" Fake news Reporter. GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
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"Are you implying James Comey was a Trump stooge? Because (although I'm admittedly not done reading yet) the main thing I'm seeing is the IG painting Comey as a power-hungry, insubordinate, reckless (but nonpartisan) Deep State shitbag. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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Freedom is simple. Anything you want. It's the natural state of every human until someone takes it. Imagine you are Robinson Crusoe alone on an Island - you have unlimited Freedom. You can smoke weed. Sleep till noon. Run around naked. whatever.
Then Someone comes along and says hey it's better we don't try and kill one another so we can live together so laws against murder come about. So murder is against the law. Then some loser comes who doesnt want to pick coconuts and wants you to pick them for him to eat thats a democrat. I look at dims as anti freedom party. Basically everthing they do from taxes which is basically theft and slavery to regs on business which is putting thier nose where it dont belong. They are the Free Shit Party. But thats unsustainable. Only thing I disagree with republicans on is immigration. Should have unlimited immigration. Thats Freedom. And as a bonus - destroy the Karl Marx welfare state once and for all. Starve the beast? nah - just overwhelm it. Chamber of Commerce Republicans like myself understand thats the only way. Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Jun 15, 2018, 1:48:29 AM
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"That's pretty close to my understanding of it. However, if freedom is not being told what to do, and laws are telling people what to do under threat of legal penalty, then the only way a law can create more freedom is if what it tells people to do (or refrain from doing) prevents a greater quantity of those people telling people what to do - in other words, the only good laws (by a freedom metric) are those that prevent more law than they themselves are. I don't see how you can possibly reconcile this with the idea that freedom is independent from economic system. Perhaps economic system is not the sole component of freedom -- well, in a strict sense everything freedom applies to is economic if one considers human time as currency, but what you clearly mean by "economic" is in terms of markets, and trade isn't everything. But trade is an important thing, and thus I maintain that capitalism is more free than both socialism and communism. Any country on that list of yours that isn't capitalist could be even freer if it embraced capitalism. " "I'm assuming this constitutes proof that you're not actually for unlimited migration. I mean, if the guy is saying "let me in so I can kill you" then I'm assuming that's the fellow whose immigration you'd limit. However, there's a deeper problem here: we recognize that not every killer is a problem, and not every problem is a killer. For example, that fellow who says he's going to kill people if we let him in hasn't necessarily killed anyone yet, but the threat is enough that we might reasonably say that saying you're going to kill someone (without due cause) is unlawful. At the same time, the law enforcement officer who says "I'm going to kill you if you kill her" isn't breaking the law in making that threat, nor is he a criminal for following through with the threat if the danger to her life is imminent - even if her death is prevented. We don't live in a world where law consistently says all forms of killing are illegal; if we did, killers would know they wouldn't be killed in return, and they'd (at least partially) ignore such a law. There's all kinds of things that in truth make someone a credible threat of murder, short of that person actually murdering someone. There's also lots of things people of good intentions and misplaced belief could argue are indicators of such a murderous threat, mixed in with those legitimate concerns: cocaine use, firearm ownership, promotion of a "dangerous" ideology, and so on. You can't shoot back if you're dead, so physical defense, by its very nature, is more about what violence people are expected to do in the future than the violence they've committed previously - indeed, the notion that a killer is more likely to kill again is fundamental to the moral justification for his persecution. What constitutes an increased threat, and at what level of threat lethal retaliation is justified, are very much prone to subjective interpretation, and arguably inherently a subjective interpretation. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jun 15, 2018, 2:18:32 AM
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I dont think Democrats actually want people to get free welfare and not work.. that is just a temporary measure to gain power.
