Balance Changes to Chill, Shock, and Charges

Why do people care where feedback comes from? Reddit or here doesn't matter. The fact is the previously suggested changes did not bode well for build diversity and was counter intuitive to other things changing in the game (like the new Swift Killer node in the tricksters ascendancy).

Tbh. I don't see a problem with charges in there current state but I'm obviously alone in this. But maybe instead of changing what each charge does, charges could inherently add an extra bonus of something at max charges and GGG could use that bonus to 'specialize' the charges. That way any build could make use of the charges but to get the most out of them you'd have to specialize in whatever the full charges buff (spells for power and attacks for frenzy)
git67 wrote:
Seems like I was one of the few who liked the charge changes.

IMO when frenzy charges added more damage per charge it didn't increase build diversity and I feel the community overreacted to this.

I feel that while frenzy charges are a generic damage multiplier, they will be used in every build and will not be used a specific game mechanic.

I hope GGG doesn't take to the community to heart too much, as I seriously don't think the general POE population knows much about the context of how the game meta changes and how they impact the overall game.

Also people just parrot the term "build diversity" without actually thinking how meta changes truly impact it. There's no good way to tell how diverse the gameplay mechanics are going to be after such a significant meta change until the community starts theorycrafting builds, this game is far too complex to figure out what builds are viable in a couple of months of beta testing.

Sure, there was quite a bit of reaction, but I understand where it comes from. With the new change, all it really did was remove frenzy charge viability for spellcasters and power charge viability for attackers. It certainly does lower build diversity. There would be very, very few builds that would use both power and frenzy charges.

Your point about frenzy charges being used in currently every possible build is on point. However, you could make that case for endurance charges too. The current state of the game is that EVERY build could use EVERY type of charge (except RT and power charges) if they chose to invest into it. That is what build diversity is for the majority of people: the ability to build for any kind of charge they want to use.

The one thing that may require adjustments is certainly the state of frenzy charges. Power charges are used only for crit builds, and endurance charges are not ubiquitous because they're harder to generate and the presence of CWDT. These charges require significant investment to make them worth it. Frenzy however, is both easy to generate and basically required for every build with access to extra frenzy charges. Even without investment, slap on Blood Rage/Frenzy attack and you can get 12% more damage and inc attack/cast speed in virtually any build.

If anything, perhaps remove the frenzy charge speed bonus and replace with 1% dodge chance per charge. Remove the useless elemental resists from endurance charges and give them the attack/cast speed. Power charge crit chance can be at 40% and give 3 mana regen per charge. Now all the charges have one offensive and one defensive stat and frenzy charges aren't as mandatory in every build.

Edit: *I'll be completely honest, I didn't think charge balance was really needed. It's not truly broken, I wouldn't have spent the time to mess with this, given how many other changes are probably higher priority.*
Last edited by XNtrysyti#0193 on Aug 1, 2017, 12:57:07 AM
Thanks for hearing us out GGG! May PoE live forever!
RIP Charge dream, at least i had fun with it on beta.
About the threshold, why not remove them from loot table and drop a raw unique jewel instead which you can trade at the jewel vendor for the jewel of your choice.
lamelegged wrote:
It was needed in SSF in other modes these jewels were already available, if people buying / corrupting them was a problem why not make them 'Corrupted' in the first place when bought?

I actually really like this idea.
ok read it.
Last edited by Voegelin#0366 on Aug 1, 2017, 1:06:29 AM
Voegelin wrote:
So, if I can hit a mob 50% of its life, which means, I can kill it in 2nd hit.

Why would I need to shock it ?

Do you really think about it ?

Or please tell us which memeber of QA team support this 50% damage/shock ?

I would personally want to know why would I need to shock mobs if I can 2 shots them ?


You have definitely not read the post.
laminarija wrote:
Voegelin wrote:
So, if I can hit a mob 50% of its life, which means, I can kill it in 2nd hit.

Why would I need to shock it ?

Do you really think about it ?

Or please tell us which memeber of QA team support this 50% damage/shock ?

I would personally want to know why would I need to shock mobs if I can 2 shots them ?


You have definitely not read the post.

Me no read. Me hate
TechnoGladiator wrote:
First thing I want to mention:

People keep complaining that the proposed changes to Frenzy charges would have undermined the new trap-based unique chest piece. It seems like people have forgotten that the Trap Support Gem exists, and many bow skills can be used with it. Considering the reduced trap cooldown mod on the chest, which works perfectly with the trap support gem (because it has worse cooldown than normal trap skills) was the actual intended synergy. Did everyone forget when puncture, caustic arrow, and blast rain traps were a thing?

i'm sure your aware that 6 out of the 6 actual trap skill gems would not gain anything with the new frenzy charge change? what would be the point of nerfing all trap builds except trap supported attacks?

Anyway happy they decided against the changes for the time being, changing how charges work requires more than just a P.S. at the end of the beta. i'm excited to see changes happen after they matured a bit.
Glad the threshold vendor is gone uniques should not be that easy to get. a thought for some of the whiners would be maybe have a unique boss that spawns randomly in maps that you defeat to get an item to turn in for thershold jewel or have it drop some shards that could combine into threshold jewels. we are getting so many more shards this league whats one more eh?

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