Energy Shield and Life

I suspect you may have overdone these nerfs just a little bit.

The buffs to life are nice, but the combined massive enormous ES nerfs will essentially kill the spec for everything except Ice Spear and non-combat supports.

I'm also wary of massive sweeping changes to fundamental game systems, and honestly expect this to be a repeat of SotV with the first effort a leech changes where everyone ran around as RF wearing Kaoms (in short - a debacle), but I'll wait and see.
Nephalim wrote:
What a horrible path the game has taken. 15,000 ES for a balanced character post nerf? 25,000 ES pre nerf?

Does anyone from GGG actually play the game at end game?

One of them does and that's Neon like they're so fucking bad at balance holy fucking shit.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy#1805 on May 17, 2017, 7:04:26 PM
nice fail.

instead of keeping the average the same by lowering the top-end and increasing the low-end everybody who did not have 25k energy-shield will have an unusable character.

Is this real life? So Low Life is not a viable way of playing anymore? That's terrible for Witches who actually invest lots on energy shield nodes since Shavronne's didn't offer that much ES anyway.

All my builds are pretty much gone, I guess.
IGN: DylanRyder
The Crit Philosopher:
Dominus Split Runs guide:
Armour stat is still weak defense, but these changes are interesting overall.
Last edited by Inscaped#2999 on May 17, 2017, 7:06:08 PM
Exciting! Looking forward to trying this out! I've always liked life builds more; it'll be nice to be able to play them and still compete.
Does the in-house dev team solely rely on whiny baby reddit threads to determine proper balance? Has anyone on the balance team actually played an Average (as in not a streamer/high-end) CI build? How about an actual Lowlife build? With these new changes to ES levels on both items and on the tree, how in the hell are the regular people supposed to play CI? Not everyone runs around with 978 ES Chests and 600 ES shields and all the really expensive stuff.

I am severely disappointed with how the balance team has decided to tackle the current Life vs ES problem. You guys have always been volatile and extremely break-neck with balance changes, but this overwhelming nerf to everything about Energy Shield seems like a child decided what would go down in 3.0.
gimme money bitch
Last edited by Atlantae#0768 on May 17, 2017, 7:42:13 PM
HOW to kill HYPED game ? like this !

time to quit this game ! it was good 7 month experience

ALL I saw This company instead of buffing BAD ONE !!! always nerf GOOD one !! and KEEPT that bad one!! as bad
life is still shit and now es is worst than life. GJ Reddit ! , GJ GGG !!!

Its easy to nerf something need 0 WORK and time investment .Laziest balance team i ve ever seen.25 k ES is my ass they have 0 knowledge about their game or someone has to be mislead them and they are harming this company
Last edited by RestlnPeace#2167 on May 18, 2017, 3:32:10 AM
Whoever balances this game doesn't even play the god damn game. Holy shit, these balances are so fucking shit.

You guys lost my business.
Haha reacts only
It would be better if vaal pact instantly leeched 50% life instead of being restricted to life only
Last edited by willunited#5339 on May 17, 2017, 7:16:25 PM

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