of the last chances to play mines or traps with. Thats the point why i dont like this idea of changing the damage over time mechanic with "doubledipping", it made many diffrent builds endgame viable, just like traps or mines or even barrage. The changes to area of effect almost killed traps and mines because they were completly forgotten. Vortex is dead, so is Reave and many other gems i dont list. The nerf to "doubledipping" gonna kill vortex once more, like the story fairgraves tells us "Dieing twice cant be fun", you want be able to make a bosskiller build with mines or traps, i do even think that change gonna kill most barrage builds and way more. That does also affact new players and players who cant invest so much time into the game like others. These guys have also one less chance to kill shaper ever because they just cant afford so much currency and time into the game.
My one and only question is; How do you wanna handle all these builds you are destroying with these changes, do you left them untouched or do you buff the gems witch were nerfed thanks to "doubledipping" ?

Sorry for my bad english.
derkind52 wrote:
Dear GGG,
first of all i admire your enthusiasm to keep the game ballanced. I do understand why people think that changes to "double dipping" is necessary, but i dont understand the arguments. On one hand you are telling us these damage over time mechanics were way to cheap and you want to force us to invest more currency into builds like that becaus its not fair against other builds. But in the other hand you are realising items like "Hand of Wisdom and Action" and "Brutus' Lead Sprinkler" where you are able to increase you defence AND offence with just one source, int or str. So that doesnt make any sence to me becaus builds with this items are way cheaper than any other lategame build, even damage over time builds, and are able to reach way higher damage and defences than any other build. So people who played poisen-op-builds to kill shaper with will now be forced to play HoWA or BLS builds witch are way more limited in the playstyle (chosing items and gems), becaus they wanna get their easy goal: killing shaper, making mony with it.
To be honest i think you are taking one kind of endgame playstyle away from us, one of the last chances to play mines or traps with. Thats the point why i dont like this idea of changing the damage over time mechanic with "doubledipping", it made many diffrent builds endgame viable, just like traps or mines or even barrage. The changes to area of effect almost killed traps and mines because they were completly forgotten. Vortex is dead, so is Reave and many other gems i dont list. The nerf to "doubledipping" gonna kill vortex once more, like the story fairgraves tells us "Dieing twice cant be fun", you want be able to make a bosskiller build with mines or traps, i do even think that change gonna kill most barrage builds and way more. That does also affact new players and players who cant invest so much time into the game like others. These guys have also one less chance to kill shaper ever because they just cant afford so much currency and time into the game.
My one and only question is; How do you wanna handle all these builds you are destroying with these changes, do you left them untouched or do you buff the gems witch were nerfed thanks to "doubledipping" ?

Sorry for my bad english.

They talked about the buffs and compensation in general terms at the end of the manifesto. They're buffing the passive nodes, they're going to rework the support gems and add "new ways to interact with" these DoT sources.

By making debuffs/penetration and double dipping less potent, players are not going to be forced into using them. If GGG truly balances these damage mechanics then it will increase variety in viable builds. Of course there will always be "top tier" builds but the goal here very clearly is to narrow the gap between the top tier and the lower tiers.

In summary, they're raising the floor and lowering the ceiling of the damage so more builds will be viable.
TabSluppins - Pizza guy
derkind52 wrote:
That does also affact new players and players who cant invest so much time into the game like others. These guys have also one less chance to kill shaper ever because they just cant afford so much currency and time into the game.

Obbu wrote:
It seems strange to include "fire damage" modifiers, but not "elemental damage" modifiers. I also have to wonder how things like hrimburn will fare when they have "cold damage" connection removed from ignite.

I mean you could probably add an exception to the hrimburn item that cold damage modifiers applied to ignite, but still, it bears asking the question.

At a glance it also looks like crits no longer scale ignites etc, is this true?
Almost certainly an oversight in the post rather than a change.
Any news on increasing options for player defense?

As it stands, the game has been increasing glass-canon for years now.

Buffs for Evasion and Armor? Make it do more mitigating.

Balance of Life and CI? Can we please just remove Vaal pact? Or just make it so CI and low life can't use it.

Still the best way to build any character is to front load tons of damage and have "just enough" hp or ES to cheese through the game with flasks. This has become increasing boring and one-note.
Dont increase Damage over time! Why you doing it?

You just removing double dip and now increase DOT? Why?
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Are you planing changes for the "Chance to Flee" Support? Since stationary monsters take now a lot more bleed-damage this support gem becomes even more pointless... 3.0 would be the right time to take a look at it (hinder, a more multiplier, or a build-in vulnerability on hit sounds fun..;-))
TreeOfDead wrote:
Dont increase Damage over time! Why you doing it?

You just removing double dip and now increase DOT? Why?

DOT builds will still be less powerful than double-dipping DOT builds were because they won't be able to scale their damage quadratically anymore.

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