" This is so true! On my way home just last night, BBC was running a piece on the summit, and they had this expert providing commentary. Paraphrasing here, because this was the radio, it was late, and I had to translate their strange accents... Host: “Are you a toll(?) concerned by the lack of anything new or concrete in the agreement?” Expert: “Not at all, this is the best you could expect out of a single preliminary meeting, and it’s much better than I expected! . . . (Host stops listening, then jumps back to the script on queue) Host: “You heard it here, folks, Trump accomplished absolutely nothing and is a ninny.” Yes, he actually said “You heard it here, folks.” Devolving Wilds Land “T, Sacrifice Devolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card and reveal it. Then shuffle your library.” Last edited by CanHasPants#3515 on Jun 13, 2018, 2:41:36 PM
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The Left sure have lost their minds in the press.
Reminds me of that Global Cooling Then Warming then Whatever thing they push. Trump is damned if he does on North Korea, damned if he doesn't. First they say he'll create a war, last year. Now there's too much peace with North Korea. The left is so full of people in need of psychiatric treatment for their Trump Derangement syndrome whining, it's hilarious. Sorry but in this case I feel laughing at the mentally ill, is justified, when the disease is obviously collectively self inflicted. Who would have thought us getting trump elected would make so many people lose their minds? Most hilarious times watching the press in maybe the history of USA. And what's even funnier? HANNITY GETS OVER TWICE THEIR VIEWS AND IS ACTUALLY THE MOST WATCHED SHOW IN ALL OF USA TV ON MONDAYS HAHAHA. The left keep losing, and losing, and losing. Not just their minds. |
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What is actually amazing is that 20-30 years ago denuclearization was THE most important thing to liberals, by huge margins. They used to go stage protests and lay around in buckets of red paint (blood) to demand denuclearization. It was like how they are with climate change now.
Now all of a sudden liberals oppose denuclearization. It is mind boggling. |
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Too many people would rather see things go south, than to be proven wrong. And that has been an especially strong feeling the past few years.
Like Jim Acosta blurting out "Will you give up your nuclear weapons!" at the most awkward time during the sensitive 1-on-1 meeting between Un and Trump. And then yelled out another question about Otto Warmbier during the statement signing toward the end of the summit. Then after all that, he was caught on a hot mic saying: " Multi-Demi Winner Very Good Kisser Alt-Art Alpha’s Howl Winner Former Dominus Multiboxer Last edited by Manocean#0852 on Jun 13, 2018, 5:29:27 PM
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"The way the Trump Derangement Attack works is: 1. Strongly oppose one position of the opposing establishment party - specifically, the one where you'll be demonized the most. In this case, illegal immigration is the issue - because everyone who opposes illegal immigration is a "racist." 2. Double down on the one position to make your opponents brand you. In other words, taunt your opponents into repeatedly calling you an irredeemable racist until this is drilled into the collective memory. Protip: pretend not to know who David Duke is. 3. Once the commitment to demonization passes the point of no return, slowly pick up pieces of the opposing platform - the best pieces, not all of them. Wave a rainbow flag onstage. Visit a black church and promise to rebuild the inner cities. Cater to the working class and to manufacturing unions. Denounce military interventionism and advocate diplomatic routes to peace. In short, capture whatever swing voters you can who aren't that turned off by the whole demonization thing. 4. Win the election. 5. Immediately moderate the position that caused you to be demonized in the first place, offering a compromise. You know this compromise will be rejected; when it is, point out that your opponents don't really care about DACA. 6. Deliver for those swing voters in Step 3. Watch as those who demonized you attack your accomplishments when they were originally goals on their own platform. The ultimate effect of the Trump Derangement Attack is that you've tricked your opponents to sacrifice their entire political platform willingly, except for whatever losing issues you want them to keep. I think most people on Team MAGA recognize that these effects have occurred; however, they seem to think that this is primarily a result of some deep-seated illness within the Left that caused this to suddenly manifest, hence the name Trump Derangement Syndrome. This isn't fully accurate, as the "symptoms" of TDS are in fact part of a deliberate strategy executed by a master persuader. It's a bit like thinking anthrax is a naturally occurring disease rather than a bioweapon. That's why I prefer the term Trump Derangement Attack; it implies a vulnerability in the opposing forces - in this case, losing perspective regarding racism - that is deliberately exploited to devastating effect. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jun 13, 2018, 6:29:55 PM
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If I was President, Jim Acosta would be sent to Guantanamo Bay, and be "interrogated " for the next several years for the shit he pulled. That is mind blowing that some psychotic liberal actually tried to sabatoge the denuclearization of North Korea.
Edit: actually I would the add Jim Acosta to the denuclearization deal, and send him to the dear leader in North Korea hogtied in a bow. Last edited by Khoranth#3239 on Jun 13, 2018, 6:38:17 PM
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" Sure if you mean liberals don't have other objectiVES such as human rights and not letting North Korea dictator stay in power. That is mind boggling. EDIT Last edited by deathflower#0444 on Jun 14, 2018, 9:40:00 AM
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" Ehh, I'd pull his press pass. Let CNN replace him with someone more honest and less unhinged. Outbursts have a place, and it's not in the moments as serious as these. Also, can we set a distinction between alt-left regressive authoritarians and liberals? Liberalism isn't the insanity that we see today, it's far from it, and it has been hijacked by loons. The truth is, most of the "right wing" people here are probably slightly left on center on a political compass and would have been considered "liberals" 30 years ago. Multi-Demi Winner Very Good Kisser Alt-Art Alpha’s Howl Winner Former Dominus Multiboxer Last edited by Manocean#0852 on Jun 13, 2018, 7:43:07 PM
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" Source? |
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" We already have precedence for this (in the court of public opinion) or is attempting to undermine peace less offensive than Planet of the Apes? Oh, who am I kidding, of course it is! " You’re probably right. I identify openly as a conservative liberal (and you thought you were oppressed, 100% of the political spectrum hates me), although the roots of my conservativism are founded in, what I would describe as, abject terror at a growing trend towards disregard for responsibility and abandonment of liberty in favor of a more secure zoo. Fuck that. Fuck that verily. Devolving Wilds
Land “T, Sacrifice Devolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card and reveal it. Then shuffle your library.” |
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