[3.3] Inpulsa's Fury

Added Shaper and Chimera fights.
(noob) Could you explain the process of how this build works. Ive never seen shield charge do that much dmg or are you casting blade flurry in between ?
Drshotgunz wrote:
(noob) Could you explain the process of how this build works. Ive never seen shield charge do that much dmg or are you casting blade flurry in between ?

Usually shield charge is used just for movement and has gem links for speed/utility. I have damage supports for shield charge. Does this answer your question?
Kind of, just from the videos it looks like shield charge is doing a ton of damage.

I guess I was wondering when im running this, am I more dependent on shield charge or blade flurry for damage.

I have it running it just seems when I stop I die pretty quick depending on the circumstances.
Drshotgunz wrote:
Kind of, just from the videos it looks like shield charge is doing a ton of damage.

I guess I was wondering when im running this, am I more dependent on shield charge or blade flurry for damage.

I have it running it just seems when I stop I die pretty quick depending on the circumstances.

Shield charge for aoe, flurry for single target.
Last edited by dvs_m0rph#4605 on Jan 23, 2018, 10:32:27 PM
Thanks for the build!

This is one of the most entertaining play styles I've had in a while.

Have you tried using abyss jewels to scale with flat lightning damage instead of using regular jewels? If so what's the verdict?
Last edited by JayChow#7831 on Jan 24, 2018, 1:09:38 AM
Your confusion might me that it's note the shield charge killing all the mobs at the same time, that is the explosion coming from the chest piece, the he puts support gems in the chest that enhance the blade flurry and the explosion at the same time. Hence all the monster exploding.
Last edited by murilomm192#5438 on Jan 24, 2018, 5:42:55 AM
murilomm192 wrote:
Your confusion might me that it's note the shield charge killing all the mobs at the same time, that is the explosion coming from the chest piece, the he puts support gems in the chest that enhance the blade flurry and the explosion at the same time. Hence all the monster exploding.

Support gems don't affect explosions
JayChow wrote:

Have you tried using abyss jewels to scale with flat lightning damage instead of using regular jewels? If so what's the verdict?

Abyss jewels don't boost explosions
dvs_m0rph wrote:
murilomm192 wrote:
Your confusion might me that it's note the shield charge killing all the mobs at the same time, that is the explosion coming from the chest piece, the he puts support gems in the chest that enhance the blade flurry and the explosion at the same time. Hence all the monster exploding.

Support gems don't affect explosions

Are you sure about that? Last I remember (from Obliteration/Occultist explosion chaining) the support gems of the skill used to kill the exploding monster carry over to the explosion, hence why people used AoE and Poison+VoidManip support gems with Obliteration builds in the past. Did they change that, or does it work differently with Inpulsas?
IGN Iiyoru (Ambush League)

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