Energy Shield and Life

miccox wrote:
GGG, pls make hp great again.

HP was nerfed ?! When does this happen ?!

So far HP and hybrid builds is the most OP builds in-game.

Trolling above, trolling below. This topic really became flooded with HP item sellers, which is overtrolling not only the topic, the issue, but the whole game.

Anyway this is not even the point.
I really do not care who's op and who's not, destroying peoples game because of someone's possibilities and opportunities is a wrong ! Totally wrong !
With the "1h 6L wipe" the PoE turns to a joke now.
There is no sane reason for one to play it any further.
Last edited by SonicPLD2#7668 on Jul 25, 2017, 3:44:00 AM
es was a bit ridiculous, instantly being able to refill 20k es is fucked up beyond belief, especially with a vinktar so u still get regen, that being said the biggest problem in this game is balancing everyone which is almost impossible to do since POE doesn't have a clearly defined level cap, if it wasn't such a fucking boring wrist slicer of a mission to get level 100 you couldactually balance shit a bit easier.

life builds do get a bad rap, with the right life, str and life regen u can survive everything in this game half naked. just stand soak up the damage and self heal.

life needs love, and you know you need to allow a certain amount of overpower otherwise people will fuck the game off, that being said too much changes to life and you have the same problem.

if anyone has seen dismantletime's huge hp marauder video you would know just what life is capable of with the right gear, and much of it isn't very expensive u just need some expensive specific pieces.
IGN: Juxax
Last edited by GankstarVX84#3611 on Jul 25, 2017, 9:05:12 AM
If ES going to be nerfed and life wont be buffed, maybe monsters and boss damage can be reduced/nerfed?
That will help game and less oneshot situations happen.
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YordanY1 wrote:
KarlHungus01 wrote:

Life and Hybrid combined SHOULD be the more common and attractive to most players than CI. Name me another keystone passive that was taken by nearly every player pushing into high tier maps (VP doesn't count because it was mostly abused because of CI/GR). Keystones are meant to be niche pickups that come with actual trade-offs. There was absolutely no downside to CI in 2.6. You got all the luxury of insta-leech that life builds were afforded with none of the end-game drawbacks.

The nerfs fit with the goal of energy shield as a mechanic. It's meant to be that you are given a higher EHP than life while forcing you into a play style that requires you to not take a ton of hits. I can Path of Building a 10-12K CI character pretty easily with 3.0 gear numbers and that's not taking into account new 3.0 uniques that may make scaling easier. Do I have to pick up a few more ES nodes on the tree than I did before? Sure, but it's still less than life requires.

Put it this way.. in 2.4, I had a Cospri's Malice CI Assassin Discharger with 10K ES, mediocre gear, and I got barely any ES from my chest at all because I used Voll's Devotion. If CI is the gear scaling EHP that everyone agrees it is, I shouldn't be able to outclass any life build without even investing defense into the most important slot.

Thus, that You like / love something does not make it THE MOST IMPORTANT THING in the World for the rest of peoples.

Path of Exile originally is a game of freedom of choices. This is what's makes it unique.
Here You are clearly asking for decreasing this level of freedom, which I am strongly against.

How am I asking for decreasing the level of freedom? Explain to me how ES/CI being overpowered in 2.6 is more "freedom" exactly. It's not. It's an illusion of freedom because there's no point in being life-based when you can have 3x the EHP and none of the downside.

Since you didn't address my actual content, I'll make it simpler for you. Which of these statements do you disagree with?

1. Keystone passives are not meant to be taken by the vast majority of builds and should have clear trade-offs to their usefulness.

2. Since ES/CI is the gear-scaling defense mechanic (as opposed to tree-scaling), I should have to actually invest into gear to scale it.

The nerfs to ES values on gear could very well be too severe, and I think they should've left in the % increased nodes behind CI (not the MORE multiplier though), but there's a lot to 3.0 that we don't know about that could change all the calculus here (act 9/10 rewards, new 3.0 uniques, etc). Bottom line, POE is a living game and if you can't roll with the ups and downs of balance tweaks, go play Diablo 3. I hear it's been exactly the same for many years now.
Obviously the passion is great and we all care about the game greatly, but people should remember GGG can see all, they know how many players pick what nodes, what build types, which items.

The smart players, which I don't claim to be, will be the ones who find unique build ideas that give them an edge, if you copy builds from you-tube and they are great then expect to be nurfed at some point because their are a million of others doing the same.

Build freedom is viewed in different ways, GGG see it not as being able to do anything, they see it as not having clear choices to achieve the best result. They want to see the widest possible spread of answers to build decisions. They use their metrics to drive this and that means if 90% of the population pick one path the will make that choice harder to return balance. This will not be everyone's cup of tea clearly.

That is what POE is, if you don't like almost all other action RPGs out there will be perfect for you however.

Speechless about these imbalanced "balances".. please rethink these changes and make them actually balanced. (you nerfed life notes long time ago- how about buffing them again *thinkyface*)
Sinderland wrote:
Obviously the passion is great and we all care about the game greatly, but people should remember GGG can see all, they know how many players pick what nodes, what build types, which items.

They can see all in terms of vague figures, but they don't play... AT all. There's I believe all of one employee out of ~100 in the entirety of GGG (Neon) who actually regularly plays the endgame and understands how the game PLAYS.

For the remainder of GGG, they all have a tiny, narrow glimpse that is less complete than what a lot of players understand. Even QA is only familiar with narrow scenarios that match what they're told to test.

Yes, they have bulk telemetry, but that only tells them a "what," in the coldest, most removed figures... How often people die to a given boss, how often they take a keystone, but not the WHY: their data points can't tell them, for instance, WHY people rarely kill Y'ara'az first, or, on its own, why rangers would be going CI+GR+VP, or WHY people are running endless Shaped Strand and not, say, Gorge. That sort of stuff doesn't come from telemetry, it comes from in-game experience, either direct (playing it yourself) or indirect (reading guides written by those that've done them)

Now, telemetry isn't a bad thing to make use of. The problem is that when one mistakes it for negating the need for any other knowledge of how the game's played.
Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
Last edited by ACGIFT#1167 on Jul 29, 2017, 5:43:06 AM
^ it really seems so if you consider these changes .. well said better then i could.
if the ES is nerf, is the skill tree will be reset as well? Include the Ascendant point? It is not fair for us who play ES need use Orb of regret to reset ourselves in order get back balance.
whattodo88 wrote:
if the ES is nerf, is the skill tree will be reset as well? Include the Ascendant point? It is not fair for us who play ES need use Orb of regret to reset ourselves in order get back balance.

There will be new nodes too so I am 100% sure we will get a passive tree reset for free! :)

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