[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly
We reserve arround ~70% of our mana and we take 10% MoM from last acendancy. Don't you run into problems when being hit hard and not having enough mana for totems? Thanks Edit: I just read last post about my exact question. What acendancy did you respected into? Last edited by Padashuruar#7857 on Oct 12, 2018, 12:50:34 PM
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" Hello :-) I did a quick review on your gear and passiv tree. Looks great so far! But: you can change the very right jewel socket (behind the 4% projectile damage notes) to the jewel socket above the note "sentinel" -> by switching to this socket you get 4% projectile damage increase for free. Minor things: -You can get a bit of extra damage with the correct boot enchantments (120 crit increase OR 10% damage penetration). -Try to get a Yoke of suffering with +X% attack speed -I think you don´t need a mana flask in your setup -> the mana reg is quite good in this build (and the hiero ascendency). I would recommend a quatz flask with anti curse and increased duration. -try to get a watcher´s eye for very deep delve mines (double grace roll) -> see more in the "jewel" chapter of this guide. -to increase the AoE you can craft your own +1 arror Chin Sol. An additional projectile feels great in delve mines and at map clearing. (buy a chin sol base with the +1 arrow corruption and craft it with vorici level 8 yourself. I vaaled 50 chin sols -> didn´t get the +1 arrow. then I bought a "base" with the +1 and crafted it with vorici myself -> production costs were about 13.5ex for my bow. (because it will cost a ton of vaal orbs to craft corrupted items). -If you feel the need to get more life -> respec the "celestial triangle" on the very left side and fill up the "life wheel" with the 5 points. Hope I could help. Cheers :-) |
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" Hello buddy, I took out "Divine Guidance" and skilled the free point into the 20% mana reg note. Feels much better in deep delve depths :-) Cheers |
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" Thank you so much Luna :) You're best! |
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" Hi there, I just added this in the guide. happy weekend Cheers |
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Still loving this build, just hit 92 last night.
Two things I want to point out is that it's almost impossible to acquire the Helm and Chest with those insane corruptions to get the max damage. The other thing, is that resists are kind of hard to cap (at least it was for me). But other than that, from the gear I have now, I was able to easily kill Red Elder and his guardians FAST, and T15's really fast! T16's I tried Phoenix, and he completely wrecked me. That was when I was around level 87 or so, I'll try them again shortly. |
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" Try to acquire the expensive gear step by step > Rank based on importance : 1. +2 Helm (It's our main deeps booster so this is the first ) (What i did was to buy "The Vision of ice and fire" (30-33c) and make my own Frostferno and corrupt it. Got it in my 7th. Non brick frostferno can be sold for 25-28c). It's cheaper than buying. 2. Lv21 Elemental hit ( This here is a killer ) 3. I choose to use Elder boots instead of Gang's Momentum. Moar life :) 4. 40% increased dmg Kaom's Heart i rather buy the chest right from someone becoz gambling on the card is too risky. Got it for 14exalts. Hope this helps :) Good luck with the Phoenix fight. Just spam totem then phase run. |
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Hi, Thanks for the build guide, i have managed to do all the content in the game with it apart from elder, have not tried it yet, and im pretty useless at the game tbh. I had to learn the shaper fight and watched your vid too, i killed him deathless in the end but not as quick, missing a few corruptions on chest and helm. made a few opal rings myself to save cash and the rest was pretty cheap if you farm a kaoms, also i corrupted a few skirmish and got point blank on one. I watched you Chimera fight and that helped, i had no idea he was hiding in them smoke clouds lol.
I have an arc build for farming maps but i love loading this dude in when a boss pisses me off haha. |
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I just killed Uber Elder, and except few one-shots in bad timed situations it was pretty fast. Even with my not completed (min-maxed) gear. My first ever uber elder, as well.
Anyway i am deciding to stay at Divide Guidance in ascendancy, because i think it's sometimes helpfull (if u put totem, and sec / two sec, do not attack) it saves me few times. I tried to switch only to mana regen and it goes badly, so i respecced back to Divine Guidance By the way, in 4L i am deciding (now i have blasphemy, enfeeble and enlighten (LvL3) to put there Enhance Gem lvl4, because it helps even more to reach curse effectivness (more than empower, with less mana reserved). Because on Enfeeble it's better to get quality. I have 20/23q and it works great. Imagine +24% Quality from Enhance LvL4. Problem is just too low mana then, about 100, which is, pretty low. So probably gonna look further on to this and let you know later, if i get idea how to resolve this. Anyway i today bought Yoke of Suffering with +1 curse, another milestone should be Tombfists with Elemental weakness on hit probably // or Temporal Chains, which should be pretty useful in delve, but elemental weakness aswell, cuz then, i can't imagine how i should one shot everything, even on T16 maps. At all, i got crappy jewel from Uber Elder. Gonna F##K him again.:) |
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" Still looking for an answer to this. Read a bit up on the internet and supposedly we do not benefit at all from the dmg bonus of ailments since YOU don't inflict those ailments, your totems do. And since our dmg is from amultitude of small quick hits we should barely be able to shock big bosses :( Would need a 600k crit to inflict a meaningful 15% shock on shaper, and if you are throwing out 600k crits on a regular basis with 5 totems you might as well get biscos since a shaper phase will maybe take like 3 seconds tops, and evrth else will be fine red mist before your flasks and vaal grace run off Last edited by Vallenhael#6590 on Oct 13, 2018, 10:55:35 AM
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