[3.6] Milky's Scorching Ray Totems (updating process)

Does this sceptre ruin the EE proc ?

It has "adds # to # fire damage". Or does this modifier only apply to attacks?

Thank you !

ok nvm, it does not ruin the OoS proc. Found it myself in the OoS tooltip. With this sceptre equipped, there is still only lightning damage :)

Have to get LVL 7 master to delete the fire resistance craft and after that I will get the increased DoT damage from leo lvl 3.
Last edited by Linus69#4521 on Aug 9, 2017, 11:08:18 AM
Atm i have no time to answer questions, because i update a part of the guide. Will do that later.

What i wanna update is everything about Mind over matter into Bloodmagic.

The reason is: Mind over Matter is pretty shitty in mid-high tier maps on the build. To discover that i actually needed to play with it in the lategame and i aldo got much feedback about that.

MoM just feels way too clunky. One big hit and we are Out of Mana, one dot and there is no regen to use any skill besides RFT.
On top no regen maps were a absolutr pain in the ass.

We are better off with Bloodmagic instead, or if you like some auras. I think Bloodmagic is better because its less gear dependant, scales well with the warcry heals and lets us ignore any mana management.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Milkyslice wrote:

We are better off with Bloodmagic instead, or if you like some auras. I think Bloodmagic is better because its less gear dependant, scales well with the warcry heals and lets us ignore any mana management.

Plus an additional flask slot for utility/dmg/defense
Linus69 wrote:
Milkyslice wrote:

We are better off with Bloodmagic instead, or if you like some auras. I think Bloodmagic is better because its less gear dependant, scales well with the warcry heals and lets us ignore any mana management.

Plus an additional flask slot for utility/dmg/defense

just wrote it in the guide as a quote in the beginning ;)

Linus69 wrote:
Does this sceptre ruin the EE proc ?

It has "adds # to # fire damage". Or does this modifier only apply to attacks?

Thank you !

ok nvm, it does not ruin the OoS proc. Found it myself in the OoS tooltip. With this sceptre equipped, there is still only lightning damage :)

Have to get LVL 7 master to delete the fire resistance craft and after that I will get the increased DoT damage from leo lvl 3.

just get another sceptre instead ;) The penetration implicit is useless, we want % elemental damage. You will find something for 1chaos that is even or even better.

Hi I have a question, looking at PoB, the build has -40 chaos resist and I don't see anything in the guide about this. How do you deal with chaos damage and how would Forbidden Taste flask work like this?

Forbidden Taste works great even with shitty chaos resistance because we have a good chunk
of liferegeneration and warcrys to back it up. you might loose 1-2% hp in the duration, but that doesnt matter if you refilled your hp from 5% to 100% hp earlier in one sip ;)

The character was not geared against chaos dmg, in the long run one item with ~30% chaos resist is always great to have!

If you guys had to drop scorching ray or searing bond, what would you choose? Of those two which help the most with the dps against bosses?

scorching ray. Searing bond acts as a addional totem and decoy isn´t usable simultaniously with scorching ray, its always a decision what to use over the other ;)

3.)MoM is pure dogshit.

yes ;)

I don't know if this has been answered but would it be better to roll with enfeeble or temp chains as a second curse with flammability?

one lets you manually dodge damage easier, the other one reduces incoming damage.
Test what you like more, it´s a preference i would say.

Enfeeble however has the option to be swapped with elemental weakness if you want damage and avoid incoming dmg anyway (nobody wanna tank atziri flameblasts, dmg is better in the fight)

If Doryani and expensive items is out of the question, would you say its more value to use the Searing touch or does it make more sense to use scepter and shield ? (better, needed surviablity ?)

I like sceptre + shield way more. Paid 2c for a sceptre that comes close to a doryani ;) Also movementskills are more limited with it.

- After lvl 90, celestial judgement (+18% elem.dmg) is an option; why not celestial punishment (+30% burning dmg)?

