[3.6] Milky's Scorching Ray Totems (updating process)

I do not understand how the Righteous Fire is connected to the totem being that the gem is not linked to the ability.
because soul mantle makes it a totem is that what you mean
I didnt know Soul Mantle worked like that.
DreadJoker wrote:
Hi guys, firstly thanks for the build!

Could some explain why Berserker was chosen over chieftain? Those totem buffs seem like a significant DPS boost.


because he´s overall stronger. better heal, better damage and hes faster.

so only thing which matters is burning damage?
So i only have to filter for burning damage mod on poe.trade, because i have some trouble to find a good scepter ^^.

another question: if a weapon has +1 fire gem skills, this +1 counts for any gem not only socketed into the weapon right?

i listed everything in the general information READ FIRST section ;)

+1 gems is local to the linked gems in the item.

Has anyone done uber atziri with this build in 3.0 yet?

no, but i would try her if i would have at least 1 set. I´ll give it a shot after shaper :P

updated the pantheon section and FAQ

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice on Aug 10, 2017, 1:18:30 AM
Hi, if we are NOT to spec into MOM where should we spec after we choose BM with the points? I'm a bit new and unsure where you are gaining so much life from?
interox wrote:
Hi, if we are NOT to spec into MOM where should we spec after we choose BM with the points? I'm a bit new and unsure where you are gaining so much life from?

there are nodes behind BM that increase life by a fair amount. It's the same number of points.
Does Anger affect RF? When I apply the buff the character sheet does show the damage go up significantly.
If we removed MoM and switched to BM, would be there any reason to keep Quick recovery cluster? Although there is some life and life regen, the mana regen is useless with BM. Thought about Bloodless cluster, although it's 5 points, you get 23% more life and some strength.

Another one: to what lvl do you suggest to get CwdT+IC with your (awesome!) build?
- TroubiCZ
Last edited by trouba on Aug 10, 2017, 3:18:28 AM
krzyspc wrote:
Does Anger affect RF? When I apply the buff the character sheet does show the damage go up significantly.

anger DECREASES our damage since it interacts negatively with Elemental Equilibrium.
The tooltip is broken and should be ignored for rf.


If we removed MoM and switched to BM, would be there any reason to keep Quick recovery cluster? Although there is some life and life regen, the mana regen is useless with BM. Thought about Bloodless cluster, although it's 5 points, you get 23% more life and some strength.

Another one: to what lvl do you suggest to get CwdT+IC with your (awesome!) build?

Quick recovery still grants 13% life and 0.8% liferegen for 3 points, its not bad. Bloodless could be picked on top or you can replace it if you have spare points for it. Its only good if the whole cluster is used, or we have just 13% life for 3 points and no regen like quick recovery ;)

cwdt + ic levels depend on your healthpool.

the higher the life, the higher the levels can/should be.

with 3k-4k life i would keep it on lvl 1 + 2 and with 6k life at 9 + 11.

Higher levels increase the duration of IC thanks to our endurance charge generation,but we dont want it to procc with too low life, nor with almost full life ;)

just test around what works the best for you.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
I've already found a Hrimnor helm, a Lioneye shield and one Soul Mantle on top of the one I bought, and I'm only on tier 1 maps. Maybe I've been lucky, but I feel like this build has great potential even with little currency investment. Now I just need more life nodes, basically.

Good job with this build and its guide. Explaining what mods and skills interact the best with the different tree nodes, and pointing out that Equilibrium doesn't proc with OoS if you have Ancestral Bond etc. is very helpful.
Last edited by Kastanj on Aug 10, 2017, 5:55:35 AM

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