[3.3] Inpulsa's Fury

DLimited wrote:
dvs_m0rph wrote:
murilomm192 wrote:
Your confusion might me that it's note the shield charge killing all the mobs at the same time, that is the explosion coming from the chest piece, the he puts support gems in the chest that enhance the blade flurry and the explosion at the same time. Hence all the monster exploding.

Support gems don't affect explosions

Are you sure about that? Last I remember (from Obliteration/Occultist explosion chaining) the support gems of the skill used to kill the exploding monster carry over to the explosion, hence why people used AoE and Poison+VoidManip support gems with Obliteration builds in the past. Did they change that, or does it work differently with Inpulsas?

I don't have anything to proof it, but it is not a skill, just an effect, so it should not get supported. As for Obliteration - what support gems do you expect on an AOE chaos-poison build?
Last edited by dvs_m0rph#4605 on Jan 24, 2018, 9:31:11 AM
Hey i loved your QotF build and i was wondering, what would be a good shield to replace lycosidae since it's so expensive? Would Esh's mirror be a viable replacement?
Loving this build.

Respecced my ele wild striker into this at 93, instant fun. Great feel, super zoomy, punchy single target.

Some early comments:

- Have you considered Elder helmets for shield charge instead of the essence gloves? Something like this lets you have 2 more links including faster attacks, and frees the glove spot. It's not like Starkonja is irreplaceable either.

For the moment I'm running (Charge, EDwA,) FA and Fortify in there, but I guess there are others worth considering. Your setup is sorta too fast for me to control properly anyway (with pots up), so I'm not feeling much of a slowdown.
I'm not quite sure on what to do with the glove spot yet, but just leaving it open for a generic life/resist/as rare is a breath of fresh air as I was struggling pretty hard to cap resists without gg jewels like yours.
One option for the long game would be to start corrupting gloves for +1 to gems and putting auras there, which is +2 levels and a bit less reservation (ie emulating your lvl4 en*s with my pleb lvl3s, and you getting a lvl26 herald).

- On shields, as asked above: not a fan of Lyco here - sure, it does a lot of work when you're at the gear level you are, but trying to start from there is pretty rough. I've ran a bit with a generic rare shield, which eases the strain on the rest of the non-unique stuff a lot.
Esh's Mirror could definitely pull some serious work in there, although I suspect you specifically don't really need the damage and value the consistency more. (note that the freeing of the glove spot would mean you could get a good acc roll on there which should help a non-Lyco setup with the missing).
Another option would be Magna Eclipsis, ideally corrupted for +1, which would make for a very mean HoT - up to lvl 30! (I guess you can't really put Wrath in there too unless changes are made elsewhere).
Otherwise, an Elder rare with increased AoE and %life is always nice.
I'm proud I made the build that got hotfix nerfed by 80% in under a week :
Kamikaze Clones /1204796 (LL Mirror Arrow Instability Prolif)
FryingFisj wrote:
Hey i loved your QotF build and i was wondering, what would be a good shield to replace lycosidae since it's so expensive? Would Esh's mirror be a viable replacement?

Just a rare shield with life and lightning damage or attack speed should be fine. Resists if needed. Esh's can be fine too. Check this nice currency farming guide by Engineering Eternity
Last edited by dvs_m0rph#4605 on Jan 25, 2018, 9:50:49 AM
PepprmintButler wrote:
Loving this build.

Respecced my ele wild striker into this at 93, instant fun. Great feel, super zoomy, punchy single target.

Shaper helmet seems decent if speed is not a priority. It can be insane if it has enchant and essence crafted. I've spent 10-20 ex trying to make something similar for one of my other builds, got some nice helmets for sale, but nothing i was looking for.
Jewels with lightning damage + life + all res should be 20-30c.
When i was just starting this build - i played around with Doryani's Fist. It's pretty fun too. 6l shield charge in armor and Dominus slam for single target. I think i had about 750k non shaper single target with it (Conc-Added Light-Ruthless-EDwA). It was very fun slamming bosses, but overall weaker and slower than Hyaon's. It does however open up a possibility for CoMK-Arc in open maps.

This is an update a couple days in the build. Loving the clear speed/damage so far. Haven't tried higher tier maps/shaper yet but I'm looking forward to it!
Have you guys seen latest Mathil's build with Doryani's Fist? Similar concept but soo much meh compared to this :-). I'm playing morph's build and I'm having a blast - so much fun! Great dps, great clear, great speed. My favourite build this league. Can recommend 100%.
what would be your reccomendation to level when the new league starts in march skillwise if raider stays the way it is now when the ascendancy changes happen?

my guess would be frostblades?
I saw this build a while ago, and I'm super excited to finally respec. I've been dying to use Inpulsa's ever since it was revealed, and this seems like a great build for it. :)
Lightzorzz wrote:
what would be your reccomendation to level when the new league starts in march skillwise if raider stays the way it is now when the ascendancy changes happen?

my guess would be frostblades?

There is "PoB of suggested leveling build" in the guide. Frost Blades would work well too.

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