Race Event 92: 2 Week Mayhem
2 weeks of league that voided, this sucks big time
Last edited by availablex#4701 on Jun 17, 2017, 12:28:22 AM
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Was really looking forward to this one, however I think GGG should reconsider either the rewards or the league being voided. As it stands now I don't see any incentive to play past level 85 unless you are going for a demi which, let's be honest here, isn't possible for 99% of the players. I'm worried that alot of people will stop playing once they reach level 85 which leads to an exceptional small playerbase actually doing endgame which would suck. I remember the 2 week flashback perandus event which was alive and full of people pushing for a demi. I believe this event can become one of the best yet, if we either get it to not be voided so we don't lose 2 weeks of progress on our chars (hurts casuals alot more than the 16h/day people) or if we actually have a shot for a demi by, for example, awarding them to the five highest per ascendancy instead of just the highest. Please GGG reconsider the rules for this event.
Thank You |
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" Well lets see.. We got Rouge exiles which if im not mistaken always gets voided if they have lots of them in any race because they drop really good loot potentially especially once in maps. Then you have Breaches which just one or two per area would be huge loot most especially in maps and will be one everyone flocks to as a result. And i would imagine zana will still have her Beyond mod which people will go for because of huge payouts and massive exp with this combo. Tormented Spirits get a bad rap mostly because of their AI imo (Atleast thats my biggest gripe with them) But, they can give good loot ESPECIALLY if you can manage to get multiples into the same rare... This race the area will be littered with them.. Pulling a bunch into a single rare or two will give huge payoffs again most notably in maps. Boxes and Invasion i guess could have payouts to a certain degree but boxes will cost currency to roll while none of the other before mentioned will cost the player anything. And Invasion is the league alot of people liked the least especially ones who played it back at its release. But a whole map full Boxes will be alot like monstrous tresure for free and invasion with map mods might see some action but i doubt it again the other mods will be alot better and more people will just stick to them. But at any rate the point is ALL these are together in the same league so every single map or area you go to will have something lucrative going on. And since they last 1 hour gives plenty of time to take full advantage. this is especially true where maps is concerned which would be the main concern in all this.. Once you reach maps in a league like this currency and drops will rain.. Fast clearing builds now already see 20-30+ exalts in drops with league stones and this is just a single leaguestone on steroids. So once people are mapping with these mods in place on certain maps you can be sure Sextants, corrupted maps, and all those things taken into account its gonna be a league where in two weeks time there will be more currency and drops generated than in most 3 month leagues... There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear. |
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someone know when i will reciave a prize from raids?
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" true, not sure if i could push myself to get lvl 85(cuz of voided), but if i will -> 100% i'll stop play at lvl 85 gl&hf Last edited by availablex#4701 on Jun 18, 2017, 4:43:28 AM
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So, 2 week event is supposed to be played in beta version? Or in normal version?? I don't get it :))
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Hello all. I'm new to this race thing and I am a bit confused about this little part below...
Prizes for this event: The following prizes are available to players who meet specific level thresholds. These prizes are shared with the 2 Week Mayhem HC Event.: Level 30: 200x Beta Keys, 100x Ghostflame Footprints, 100x Seraph Footprints, 100x Lightning Footprints, 100x Ebony Footprints, 100x Gore Footprints. Level 50: 50x Arctic Skull, 50x Lightning Skull, 50x Gore Skull, 50x Ghostflame Skull, 50x Infernal Skull. Level 85: 50x Demon King Horns, 50x Raven Wings. Does this mean any player reaching level 30 will get all the prizes listed here for level 30? If that's the case, I'm not sure why one would need 100x copies of footprints etc. I tried looking up an answer to this but couldn't find any. |
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" Sadly all the races are in standard. I'd love to see this in beta instead; but GGG's running them as an alternative to the beta for people who either don't want to play it, or are too poor to buy a key. Did you ever see history portrayed as an old man with a wise brow and pulseless heart, weighing all things in the balance of reason?
Is not rather the genius of history like an eternal, imploring maiden, full of fire, with a burning heart and flaming soul, humanly warm and humanly beautiful? |
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" No. 200 people - randomly selected out of everyone who hits lvl30 will get a beta key, etc. Did you ever see history portrayed as an old man with a wise brow and pulseless heart, weighing all things in the balance of reason?
Is not rather the genius of history like an eternal, imploring maiden, full of fire, with a burning heart and flaming soul, humanly warm and humanly beautiful? |
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" Thank you! So it's 200 at random and a separate 100 at random for footprints and etc.? Meaning, there are 700 possible prizes given out randomly to those who hit level 30? |
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