When is Incursion Being Added to the Core Game?

Pangaearocks wrote:
Paldamus wrote:
CreatorXM wrote:
So how exactly is it gonna work then? Will Alva simply be another forsaken master randomly showing up instead of any of the other 7 offering you temporal incursions untill you find the true temple like it was now? Or will she have a chance of spawning alongside other masters in the same area? Or maybe there will just be random portals like with Eternal-Lab trials to kind of avoid the whole 2-masters-spawning thing...

I don't really care how it'll be solved to be honest, I'm just glad it'll make it into the core game, one of the most fun leagues I've seen/played so far

Umm but at 2,5 months you have 9 challenges... how did you play the league? Imo GGG should be vary of taking suggestions from people that obviously did not experience much of the league and hence don't really have a solid perspective.

Don't think you have to worry about GGG taking advice from non-elites very seriously. Otherwise they wouldn't be so blind to very common criticism of the league by representatives of the great masses. Putting this speed-runner into the core game shows, again, that they value the views of the top 1% a great deal more than the rest. Which is why I'm sad about this whole development, and much more wary about how Delve will be implemented, and of course beyond when they put incursion into the core game.

It's just sad to see so clearly that decisions are made on the basis of what the "whales" think. Whether one likes incursions or not, I think it should be possible to understand that viewpoint.

I do agree that the masses viewpoint should be taken into consideration, when talking about early game... but cmon now. I don't think a guy who has 9 challs by the end of the league is "an average player". That's a guy who didn't play the league at all.
Please make the timer more scaling with level, so that they are more accessible for all kind of build early on.
They can stay the same in yellow+ maps, it's fine I guess ( altho it's still very unfair for many builds compared to fotm/meta/opop builds), but please allow people to actually get to experience it with most builds from early on.

I wish the Omnitect was more accessible to really close combat melee characters too ... because it's pretty retarded how much of a difference there is between a ranged, and a close combat melee char in this case, really.
But I'm not holding my breath there :(.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Aug 14, 2018, 12:28:10 PM
IMO Incursion is the best expansion (league) that GGG has developed to date. It would be a real crime not to include it in the core game. I don't mind waiting until December for that to happen. Meanwhile, I'll play Delve and see where that goes.
Keep up the great work GGG !!!
Does this mean that everything else will have to share spawns with this?

I mean, will we see less Vaal Side Areas, Breeches, and Abyss, because of adding this?

Right now, BReach and Abyss aren't super rare, but I don't think that I've seen a vaal side area since one of my first Tier 1 Maps on my current char.
Yes! I was hoping this would come to pass! One happy Standard player here! :D
Didn't really care for the temple stuff. the 15 or so seconds trying to rush through it was boring and only viable for characters that are super fast. I only work the temple for the loot rooms and the uni exchange after that I move on. No reason to spend so long in an area that offers little to no reward.
shoju wrote:
Does this mean that everything else will have to share spawns with this?

I mean, will we see less Vaal Side Areas, Breeches, and Abyss, because of adding this?

Right now, BReach and Abyss aren't super rare, but I don't think that I've seen a vaal side area since one of my first Tier 1 Maps on my current char.

Didn't Vaal side areas only spawn in the 10 acts? I don't recall seeing any at all in maps, ever.
I know that I had one early on in mapping.

It might have been from an "Old" map, that I had sitting in the stash, though.

If they don't spawn in maps, they should. It's not like they were nearly as hard now as they were when they originally came out.
shoju wrote:
I know that I had one early on in mapping.

It might have been from an "Old" map, that I had sitting in the stash, though.

If they don't spawn in maps, they should. It's not like they were nearly as hard now as they were when they originally came out.

They don't spawn in maps, and never have. It was one of the main complaints about sacrifice of the vaal.

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