[3.6] Milky's Scorching Ray Totems (updating process)
Great build. It's really cheap and easy to play but in my opinion 7link, +50% totem life, +cold res and some atributes (from Soul Mante and 2xKikazaru) are not so big advatages. For example Infernal Mantle is good option with increased fire dmg, +socket fire gems (RF and burning dmg), crit chance(for OoS). Then we can choose any unique ring. Emberwake Ruby Ring for more dmg. Second ring could be rare (with chaos resists) or The Taming. It is expensive but have a lot of resists and elemental dmg so other rares dont must have +40% resists. Regards.
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Does Swift Affliction work with Righteous Fire?
Because they are not highlighted in the slots Last edited by weter_pro#3506 on Aug 10, 2017, 9:50:46 AM
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" Check out Pyre. I loaded it into PoB and it is a clear increase over Emberwake. Unless PoB is not taking into consideration the "additional ignite" - not even sure how that mechanic would work with this build since RF is not an ignite (but aren't burning enemies ignited? One could go crazy with this paradox). I love this build, and played it back in Breach. Still a favorite, and seems to be one of the most popular starter builds this league. I agree with your choice to drop MoM. While it was a good thought, it does make the build a little clunky and dangerous if mana gets depleted. However, please upload a new tree so everyone can see the changes you made since launch. There's something I would like to know more about. How does PoB calculate totem life to factor this into RF damage? I looked everywhere on PoB, but I couldn't find it. A screenshot would be nice if I am just missing it. Alternately, and this could be the same questions rephrased, how does PoB calculate base RF damage? Some advice for others just starting this build: get the added dex on gear and work in Swift Affliction earlier than later. I ended up adding it to a 5L after I finished A10 (from 2R3B to 2R2B1G) and wished I had done this a lot sooner. Last edited by Miacova#7940 on Aug 10, 2017, 2:33:21 PM
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Look at this beauty of a sceptre i snagged for 40 Chaos!! 123% damage. Thats just 9% off a perfect doryani and at half the price of a badly rolled one. Slap in a Leo mod and this will surpass a doryani easily. :D Keep a lookout for such sceptres my brothers. Last edited by crimsonraziel9#6256 on Aug 10, 2017, 11:19:45 AM
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" Unfortunately that added fire damage will jack up EE. I like the scepter, and would even consider dropping EE if I could get another just like it. |
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Nope, that added fire damage on that Sceptre is for weapon based hits. No change to Orb of Storms with that, so it won't have an effect unless you have some glove enchant or something that deals damage based on weapon hits. Nice Sceptre!
Edit: I forgot about shield charge/leap slam, so yeah those would trigger EE with that spectre, but you just need to make sure you use Orb of Storms to reapply the EE. Last edited by Breken#4127 on Aug 10, 2017, 12:12:50 PM
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" it wouldn't be in the guide if it wouldn't work ;) It does NOT work with selfcast righteous fire. With the spelltotem + righteous fire it works. Righteous fire is a degeneration effect. Spelltotem is a support which has a duration. Combined, powerranger style, its now a skill that has damage over time. a bit confusing since rf is theoretically a dot as well, but it has no duration on its own. Its permanent except you reach 1hp, die or dispell it, but not damage over a set period of time. Its like equipping heavy strike with melee splash. Its alone not counted as a aoe skill, but with the support it is one and benefits from aoe modifier (for anything besides the mainhit). " Nice thing. Its not that hard to get a compareable item to doryanis in 3.0 with the increased fire dmg and new burning dmg rolls. doryani still has the utility of attackspeed (shield charge) and castspeed (for OoS and slightyl faster rf cast of the totems). nothing we really need for dmg, but mentionable ;) fire dmg to attacks is luckily not as bad as to spells. Barely noticable and overwritten instantly by OoS https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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" Many thanks for such a long answer, now I understand... probably) So many secrets are hidden in a POE, good luck with them |
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" Just tried to craft a sceptre. Bought a lvl 84 void sceptre for 1 chaos, spent 40 alts getting 78% fire dmg, Regal then spent an hour doing shitty pvp trying to get leo lvl 3 and spent 5 alch for damage over time crafted. IGN: @AxeLond_MoltenRF
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hazelgnash |
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Hello, enjoying the build so far, great time :)
I only got a little question regarding weapon upgrade, with a low budget what should be my first upgrade from Lavianga's Wisdom, should i get Doon Cuebiyari (can get around 400str) or Doon Cuebiyari? Im planning on using shield from lvl 70. |
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