
it'll never be suggestion 2, that'll effectively be two auras in one gem.

first suggestion is a bit lacking, flask boosting aura? nice and unique but confusing and not nearly as strong as you'd might think.

while i would LOVE vitality to have a stronger regen, keep in mind about righteous fire or blood rage the two self degen skills. don't forget about inner force, although that also applies to the other two auras you mentioned.

lets think of it this way, vitality sounds like it gives life right? it does that via regen, but for a buff, lets add a boost to maximum life instead of strengthening the regen. either an "increased" of 4% to 32% or a "more" of flat 10% sounds appropriate. although i suppose others would still want at least a up to 2% hp/sec for the regen...
Last edited by soul4hdwn#0698 on Feb 13, 2013, 3:38:37 PM
Does anybody use this? Determination and Purity are about six to eight times as useful. Hell, even Haste is better.

Suggestion: Add a flat regeneration effect on top of the % life regeneration. 5 bonus life regeneration at level one, 75 bonus regeneration at level 20. That would mean that a level 70 maurader with 5000 health would have around 150 bonus regeneration from getting this skill, and would take 33 seconds to regenerate back to full life.
Formula used:
Regen = 3+1.5n+.1n(n+1)
Last edited by glovedust#4039 on Feb 16, 2013, 4:27:53 AM
It might not be a terrible idea to add some health percentage to it, in addition to its regeneration (which needs to be much higher.)

Maybe .5% health per level, with some added flat regeneration and percentage regeneration. It is called "Vitality," after all...
This skill is pretty useless, even for those who stack insane hp nodes. You can accomplish the same effect with a few well placed passive nodes, which are going to be near the %hp nodes you are already getting if you stack hp, and not have to reserve so much mana.

My suggestion would be to either boost the regen % per rank, or lower the reserved % by about half.
the mana reserved for this aura should be 25-30%, not 40%. 1.5% Life Reg is not really 40% mana worthy.

I would not increase the amount of life reg.
IGN: kReiZy
Last edited by sYkoDe4d#0481 on Feb 24, 2013, 12:57:08 PM
at max level it grants as much life regen as one single passive. i would really like to build a minion templar with this which would be the perfect strategy in theory but 1,5% is so incredibly litle... for this small benefit it is maybe worth 10-20% mana reserved but not more for sure
This is skill is far outclassed by a rejuvenation totem, makes it hardly worth the 40% mana reserve. If the regeneration was greater maybe I would consider using it.
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Civenge wrote:
This skill is pretty useless, even for those who stack insane hp nodes. You can accomplish the same effect with a few well placed passive nodes

What he said, a lvl 7 marauder will have 1.9% hp of regen, that's more then vitality lvl 19. The effect of the aura at its best is equal to a single node that is not even hard to get and all this for 40% of your mana, that's ridiculous.
The 1.5% regen from vitality = same thing as troll's blood/golem's blood passive? Or does it have a different mechanic from the two?
Last edited by Zealflare#7547 on Mar 3, 2013, 9:08:02 PM
Vitality is probably the only 40% reservation aura in the game that is severely underpowered. At level 20, Vitality gives 1.55% life regen. That is pretty much equivalent to only 1 passive node on the skill tree (Troll's Blood). Yes, an aura that takes up 40% of your globe, only saves you 1 passive point...... Now, if you take a look at the other 40% reservation auras, you'll see that they give vastly more benefits for 40% reservation at level 20:


1) Purity gives 27% elemental resists and 4% increased MAX resists at level 20. Even with the best passive nodes on the entire skill tree, you would need about 3 passive points in order to match the benefits of Purity = 2x Diamond Skin (15% elemental resists each), and 1x Elemental Adaptation (5% increased max resists).

2) Haste gives 7% move speed, 14% cast speed, and 14% attack speed at level 20. To make it a bit more fair, let's just assume you'll be using either the cast speed or the attack speed. But even then, with the best passive nodes on the entire skill tree, you would need about 3 passive points in order to match the benefits of Haste = 1x Celerity (8% move speed), 1x Nimbleness (6% Cast Speed), and 1x Prestidigitation (6% cast speed).

3) Determination gives 51% more armour at level 20. Even with the best passive nodes on the entire skill tree, you would need about 2 passive points in order to match the benefits of Determination = 2x Iron Skin (30% increased armour each).

I don't know if the devs specifically nerfed Vitality, or if they made a glaring oversight, but Vitality in its current state is simply underpowered.


(1) Double or triple the life regen (3%-4.5% at level 20)
(2) Lower the reservation cost from 40% down to 30% or 25%
(3) As some others have suggested, add an increasing flat +life regen per gem level.
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Last edited by rrtson#7791 on Mar 5, 2013, 2:56:55 AM

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