Once (if) the Democrats gain enough power, the goal is to enslave people into a drone-like mindless 40 hour work week where everyone (except Democrats and their friends/donors) make approximately the same amount of money. Their idea is to use fear of failure, and hard times, to get people to hand over control to them (give up freedom), in exchange for guaranteed security. |
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"Is that their goal now? Maybe a few Democrat politicians, but probably not for the vast majority. The thing is, current goals are irrelevant. Politicians die, retire, or resign; new blood comes in. As a result, while the plan might not change that quickly, the goal will inevitably change... and the more power is concentrated in fewer hands, the more corrupting it will become. So eventually, you'll probably be right. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jun 15, 2018, 10:51:32 AM
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" Okay. No. Just no. I try to keep out of this thread at this point. It's bad for my head. But every now and then morbid curiosity compels me to dip back in and see what the latest stupidity is, so here I am, and what do I see? This cancerous horseshit. No. Absolutely not. Not letting this moose piss stand. Let's get one thing straight, "Republicans". NOBODY IS ASKING YOU TO GIVE UP YOUR FREEDOMS You want to know what the 'Welfare" you all hate so very, very much - so much you voted a gibbering incompetent bigoted asshole into the Presidency just to hurt it - is supposed to be? You want to know what the Evil Horrible Socialism you're all terrified will turn us into a 1984 gestapo state is? Do you want to know what actual human beings consider it to be? Well, as the Rock is known to say, IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU WANT, because I'm going to tell you. "Welfare' is everybody paying a pittance into a single collective pool of funds whose job is to catch people that fall. That's it. Nobody's trying to bleed you dry. Nobody's trying to brainjack you into being an underpaid underfed miserable corporate wageslave (unless you count THE ACTUAL CORPORATIONS, but the Repubs are the ones handing the reins over to them so we'll leave that alone for now). Nobody's trying to Destroy The American Way. Nobody's trying to strip away your freedoms. Pay the next best thing to nothing into the Shit Happens pool. Everybody else does the same. If Shit Happens to you, the pool is there to help you out and get you back on your feet. If shit doesn't happen to you? Hurray! But you can sleep easier at night knowing that if shit does happen to you, the Shit Happens pool has your back. That's what welfare is supposed to be. That's what the Evil Dirty Thieving Cheating LIBERALS want - a society in which Shit Happening, completely out of your control, is not a FUCKING DEATH SENTENCE. Get your self-righteous, self-entitled 'MY MUNNEY IS MIEN AND YEW CAN'T HAVE IT!" bullshit out of my life. You want to pay for services, right? That's Fair(TM)? SOmeone does something for you, you pay them for it? All right. The government is a fucking service. It provides the playing field in which all your beloved corporate sharkmen can proceed to fuck everyone else out of every last dollar they've got. They ensure to the best of their ability that you don't get murdered in the street because you've got a nice jacket and the other guy has a nice knife he wants to show you. The government codifies and enforces The American Way you're so gung-fucking-ho on living, and if there was no government to do so, there would be no American Way. Don't like the service? Get into the polls and vote for someone whose offered services sound better to you - but be prepared for the rest of the country to disagree with your ass-backwards, ultra selfish prepper bunker bullshit. Pay your taxes so you can have things like roads and laws and Japanese electronics imports and an army between you and China and other Useful Shit. Pay your pittance into the welfare pool so that if your corporate overlords decide to lay you off because they give not a single shit about your life and you can't find work despite your documented best efforts, you don't fucking starve to death. You live in America. You purport to be proud of that fact, Proud To Be Murican. All right, be proud. And then pay your fair fucking share like everyone else. Being American has a club membership fee. Being American comes with some legal and fiscal obligations, which go towards all those Good Things people like about being American. Stop fucking arguing over paying your membership fee and PAY YOUR GODDAMNED MEMBERSHIP FEE. If you tried this shit with your local bowling league or sportsman's club or anything else they'd throw your dirty ass out; why should the United States of America be any different? |
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" Good point. I think it would be more correct to say it is the "behind the scenes" goal of the billionaire donors who control the Demo |
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" I dispute this. Every time they ask for a “pittance” it makes me poorer, but because I work 50+ hours a week I always make just barely enough to qualify for nothing. That is wage slavery. " I don’t normally do this (to people I like) but... LOL " No. Get your self-righteous, self-entitled YOUR MONEY IS MINE NOW FORK IT OVER I NEED ANOTHER SMARTPHONE bullshit out of my life. For fucks sake laser, hypocrisy much? How hard is it for you to understand that social safety nets are only a good idea when our politicians aren’t corrupt. Are you disputing corruption on one side but not the other? That’s what it looks like. Brainwashed spoon-fed horse shit. Baseline survival wellfare is a fine idea, but only when a) administration is efficient and responsible and b) people aren’t rewarded for fucking up. Let’s not forget the worst and most offensive bastardization of wellfare, the corporate variety. Where we dump billions into a bonfire of an industry in hopes that all that tax money will suffocate the fire. We do it for the children, right? What about all those innocent employees who didn’t tank their industry? Won’t somebody please think of their children!? Fuck off, I’ve got one of my own, and every bank you bail out is another college degree she can’t get. Devolving Wilds
Land “T, Sacrifice Devolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card and reveal it. Then shuffle your library.” |
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@ScrotieMcB Obviously you can't let criminals in or those with intent. When I say "unlimited" I mean law abiding unlimited. The issue with system way it is (blind eye) we have no way to check. We need to increase legal immigration like many plans before congress to check all comers.
@1453R No one starved in the streets before all this social welfare. You wont find one case even in great depression because charity took over for those truly in need. In fact GINI index was lower before it too and when government was tiny and stuck to just enumerated powers. Reason being is those corporate giants you rail on now only have to buy off politicians- a few at local level, dozen at state level, few hundred at federal level, for their profits and thus made an oligarchy. More you have govt do worse off most people are to extremes like USSR and Venezuela today where only party hacks and their benefactors get paid everyone else will be in misery and destitution. Whereas before they had to appeal to every American for their profit. And that meant treating them well and having good citizenship. Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Jun 15, 2018, 1:48:04 PM
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