When is Incursion Being Added to the Core Game?

Fantastic news, exiles!
Paldamus wrote:
ExoduSS_ wrote:
Paldamus wrote:
Umm but at 2,5 months you have 9 challenges... how did you play the league? Imo GGG should be vary of taking suggestions from people that obviously did not experience much of the league and hence don't really have a solid perspective.

I pushed to 100 this league with only 14 challenges. # of challenges is completely irrelevant.

Nah it ain't. Pushing to 100 is irrelevant actually, because the challenges show how much you participated (to an extent) in the actual league mechanics, because a lot of the challenges revolve around them.

You can push to 100, without ever touching incursions once, so you've got it backwards :D

Except I literally did every incursion I found
ACGIFT wrote:
ExoduSS_ wrote:
I pushed to 100 this league with only 14 challenges. # of challenges is completely irrelevant.

You hit 100 but only had 14, which means you, y'know, largely skipped the league content, and just played it like Standard for the most part.

While not a perfect measure, yeah, challenge numbers are a bit of an indicator of how much of the league content a player has experienced. (at least up to 36 or so; past then it's mostly a matter of completness, or RNG on the "Use these devices" challenge)

And the core point does remain: overall broad suggestions from less-experienced players should be ignored. No matter how smart they may be, if they don't have much expertise, their suggestions will be well-meaning-but-misguided at best.

They should, however, be listened to when it comes to how content feels for the newbies. But that perspective should always be kept, and remembering that they're still players that have yet to "Git Gud," and hence they have no experience that grants bearing on how the game actually is for the high-end. (where balance is actually critical)

Though it's also worth noting that the OTHER SIDE of that criticism wasn't justified: while only at 9/40, that player did have real valid questions. And of COURSE they can tell whether it was the most fun they'd had so far, since after all, the frame of reference is their own experience.

As everyone that pushed for 100, I did every incursion, as they are insane for map sustain. I also did 100+ t16 temples, but whatever, challenges are completely meaningless
Paldamus wrote:
CreatorXM wrote:
So how exactly is it gonna work then? Will Alva simply be another forsaken master randomly showing up instead of any of the other 7 offering you temporal incursions untill you find the true temple like it was now? Or will she have a chance of spawning alongside other masters in the same area? Or maybe there will just be random portals like with Eternal-Lab trials to kind of avoid the whole 2-masters-spawning thing...

I don't really care how it'll be solved to be honest, I'm just glad it'll make it into the core game, one of the most fun leagues I've seen/played so far

Umm but at 2,5 months you have 9 challenges... how did you play the league? Imo GGG should be vary of taking suggestions from people that obviously did not experience much of the league and hence don't really have a solid perspective.

Don't think you have to worry about GGG taking advice from non-elites very seriously. Otherwise they wouldn't be so blind to very common criticism of the league by representatives of the great masses. Putting this speed-runner into the core game shows, again, that they value the views of the top 1% a great deal more than the rest. Which is why I'm sad about this whole development, and much more wary about how Delve will be implemented, and of course beyond when they put incursion into the core game.

It's just sad to see so clearly that decisions are made on the basis of what the "whales" think. Whether one likes incursions or not, I think it should be possible to understand that viewpoint.
Im glad u are saying "we wont do this soon,we need time". Cause u rly need time with all this new leagues..:) No need in hurry and mistakes from this hurriness o.O
Good plan!
dachoppa wrote:
thanks for not just dumping it into the core game and take the time to properly fit it in.

ya I agree, really good to hear its staying, even more happy to hear youre willing to hold content back for a cycle to make the changes needed so that it doesnt go to core in a compromised state where it could well just be left to fester in its mediocrity.

I feel like we have the leagues which in theory test run content, but theres been a pattern of the content being tested, found to have issues... and then nothing is done with the issues found, it just sort of gets stuffed into core and its on to the next thing or its abandoned like beast and talisman which really could have a place in the game given the right changes.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)

So if Delve turns out to be horrible, the rest of the league will be standard, with nothing in maps.

"but you may need to wait until 3.5.0 for a ****RELIABLE*** way to double-corrupt items."

I see, I wonder what UNreliable methods they will introduce in Delve.
Disappointed that u gonna give standard players even more powerful items,
I hoped it was league only mechanic,
But that's your decision.
@ ExodusSS

You're 39 challs not 14 tho so what r u talking about? U mean by the time u got to 100, u had 14? Besides what does that have to do with that other 9 challenge guy who obviously hasn't played the league if he has 9 by the end of it. I don't think he pushed 100 or anything, so your example doesn't really mean that this other guy's advice should be taken into consideration by GGG.

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