Does this count towards the free mystery box if we reach level 10?
Posted byLARD_ASS#1067on Jun 22, 2017, 1:41:27 AM
Fyndel wrote:
will league specific items dropp in zones like anarchy , torment and ambush for example?
I'd assume not, because the area does not have a league mod, just contains strongboxes, breaches, etc.
Posted byRydrakeXX#0201on Jun 22, 2017, 7:16:00 PM
I did not check every reply to this thread but why is there no solo for the softy version of this race?
Posted byPerpetualPain#5096on Jun 22, 2017, 11:15:12 PM
I did not check every reply to this thread but why is there no solo for the softy version of this race?
Because they have a limitation in how the league is built and can't run more than 3 versions of the race at the same time. Don't remember all details but i have read that in one of the communication post some days/weeks ago.
So they have decided to choose a more hardcore way for player and have added SSF + HC instead of SOFT + SSF
Posted byThorak85#7209on Jun 23, 2017, 3:06:41 AM
Im new to the races.
Can i trade in this race ?
Posted byKryptolog#1325on Jun 23, 2017, 5:10:04 AM
i am trying to find a good beginner build for the 2week race. its pretty hard for me to decide what is viable to a race like this one.
Any build guides you guys can recommend?
Posted bymioo#7401on Jun 23, 2017, 10:13:47 AM
Thorak85 wrote:
I did not check every reply to this thread but why is there no solo for the softy version of this race?
Because they have a limitation in how the league is built and can't run more than 3 versions of the race at the same time. Don't remember all details but i have read that in one of the communication post some days/weeks ago.
So they have decided to choose a more hardcore way for player and have added SSF + HC instead of SOFT + SSF
I don't think they ever explicitly said what it was; but look on the main game UI. You only have 3 slots for current/upcoming races.
Did you ever see history portrayed as an old man with a wise brow and pulseless heart, weighing all things in the balance of reason?
Is not rather the genius of history like an eternal, imploring maiden, full of fire, with a burning heart and flaming soul, humanly warm and humanly beautiful?
Posted bySummoner#6275on Jun 23, 2017, 4:29:24 PM
BananacupPoE wrote:
Jouchebag wrote:
What's the point in playing this game at all if not to have fun?
To be honest, this is one of the biggest cop-outs in all of gaming. People are complaining precisely because they find chasing an unobtainable and/or completely random reward not fun. The league being voided is understandable considering the huge amount of free loot it'd inject into the game, but to me not just this event but every event in this cycle has been a great example of GGG either not understanding or not caring to understand what makes racing rewarding anymore.
I find racing fun in and of itself and I will be participating in the Mayhem event, but to pretend people aren't allowed to be upset because "the point is to have fun" is frankly asinine. They had a complete seasonal structure in place with points you could earn that allowed casuals to work their way up gradually to a reward, and they dropped it in favour of very rare events with randomized rewards at level tiers.
The amount of non-care racing has received is astounding. I bought that the xbone port did not effect the main game for a little while, with the whole "you enjoyed these expansions, well we were developing it then!"... Except during those expansions, racing has been slipping so far off the radar that when we come back to it the top of the leaderboards in 1hrs are FIVE LEVELS lower than they were previously. The last proper season was NEARLY A YEAR AGO. Where is asynchronous racing, why can lab have it and we can't, yes i'm aware these events work off your league structure and is difficult to change, but you managed to PORT THE ENTIRE GAME that can't have been easy right? Why can't we have load time normalization, am I expected to buy an NVMe SSD for this game, hell why don't I just run a RAMdisk? Why is it so hard to make a season with some rewards people can work up to, are your artists so busy they can't make a couple of alt-arts? Hell let the bloody community submit alt-arts they're mostly just 2D art anyway.
You know what, you have a good point, what's the point in playing this game at all if not to have fun... Well, that's a really good question, considering to people that enjoy racing, we get to have fun on very specific times on very specific dates, that are MONTHS apart. Then when we ask what the hell has been going on to have not only no racing improvement, not only no racing events, but have GONE BACKWARDS and now do not have a point system or seasons but RANDOMIZED REWARDS - when we complain that the only people catered to are 0.1% top racers and that casuals have EVEN LESS incentive to race than they did in the seasonal days... We get palmed off with lines like your's. Give me a break.
You wrote all of that just to complain about tiered rewards for racing not being available. Wow. You're taking the game way too seriously for cosmetics in a VIDEO GAME. It's a VIDEO GAME; cosmetics in a video game have NO effect on your real life in any way. It's a video game, they are specifically designed to have fun and if you're prioritizing cosmetics over that, then it's time to take a break and re-evaluate your priorities.
Posted byNecropuppy#0067on Jun 23, 2017, 9:28:24 PM
Posted bystefangerard#3528on Jun 23, 2017, 10:55:29 PM
Dan_GGG wrote:
This race type is voided.[/li]
Can you please explain (here and in the next race infos) what does it mean?
Posted bySitnave#3076on Jun 24, 2017, 1:28:02 AM