- I don't understand why Ironwood is important. It costs quite a few skill points to get there, and I don't see a huge damage increase in my Path of Building (not more than all those elemental or burning damage nodes, shamanistic fury etc). The other nodes on the way seem replacable as well; only if you use Bloodmagic it seems to make sense. Am I missing something?

1. shit i haven´t noticed that it has 30% burning dmg, that neat. Earlier in beta it only had the 25% dmg with hits that didn´t work.

2. one part is resists. We need it for the totem resists or have to use a roll on a jewel. On top the pathing has a good chunk of life and we are BloodMagic now ;)

Its not mandatory in alternative routes if you remember the totemresist. A curse focus can work as well for excample, and that won´t have enough points for ironwood an prolly wants Blasphemy ;)

Speaking of resitances, a fact of life: To fully cap resists with Soul Mantle without curse-removing potions, you need to get your bare (in HO) stats to 152 (75 base + 60 endgame penalty + 8 elemental weakness + 9 flammability/conductivity/frostbite curses). Penalty from elem weaknes map is not included, it pushes the requirements even further.

the elemental weakness curse of maps and of soulmantle don´t add together, only the strongest (or permanent?) counts. We need just 90 (91 for fire) resist to be overcapped against lvl 20 ele weakness + flammability/conductivity/frostbite.

Its also -8% and -7% resist only.


oh i see thank you so much for the EE section sorry I am a noob. So basically with ancestral bonds orb of storms wont apply EE? the trap is then needed until I can respec ancestral bonds?


wot is better second curse or 1 curse with high crit chance for elemental overload ??

shield = lightening warp and cwdt+ imortal call

wot is level of cwdt and imortal call is the best for using?
imortal call nedd increase duration or not ?
if need nay be better remove lightening warp for increase duration?

i feel discomfort to using shield charge as i move skill
when i cast totem and orb i dont have time for move skill

PPS now i have doryani catalyst with grantet Elemental Proliferation Support 20 lvl
Elemental Proliferation Support Elemental Ailments caused by Supported Skills spread to other enemies in a Radius of 10
20% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite

in this way have sense to move to this sceptre scour ray or searing bound or not?

its more reliable with one curse only, but with a 2nd it can get more powerful. In boss scenarios it can take a few secs to procc EO.

Use whatever movementskill you like the most.

cwdt + immortal call level depends on your total healthpool. I curently use lvl 9 cwdt + lvl 11 immortal call.
duration is not needed because we have basicall always 3 charges up for a higher duration.

doryanis Prolif support is useless for the build.


My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
sorry if i answer late, i am a busy family dad ;)

I updated the guide from MoM to Bloodmagic now. The reason is in the quote at the top of the guide.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Milkyslice wrote:
sorry if i answer late, i am a busy family dad ;)

I updated the guide from MoM to Bloodmagic now. The reason is in the quote at the top of the guide.

Awesome stuff. Do you have a new Path of Building link as well with the updates?
hey milky, did so far my ifrst t9 and it went pretty smooth, resistens nearly caped, excpeted lighting
(63%), 2500 armor, level 83 and 4600 life) i tried normal atziri, but the second boss (the tripple exails) shrekt me to death, espcially the meele barb, do i need a special flask? maybe the 3000 armor one for this fight? thx for advice, gear is linked in spiler
TheBigNasty wrote:
Milkyslice wrote:
sorry if i answer late, i am a busy family dad ;)

I updated the guide from MoM to Bloodmagic now. The reason is in the quote at the top of the guide.

Awesome stuff. Do you have a new Path of Building link as well with the updates?

not yet, just change the 4 points until then ;) i am done for today

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Boloso wrote:
hey milky, did so far my ifrst t9 and it went pretty smooth, resistens nearly caped, excpeted lighting
(63%), 2500 armor, level 83 and 4600 life) i tried normal atziri, but the second boss (the tripple exails) shrekt me to death, espcially the meele barb, do i need a special flask? maybe the 3000 armor one for this fight? thx for advice, gear is linked in spiler

just kite them. Decoy totem can also tank them a looooong time for safety

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
What about sticking with MoM but linking enduring cry with blood magic? That way you can always be able to cast warcry, even in no regain maps.
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