Balance Changes to Chill, Shock, and Charges

Smear wrote:
Joleco wrote:
rip Raider! There is no logic Frenzy to gives more dmg and not attack speed. I mean the name is related to more attack speed... pretty bad nerf, which makes Raider useless now and there is no point anymore to even use any charges as non crit build...


Every stinking time people find a build that works, they fucking nerf it. It's just stupid now.

They are basing almost exclusively on the HOWA ST raider.

Many other builds use frenzy as well under the raider ascendancy.

But what the fuck ever, this shit is getting old.

What are you talking about? Frenzy Charges are not going to be changed at all from what they were in 2.6. Raider is still strong. Please read.
Lantis02 wrote:
Rory wrote:
you only need to deal 10% of a target's life to gain a maximum effect shock. This will make it much easier to apply Shock effects to very high health bosses

If you can deal 10% of a high health boss in a single hit, you don't need shocks to begin with. Specially with how often 95% of builds hit per second. We're talking like 2 to 3 seconds tops without shocks.

Though Shock has this really cool interaction now. You hit for a portion of damage, get Shock. Hit for more damage because the enemy is Shocked, get a stronger Shock, and so on. The new Shock actually is good for attack/cast speed as you'll be able to apply stronger Shocks faster so long as the damage increase granted by Shock is enough to allow you to build up to the next Shock Threshold.
Awesome news. Excited for the new ailment adjustments. My only concern with the charge changes was the attack/spell only benefits.
Katsuko wrote:
Rory wrote:

Power and Frenzy Charges

In Wave 4 of the Beta, we reduced the Increased Critical Chance granted by Power Charges bonus and gave them More Spell Damage, while changing Frenzy Charges to only grant its More Damage bonus to Attacks, to better align each of them with their appropriate attribute.

I honestly love this. It balances charges more evenly between the three & gives more interesting build diversity.

Then you read on and realize they reverted this.
I realy dont get it :D could someone explain the chill/freeze + shock changes? does this mean that all the items in the game that have a % chance to freeze/shock wont work any longer? + the nodes in the skilltree?
Last edited by hyttemaier#4911 on Aug 1, 2017, 1:06:06 PM
Thank you for reverting charges.
Im ok with 40% crit-pc.
I don't think ANYONE was complaining about the PC changes.. Just the Frenzy ones, since that'd ruin build diversity.
The PC change is fine, but I don't think Frenzies should exclude non-attackers.. Similar to how allowing PC to have Spell dmg opens it up for NON-Crit builds, Frenzies working on NON-atk builds is the same thing! Why remove diversity on one Charge, but add it to another??
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Last edited by Sheriff_K#3938 on Aug 1, 2017, 1:56:57 PM
Wow, what an amount of energy people are putting into whining...

It's their game and let them decide what's good for their game. If we don't like it then we can just stop playing.

I think it's wise to consider somehthing carefully before implementing it so in my book these changes are just fine... although it's gonna hit my build quite a bit.

People have a tendency to think that this is THEIR game and not the developers. This baffles me :p

IGN: Azatooth or Xploding
I wholeheartedly agree with the reversion of the role change to charges: while I agree that reducing their power might be reasonable, reducing their applicability was (in my opinion) simply a bad idea. Reading the original change just made my heart sink, especially with the casual and apparently thoughtless manner in which it was announced.

I get that you want to stick to a theme, but personally I don't think that attack vs. spell is an interesting distinction: your spec's skills are either attack-based or spell-based and there's not really much you can do about that. If a distinction is between consistency and power, or speed and power, or defence and attack, or cost and benefit, or fire vs. cold or elemental vs. chaos (etc.) then these are things you can warp your build to accomplish, and that's interesting!

If the problem you're trying to solve is the disproportionate benefit of charges weighed against the difficulty of fitting them into builds then the solution is to either reduce their potency or increase their cost, not change their applicability.
Lantis02 wrote:
Rory wrote:
you only need to deal 10% of a target's life to gain a maximum effect shock. This will make it much easier to apply Shock effects to very high health bosses

If you can deal 10% of a high health boss in a single hit, you don't need shocks to begin with. Specially with how often 95% of builds hit per second. We're talking like 2 to 3 seconds tops without shocks.

Considering most builds use insane cast(spell echo) or attack speed(multistrike), it is extremely unlikely you will do that much on hit damage especially after bosses get their health doubled.

Mechanically it's just bad from the ground up even at 10%.

Just as an example, phoenix has 12 million health. In order to do 10% damage you need a single hit to do 1.2 million damage or 2.4 million damage post 3.0. This is literally impossible. Most builds struggle to do even 1.2 million damage with attack/cast speed factored in.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Last edited by Nephalim#2731 on Aug 1, 2017, 2:14:07 PM

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